Outgauge on PSP(question, not a download)
Hi, is it possible to get a Outgauge proggram running on PSP? I have firmware 3.40 OE-A (means FW 3.40 and 1.50 together so i can run newest games to homebrew). I didn't found anything in search (maybe did it wrong) so if its possible plz tell me

it actually works :)
ok, nice, but is there a link were i can download that? it could be also cool if u could simulate the needles for rpm, speed etc on my psp, ow like in the topic above LFS Outgauge on nootbook, id like to have that running on my PSP
Hi ive just downloaded it but on my psp is says somthing about a badfile , can u help??
where can i find the files and how do i do it

a ENGLISH tutorial needs to be created or translated
In a first time, download this : http://lfslogan.free.fr/progra ... bord/TabBord%20v0.2.1.rar .

Here is intructions in french :

* Sur PSP :
- Allumer la PSP et la relier par USB au PC.
- Changer la lettre de votre PSP en G: .
- Extraire les répertoires "__SCE__TabBord" et "%__SCE__TabBord" dans le répertoire "G:\PSP\GAME" de votre PSP.
- Sortir de la connexion USB et lancer le programme TabBord à partir du menu de la PSP.

* Sur PC :
- Ouvrir le fichier "cfg.txt" se trouvant dans votre répertoire d'installation de Live for Speed.
- Repérer les lignes suivantes pour les modifier comme suit :
| OutGauge Mode 2
| OutGauge Delay 20
| OutGauge IP
| OutGauge Port 25864
| OutGauge ID 1
- Extraire le fichier TabBord.exe de l'archive à l'endroit où vous voulez sur votre disque dur.
- Executer ce fichier et vérifier que le champ à gauche du bouton "Créer socket" comprends le même nombre que la ligne "OutGauge Port" précédent configuré.
- Cliquer sur "Créer Socket" (rien ne se passe, c'est normal).
- Cliquer sur "Ecouter" (rien ne se passe non plus, c'est normal).
- Lancer LFS et choisir le circuit et la voiture voulue.
- Démarrer une course ou un entrainement, et les informations s'afficheront sur la PSP.

And here, my translation in english (sorry for my poor english ) :

* On PSP :
- Switch on your PSP and plug on your PC.
- Change the drive letter of your PSP to G: .
- Extract "__SCE__TabBord" and "%__SCE__TabBord" in "G:\PSP\GAME" your your PSP.
- Switch off the USB connexion and run "TabBord".

* On PC :
- Open your "cfg.txt" file in your Live for Speed directory.
- Change this line to :
| OutGauge Mode 2
| OutGauge Delay 20
| OutGauge IP
| OutGauge Port 25864
| OutGauge ID 1
- Extract the TabBord.exe file where you want.
- Run it and click on "Créer socket" ("Create socket" in english) (don't change the port number).
- Click on "Ecouter" ("Listen" in english).
- Run LFS and choose your car and track.
- Start a race or practice, and infos draw on your PSP's screen.

This is a pre-pre-pre-alpha version.

In my TO-DO list for this project :
- Can change the PSP driver-letter on the PC program.
- Remove the f*****g lag. ^^
- ...
- ...

PS : sorry for my bad english. I hope that you understand me.
says its corrutp
ive got that version, i run the program on my pc and psp and on the psp it has some writing going down the screen i can see the mph etc but it dosnt work?

EDIT: it works but it dosnt update the cars speed
Try to re-run TabBord on your PSP.

This program have a lot of bugs.
If it says the file's corrupted - YOU NEED A CUSTOM FIRMWARE OR DEVHOO TO RUN IT (or FW1,5)
maybe but i wont be easy, well it would be kinda the same als a PS2 pad for pc but the little joystick isnt easy at all, so use wheel or kb
ok do this exactly as i say:

-switch the psp drive letter to G drive cause if its other drive letter it fails. do that by going to CP and then administrative folder and then computer management and disk management and change the letter

-set the port exactly as the one in the program and lfs

-launch lfs first then tabboard and then select a car alt+tab and then click the first button in the tabboard and then the second one

-finally launch the psp tabboard and enjoy
-Note that u need atleast a 1.5 firmware (i used 3.40-OE-A for demonstration)

ANd the software: http://www.badongo.com/file/3117778 FASTER mirror
when i start the TabBord v0.2 it says The game could not be started (80002014C) what did i do worng?
#16 - Mc21
where can I download custom firmwire then? if it's illegal to post PM me =]
Quote from kyler :when i start the TabBord v0.2 it says The game could not be started (80002014C) what did i do worng?

What's the version of your firmware ?
anyone ?? going to help me?
#19 - Mc21
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Mc21 - You can download custom firmware from http://www.psp3d.com/

Kyler - If you are not on 1.50 or a custom firmware then it will not work.

Couldn't find any. PM me. =] My current version is 3.51 if thats bad =(
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :Mc21 - You can download custom firmware from http://www.psp3d.com/

Kyler - If you are not on 1.50 or a custom firmware then it will not work.

hey i have 3.52 l33t is there a way to downgrade it?
omg u just dl the last version without reading about the others? u better took 3.40 OE-A, i have it, it has 1.5 and 3.40 in one + a iso loader and homebrew enabled, lol good luck
#22 - vane
a good idea would be to try and get lfs to run on a psp, that would be good

oh btw, my bro heard a rumour that if you have a modified firmware, you cant update firmware, just a warning
Quote from Scrabby :omg u just dl the last version without reading about the others? u better took 3.40 OE-A, i have it, it has 1.5 and 3.40 in one + a iso loader and homebrew enabled, lol good luck

my friend told me to update it to 3.52 and so i did but is there a way to downgrade or reinstall psp firmware the normal one?
#24 - Jakg
Quote from vane :a good idea would be to try and get lfs to run on a psp, that would be good

...and would have to be COMPLETELY redeveloped, cut down with limited physics, play like crap and take years of work.

Pointless, imo.
#25 - vane
what i meant was being able to run .exe on a psp