The online racing simulator
2 Or More OutGauge Apps?
(49 posts, started )
Quote from Blowtus :ok, I got this to work - have pitspotter and csr functional, but I get thousands of 'unknown packet' messages, making it currently unusable.

Pitspotter ? Isn't that an InSim application ? You don't need a outgaugegateway to combine insim and outgauge application... It is only for outgauge only applications.

OutgaugeGateway is a generic UDP packet forwarder and duplicator. All it does, is listen on one port (first argument in command line) and send the packets it receives to other ports (next arguments in command line). It doesn't send anything back to LFS (if it does, you configured ports incorrectly).

Is there any more outgauge applications i can test this on ? I don't have momo so momoleds probably won't work for me... will use a search button...
Quote from misterman :EDIT:
I Accidently solved it. Don't ask me how.

But misteriously it started when i started LFSLapper.

Uhm. I sense port mixup here. LFSLapper is not outgauge application (and it shouldn't make any difference whether you run it or not, as long you have separated ports for insim and outgauge). Which outgauge applications did you use ?
your entirely right about pitspotter, sorry. I read a number of posts talking about being unable to make pitspotter and csr work, and assumed too much
PS and CSR are working fine for me now.

Works fine for me, good work

just got to write a batch file to launch all this stuff
I'm trying to get CSR and MomoLeds to work but I can't. Only one of them will work.
Quote from deggis :I'm trying to get CSR and MomoLeds to work but I can't. Only one of them will work.

I just tried with those 2 apps and worked fine (well at least it seems so - momoleds showed car name (I don't own momo wheel) -> which means it was able to get data).

I used following settings:

csr at port 35555 (default i think)
momoleds at port 56551 (default)
lfs outgauge at port 30000, mode 2

so the command is:

OutGaugeGateway.exe 30000 35555 56551

I ran outgauge apps first, then lfs, then gateway...
Attached images
Thanks, it was my bad. I think it forgot to set the outgauge setting to 30000 in cfg.txt or then I run the programs in wrong order. Now it's working.
Quote from Jakg :you are a legend!

What settings should i use for the cfg file for LFS? (ill try to geuss em, but i can't be sure!)

EDIT - "Running it through the command line?" - what? i have an "LFS Script" that runs all the LFS stuff, it's:
@echo off
start LogitechProfiler.lnk /noui
start LFSmomoLeds.exe
start LFSspotter.exe
start LFS.exe /insim=29999
start OutGaugeGateway.exe /30000 35555 56551

Profiler - For my wheel
Momoleds - Outgauge app on 56551
Spotter - Insim app, set up manually
LFS (insim for Spotter)
Run your program like that - it just crashes - what should i do?

Hey, im getting an error too, how did you make it work with a script like that?
#34 - Jakg
i never did - although the script to start all my programs works
Hmm, in your batch file I don't see CSR starting .

Maybe the problem is, that gateway starts before outgauge apps (when you use start, applications are started in parallel). Try inserting 5 seconds of delay before starting outgaugegateway:

start LFSmomoLeds.exe
start /high CSR.exe (this line is missing in your bat file )
start LFSspotter.exe
start LFS.exe /insim=29999
wait 5000 <= try adding this line before starting outgaugegateway, if gateway crashes
start OutGaugeGateway.exe 30000 35555 56551
Attached files - 1.9 KB - 403 views
I start everything manually, but I start outgaugegateway first, then CSR, pitspotter (starts LFS auto), finally momoleds. If I start in different orders than this, something doesn't work.
Can someone explain clearly for all non programmers how to get CSR + momoleds working together please?

i saw scripts etcc outgauge getaway etc....

But how to use it what file has to be modified etc.....

Please. Be understable for the whole community....thx
#38 - Jakg
this is for all non-programmers - it just doesn't work for me, ill try the new way later though

My script doesnt have CSR as ill add it when i get it working!
Quote from mrodgers :I start everything manually, but I start outgaugegateway first, then CSR, pitspotter (starts LFS auto), finally momoleds. If I start in different orders than this, something doesn't work.

Condition that must be met for outgaugegateway to work is, that when gateway starts receiving packets from LFS, outgauge applications must be already running. So there can be more ways to do it.

Quote from otolikos :Can someone explain clearly for all non programmers how to get CSR + momoleds working together please?

That is exactly the example I've shown in one of posts here. Just start csr and momoleds, then you can start gateway, then LFS (or LFS first, then gateway, it shouldn't matter). Before starting LFS, make sure you have Outgauge mode = 2 and Outgauge port set in cfg.txt. end of cfg.txt file...
OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

Quote from Jakg :
My script doesnt have CSR as ill add it when i get it working!

If you don't have CSR running yet, then don't execute gateway with CSR's port, cause it will give exception (it won't be able to find a client on port 35555)
OK I found the solution to make CSR + MOMOLEDS + PITSPOTTER WORK TOGETHER!

The easiest way (no script.....) is to DL BROWSeforspeed here

First, Download outgaugegateway.exe done by MonkOnHotTinRoof (thx to him) here and extract to LFS directory

Next configure BROWSE for speed like this:

respect the order and add the different ports in outgaugegateway argument.

NEXT,change spotter config file located LFSDIRECTORY/spotter/config.cfg and replace the port 30000 by 40000 and autorun to 0. See the pic below

Now join the server by using this great tool

Have Fun
#41 - Jakg
My Script...

@echo off
start LogitechProfiler.lnk /noui
start CSR.lnk
start LFSmomoLeds.exe
start LFSspotter.exe
start LFS.exe /insim=29999
wait 5000
start OutGaugeGateway.exe 30000 35555 56551

The error i get is attached - for what it's worth it doesn't wait either, so i think that could be the problem!
Attached images
strange.......outgaugegateway displays nothing on my computer (only black screen)

BUT it works perfect now
I wrote the bat file yesterday and it worked fantastic for me. I didn't use the wait, and I also have pitspotter auto running LFS, so I don't have it in the script either. Works great now that I don't have to roam all around the computer openning a bunch of apps up to race.
Here it's my script to run LFS + MOMOLED + SPOTTER
Code for the .BAT file

@echo off
start /MIN LFSspotter.exe
start /MIN LFSmomoLeds.exe
start LFS.exe /insim=29999
wait 10000
start /MIN OutGaugeGateway.exe 30000 35000 56551

/MIN ==> Start every cmd window minimized
30000 ==> OutGauge Port 30000
35000 ==> Spotter srcPort
56551 ==> outGaugePort of Momoled

Part of CFG.txt file ==> config file of LFS

OutGauge Mode 2
OutGauge Delay 1
OutGauge IP
OutGauge Port 30000
OutGauge ID 0

Part of momoleds.cfg file ==> config file of MOMOLEDS

; outGaugePort: Port to listen to for OutGauge packets
; deviceID: Device ID of the wheel (51715 = MOMO Racing (0xCA03), 49813 = MOMO (0xC295))
; deviceNum: Device number (if you have multiple wheels of the same type)
; speedlimitFlashTime: Flash delay of flashing pitlane speed limiter (ms)
; shiftlightFlashTime: Flash delay of flashing shift light (ms)
; lowfuelFlashTime: Flash delay of flashing low fuel light (ms)

Part of config.cfg file ==> config file of Spotter


Maybe I'm being blind but where can I get hold of OutgaugeGateway? I really want to try it to get MomoLEDs working with a gear indicator.
OK, just found it by clicking on LFSLapper on MonkOnHotTinRoof's signature.
Worked a treat first time! Thank you, an excellent little application!
what do you mean by in game console? do bring them up in the game??....when i run OutGaugeGateway it gives an error " Application error the application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). click on OK to terminate the application" ????..... where do i write the /30000 35555 50000 ??? i wrote it in the shortcut, properties, target

hello, I tried to run RevLimiter with OutGauges but RevLimiter encounters a problem and closes.

I tried OutGauges and CSR and it works perfectly.
What is the problem RevLimiter?

2 Or More OutGauge Apps?
(49 posts, started )