TrackIR 6DOF - X Y Z units? [sorted now]
As I was looking in the code where I get the inputs for "look", for another subject, I came across the code where I input the TrackIR values, and was reminded of an old request to add the press button look to the TrackIR input - which I did quickly. Thought I'd better get the TrackIR out to test it - and it worked - but then I thought, maybe I can quickly add the 6DOF support...

Anyway that's in and working but I'm not sure what units to use. The TrackIR outputs values from -16383 to +16383. I at first divided these by 16383 and interpreted it as "metres". But that's too much, the viewpoint moves too much for any lateral movement of my head (the view goes easily outside the car).

I can of course reduce that very simply but I want to use the "correct" values. Does anyone happen to know the conversion from TrackIR values to real world units?
I really think that's down to the developer to decide. I've seen ship sims where trackIR can move you from one end of the bridge to the other, and flightsims where you move a few centimetres. It would also depend on you individual profile sensitivity and acceleration settings. Maybe a master sensitivity slider? The units would largely depend on the distance from the TrackIR sensor to the trackhat as well. If your reflectors are close to the sensor, a large movement to the sensor should transate to a smaller in-game movement. I think the developer will have to make assumptions, and trust his users to make a working Profile.

Edit: YAY, we're getting 6DOF!!!
True. AFAIK TrackIR scales your head movement, so with a good profile you could limit any DOF the way you like. I found that a lot of default profiles for games are very sensitive, specially on the lateral directions. I always make my own profile to make it acceptable.

Anyway I`m very happy that you are looking for 6DOF support

EDIT: kegetys mod has a cfg file for limiting the XYZ axes in each car
EDIT2: I mean that in BF1 you shouldn`t "move" as far as in a road car
When DOFs of the player are concerned .... would it be possible to have a button binded for mouse look? I've always been missing that option.
Getting 6 DOF in LFS is great news. Scawen, could you also make it possible to assign a button for recentering TIR?


btw..whats 6DOF?
#9 - eindh
Quote from Thomas H :Scawen, could you also make it possible to assign a button for recentering TIR?


It's already on TIR drivers .

Quote from Scawen :Anyway that's in and working but I'm not sure what units to use. The TrackIR outputs values from -16383 to +16383. I at first divided these by 16383 and interpreted it as "metres". But that's too much, the viewpoint moves too much for any lateral movement of my head (the view goes easily outside the car).

Maybe mapping the tir ranges to a box that defines the limits of the head within the car...
Enlighten me please Yeah, I know I'm stupid...

Quote from Thomas H :Enlighten me please Yeah, I know I'm stupid...

Edit your profile, go to the Hot keys tab, and there you can configure them.
Thanks eindh, works great now
Few days ago I got lost to TrackIR homepage and I saw that LFS supported only 2DOF. I didn't believe it and thought to ask here, if they made a mistake. After we get the 6DOF, maybe one of you can make a new LFS+TrackIR promo video too, because the current one is only LFS video: +3 minutes long and some 10 seconds of incar action total.
Thanks Scawen!!
The programmers part was mostly a clean one yet, but if Scawen makes a post wich is something new to the community there are again "thx" "YAAAY" and asks wich helps no one....
So, is that actually a good thing.

Will we have support of that head moving thingy-ma-jiggy?
Well, in order to get the correct scaling one has to licence the SDK from Natural Point.

Better then to use the quick & dirty solution that zurdospeed suggested in order to save time for Scawen...

General Lee: Situational awareness and immersion! I'd never consider to buy a racingsimulation that lacks TrackIR support...

For now, I've simply related the whole range of the TrackIR to 25 cm each way. It seems reasonable for now. I'm waiting for a reply from the TrackIR guys to see if there is any "official" movement range that should be used (though I know this can be adjusted by the user in their profile - if you can understand the TrackIR software - which I can't seem to get my head around). Or maybe they have already replied but I can't collect some of my mail because it's sitting on the old server - so I'm waiting for Victor to wake up.
In my 5DOF mod I used a divider of 50000, so the motion is about 33cm each way and it worked quite ok.