The online racing simulator
My Finest Moment - On video!
(38 posts, started )
My Finest Moment - On video!
okay...i'm quite new to LFS.

But today, I think I did something that most super experienced LFS legends can appreciate...and gasp at...

Simply, I made a genuine overtake that, felt to me like it was genuinely great, really bloody great...

i'll try not to gloat anymore...and thanks to the other driver involved...I have total respect for your clean and skilled defence...

here it is - Lap 3, going into the sweeping corner under the big tyre thing at Blackwood...Formula XR...

When I did it it was like slow motion...

To appreciate it, you really need to be onboard with me...

Use the custom view to get an F1 style, roll bar camera looks increadble like this...honestly, please take the time to see it like this...

sorry again for gloating...

you will need to view it as a multiplayer replay in the game I think...

happy viewing!
Attached files
great_2.mpr - 730.1 KB - 359 views
[ nose ]
preety good divebomb, even though he was a lot slower.
for a new player u seem to be on the right track.
practice some more and in a few months when you see this thread again, i guess you will smile.
healthy smile of someone that progressed a lot (hopefully).
race on.

ps: for semi-experienced/onwards, there is nothing really to see here. this might save sometime
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
sorry guys...but I was so happy that I made it stick, that I almost spun it later on not consentrating...

you need to see it in the view i looks trully spetacular....

I saw him go wide and get sideways up ahead...and I knew he was gona have poor grip for the next few corners...

I made sure I was fast though the chicane and went for a run down the inside into the next corner...he saw it coming and blocked me off...but I wasnt about to back down...he left me just enough room, he was squeezing me quite a bit...but I held in there...

then the moment of glory....

sorry again...but I have bee playin for just over a week and this is the greatest thing I ever done...
Quote from KiDCoDEa :
ps: for semi-experienced/onwards, there is nothing really to see here. this might save sometime

take a look anyway!

with the onboard cam the way I explained!, you cant see what both drivers were doing in the following cam....
yeah it looked ok
sorry if i'm going overboard on this...but that was the first pass I made where I had to think, and be super brave to pull off...

most times I tried to pass someone i usually ends in a big crash....this guy knows how to defend...and he said himself he thought he had me covered...
Nice Vid Vendetta. And hey, I actually thought it was a pretty good pass. And you're happy with yourself, and that's the most important thing. Keep having fun and keep improving
F#*k YES!...Thats fantastic, cheers man...I like the view you you do that?
#12 - avih
Nice pass mate. I wish you many more of those
practice a little more, drive on the right servers and you will have dozens of such manoveurs each evening.
Quote from Iron_Maiden :F#*k YES!...Thats fantastic, cheers man...I like the view you you do that?

Shift + U
#15 - axus
Practice a little more and you will get to this stage:

Then overtaking is no big deal... having 4 cars in 0.04s (S1, GTi@Blackwood, Sector 1 of the first lap - 4 cars abreast on the back straight) is something from another planet.
naaah 4 cars into the turn after the straight is something
I remember my first 'bumper to bumper' > 'door to door' pass The feeling I got from it was maybe the biggest reasons why I love LFS so much.
#18 - axus
Quote from Barroso :naaah 4 cars into the turn after the straight is something

That was indeed quite a psychotic moment in that race...
Quote from SlamDunk :I remember my first 'bumper to bumper' > 'door to door' pass The feeling I got from it was maybe the biggest reasons why I love LFS so much.

yeah...its so much better playing against human oponents who can really fight you...then when you do something you feel like a legend...

especially on LFS because its so bloody hard...

It felt so good becuase the other driver was really trying mega had to keep me back...I can race well, but I've never forced a pass on somebody like I did there...most passes I make come from drivers spining off...I can only win if I get the lead at the start and keep it...maybe now I be a bit more agressive...

Because I was the victim that wasn't such a great moment. But funny thing is that he did a fastest lap after that. Ugly trick. I actually laughed. That just looked so funny. I think he passed 4-5 cars.

The great thing about LFS is that you will continue to experience these great moments.....they even get better the better your driving gets.....going through 3-4-5 corners side by side with an opponent is simply so amazing

CU, Sebastian
Quote from deggis :

Because I was the victim that wasn't such a great moment. But funny thing is that he did a fastest lap after that. And he was blocked but pretty ugly trick...

your video doesnt work....????

were you really the guy..?

fair play indeed, ots of drivers would just take me made it hard...but not unfair...

as for going through corners side by side, i'm not so amazed..i've been doing this for a normally ends in tears...

I like this move becuase I forced it...he defended really hard but I still made it...
Quote from Iron_Maiden :your video doesnt work....????

install this:

Quote :were you really the guy..?

No. I don't know have ever even met on the servers. My video is a whole another story.

you were all over him too...but you had a spin...hehe...

at least one of got him eh?...

edit: eh? my reply makes no sense....swear I read that you said you were the white car...
Quote from Iron_Maiden :
edit: eh? my reply makes no sense....swear I read that you said you were the white car...

Yup I said... before I edited it. I misunderstood your last reply. My video doesn't have anything to do with your video (except that those are both recorded from LFS ).

My Finest Moment - On video!
(38 posts, started )