The online racing simulator
No flying tyres
(44 posts, started )
Just watching the 1996 Italian GP and was reminded of this thread. Hakkinen clips the untethered tyres and sends 2 of them rolling out onto the track. Luckily avoided by all drivers but a dangerous hazard nonetheless. I reckon they should be removed from LFS entirely, unless they're only placed for safety, to contain a car that goes off the track (though that might end up in more chaos with our current collision model/detection).
Attached images
-1. but how about once the tire is hit it doesn't come back. that corner will be without tires. I'd like LFS to have a black flag no cutting rule for this.
Quote from Zachary Zoomy :I'd like LFS to have a black flag no cutting rule for this.

Automatic black flags don't work. You might accidently cut the track. Black flag is a quite drastic measure, therefore it shouldn't be automatically given.
#29 - Woz
I think tie them down so they move a bit when hit but that is it. Any car that hits them would then be stopped.

At present you have the situation that once the tyres are "taken out" from an impact it leave the path open for people to cut corners which is then what happens.

Making it that hitting them normally stopped you and caused damage from teh impact would make people drive more as they would IRL. The more risks that your race is over when you off the better, the new "no car reset" in the test patch is great and adds loads of "risk" to the race.
Quote from deggis :Feels weird how low priority this whole collision detection seems to have on devs' to do list... regarding that it has so huge effect on online play, everytime you touch a tyre or other car there's chance of getting a free flight ticket to moon.

I think the collision system just balances things - there are also loads of crashes that you leave in perfectly fine condition, but if the damage model was complete, your car would be totally undriveable

There is no safety! They are hazards that you need to deal with. Tires aren't used as safety stacks very often in the game, those should be tied down. Ones that are stopping cutting at chicanes are working well.

The ky bumps should have a moat(no water) around them. A depression before the speed bump would ruin the suspension much more. Or maybe just bigger bumps.
#32 - col
Quote from deggis :...Feels weird how low priority this whole collision detection seems to have on devs' to do list... regarding that it has so huge effect on online play, everytime you touch a tyre or other car there's chance of getting a free flight ticket to moon.

Thats interesting... when did Scawen explain that collision detection was low priority? I must have missed that... [/sarcasm]

Do you have any idea how complex a comprehensive collision detection/response system is for this kind of game?
And of course, even if it was easy to do, it wouldn't be released until the next 'incompatible' patch
I don't want to sound like a fanboy here, but I'll try to explain why I think it's being done this way.

Firstly, you need to get the global physics sorted. That means completely ignoring all other cars so that your car drives the way it should.

Secondly, you need to get the netcode ready for handling however many people you intend on allowing per race.

If you worked the collisions before either of these, you'd then have to alter them every time one of the others changed, which would mean relearning every car on every track.

I'd imagine collisions will be on the list once the code is set up to counter the lag from 47 people
Quote from XCNuse :what i do remember him saying about them though is people were told never to stick their faces near the holes or their arms or legs in them because snakes would often live in them after water built up

ROLF, Breaking news: "Driver gets attacked by some snakes after he crashed his car in a tyre barrier"

Now on topic: In the tracks I've seen tyres are tied together for them not to spread in the track, but they are still soft if you crash them (Not like the concrete filled ISI tyrewalls). So +1 from me. The thing is a better collision detection is needed at high speeds for this to work well.
Quote from XCNuse :... i do remember him saying about them though is people were told never to stick their faces near the holes or their arms or legs in them because snakes would often live in them after water built up

Now there's an idea for true improvement..
Quote from Julppu :Now there's an idea for true improvement..

Yes!, we want tyre snakes modelling in LFS in Patch X!
Actually... I wouldn't mind seeing them go.. and replace the apex with a stick, and if you hit the stick, or go inside of it, you get a black flag for cutting... that stops cutting, and keeps to real racing rules... I agree in a real race they would be tied down securely, so they wouldn't come loose for safety... that should be mimicked in lfs.

-1 from me. I like them the way they are. They can provide a laugh too. For example, i was on CLC the other week. I was in my FZ5 trying to pass about 4 Uf1's, but they kept on blocking me, so as we passed the pits coming upto T1, i cut the corner but misjudged it, resulting with me plowing into the tyres. Anyway, it sent the tyres screaming across the track, which then hit all the UF1's making them spin off track. Wish i had a replay, but it was funny

Quote from Lotesdelere :These 'soft' tyres barriers placed in some critical chicanes (Aston, Westhill) are so annoying because the tyres are flying around and rolling all over the track when someone hit them. I haven't seen such thing on a race track since the 50's.
One hour ago my car literally lifted off like a plane on one of these tyres and thus ruined my race.

Keep the 'soft' barriers but please, no flying/rolling tyres anymore

Sorry, but I am going to have to disagree completely. First of all, as others have said, tire walls are used on nearly EVERY race track these days as a safety measure. The walls are excellent at absorbing impact. Also, flying and rolling tyres are REALISTIC. Why would you not want realism in a simulation game? I think the tyre-wall physics are excellent and act very realistically. By the way, if you hit one of these tyres and crash, then tough luck. Debris on the racetrack is all part of racing. You should do your best to avoid it. After all, everytime someone wrecks in real life there is debris which can cut your tires, or cause damage. You're lucky that LFS doesn't also include this aspect in the game!

Have a nice day!
Quote from Venus :Actually... I wouldn't mind seeing them go.. and replace the apex with a stick, and if you hit the stick, or go inside of it, you get a black flag for cutting... that stops cutting, and keeps to real racing rules...

It would be fair to get a black flag because you accidentally cut - forinstance because another car pushed you?

I would instead like to have the current cut detection thingy from HL mode (but should only detect at turns/chicanes) to be available in multiplayer, but something that shows up in statistics as numbers - then organizers could have a look at that driver who made XX amount of cuts, to see if there was anything specious about it.. or just add in the rule that after X amount of cuts, you start getting time penalty.
Quote from Eldanor :Yes!, we want tyre snakes modelling in LFS in Patch X!

Please forgive me, it's my first time ever with GIMP.
EDIT: Well, actually my avatar was the first. This is second.

No flying tyres
(44 posts, started )