The online racing simulator
(15 posts, started )
Hi iam having a hard time trying to get lfs w runing right. When I am in pack of cars my fps drows down to about 5 fps. Now any other time its about 60 fps. I ve looked in the forum seen other thread same as this and tryed the answers to them and still no luck. My computer is Intel celeron 2.6 Ghz, 1534 ram, ATI Radeon 9600 256 Memory. SB Audigy 2 zs card. Now the game use to run really well before w pacht. and now is winding me up this is my best game and i can't play it with this issue please help. Dee27.
Online or offline (human or AI players)? What texture sizes/packs are you running? How many cars around you? Other processes running in the background?
i get 70 fps playing offline and 30 fps when playing online with 10 players in the game so try to stay out of full games like i do
online, human, nothing runing under the game ive wipe my windows to see if it was softwere is a little better but still hard. i want the race in the big games is were the fun is. Is runing 1024 by786 32bit 85 hz. not sure about pack if you tell me were look i find them. ive turned the dyanmic lod reduction to 0.75 HELP ME AHHHHHHHHHHHHH i just what to race. lol
My computer is lower spec than yours, yet gets 30fps fine, and I have about 1001 texture packs installed...

If you got no background processes running, maybe its something like dodgey hardware? Although you said it ran fine until patch W. Have you downgraded to patch V or reinstalled patch W to see if theres any change?
I ve not gone back a pacht but I ve reinstalled w three times now it got alittle better after i wiped my all drive and started agian. I see about rolling back a pacht just wondering if it is the sound?
It's the Celeron dude. I have a 2.2ghz OC'ed at 3ghz and I still get some pretty bad FPS drops. It is not a gaming CPU.
yea but ive play this game fine before the w patch with this computer and ive not had one issue just don't get it pain in the ass. Iam going to upgrade the a AMD when i get the cash. i see then. LOL.
#9 - garph
Quote from dazjz69 :yea but ive play this game fine before the w patch with this computer and ive not had one issue just don't get it pain in the ass. Iam going to upgrade the a AMD when i get the cash. i see then. LOL.

Updating your CPU with that set up will not do much, I'd save your cash for a major upgrade, motherboard, cpu, ram, graphics card.

With the new patch and 32 cars coming you'll barely be able to run it, I can just about get away with it now but my FPS is in the mid/low teens with a full grid and flying tyres at the first few turns and I've got my system is a little better than yours: AMD 2800+, 1gig of ram and a 7600GS (agp).

I need an update big time to keep up with LFS let alone any other games.
I have AMD Turion X2....1GB of ram...on single player im 57fps and on multi...can be below 10, or 30-40
#11 - Jakg
Turion = Laptop, with a full grid the CPU and GFX card will be pushed to the limits - and the limits on a laptop isn't that much. Lappies just aren't meant for gaming
Has this just happened recently or been like this all the time?
just happen after w patch the game ran fine before hand so the fact about my computer not being able to do it not true cus it has done. Iam going to go back a patch see what happens.
Quote from harjun :I have AMD Turion X2....1GB of ram...on single player im 57fps and on multi...can be below 10, or 30-40

me too exactly same.. laptops r poo!
If you play with Notebook and want full performance of that Pc you have to plug it into wall socket otherwise its well know that notebooks slow down internally when only powered by batteries.

Also disable all power saving future in windows and bios as this slowdown the sytem as well.These things should have definatelly help unless you have very crappy GPU in notebook.

X2 Turion is notebook processor version of Athlon 64 X2.These are really fast CPU.

(15 posts, started )