Banned users and deleted threads?
(17 posts, started )
#1 - garph
Banned users and deleted threads?
I've seen 2 demo users who have obviously cracked the game and then come on the forum asking for help.

First guy posted a screen shot of the track select menu with Aston GT selected and the second guy posted one of the XRR, he actually admitted that he used the crack and also asked "who cares anyway"....DOH!

Both users were banned, rightly, but also their threads were deleted. I can understand why but it also means there is nothing left to explain to others or an example set and shown as to what happens.

Should their thread be left to show others what happens?
#2 - CSU1
Do you really think these idiots are going todo a search of the forum first?

Its just down to common sense and in most cases the 'crackers' are probably kids who just dont know better.
Personally i tend to go along the lines that if the offender was the one who started the thread then it should be fine to remove. as it would no longer be of use.

I can see your point of leaving them there to set an example. that does sometimes happen. but that is when the cracker has been found as part of somebody elses thread... there are some examples out there of this (somewhere..)

As i said. i prefer to remove the thread, that way there should not be anymore encouragement to join the flaming banana brigade (even if the thread gets locked).

Have also moved this thread to the Off Topic section.
#4 - garph
Quote from CSU1 :Do you really think these idiots are going todo a search of the forum first?

No. It's was more for others who have seen the post.

I actually think the second guy didn't know that cracking was illegal and I dunno if there was time for him to read and find out from others that it is aginast the law to crack a game before the thread was deleted.

I understand why they are deleted, the flamming could get pretty out of hand and that would happen very fast and this forum need less of that.
Quote from garph :No. It's was more for others who have seen the post.

I actually think the second guy didn't know that cracking was illegal and I dunno if there was time for him to read and find out from others that it is aginast the law to crack a game before the thread was deleted.

I understand why they are deleted, the flamming could get pretty out of hand and that would happen very fast and this forum need less of that.

the second guy was the same as the first guy.....
They should make a section where you can iew all the threads of crackers so others can view these and learn how it is bad.
#7 - Jakg
Ever thought that perhaps people don't KNOW theres a crack for LFS? all these threads do is show there is and it works
Maybe this is nonses idea but I guess loggin here is somehow IP tracked.
Would be nice for server admins to know that IP adress and set ban on the demo servers for such a guys?

just pretty quick idea and I didnt think about it hard.Came to my mind really very quickly.
Every post here is individually IP logged. With many users on dynamic IP I don't think it would be particularly beneficial and certainly not be worth the effort.
Quote from Jakg :Ever thought that perhaps people don't KNOW theres a crack for LFS? all these threads do is show there is and it works

That is a VERY good point aswell.
Never thought of that before.
#11 - CSU1
Quote from Bob Smith :Every post here is individually IP logged. With many users on dynamic IP I don't think it would be particularly beneficial and certainly not be worth the effort.

what happens when an unregistered ip connects to the master? , I know many are dynamic but only within a small range...
Quote from Jakg :Ever thought that perhaps people don't KNOW theres a crack for LFS? all these threads do is show there is and it works

Everything has a crack

I don't mind the threads being deleted, people who see them just will be more careful about what the show in the forum, but there always will be crackers. Who cares? They loose online LFS, the real LFS.
Why? Can you not go on multiplayer if you have cracked the game?
#14 - Jakg
You get online, but not on S1/S2
Let's not discuss the ins and outs of how cracks work in LFS, thanks, before this thread has to disappear too.
shhh... :shhh:

They're watching us!
#17 - CSU1
Quote from Bob Smith :Let's not discuss the ins and outs of how cracks work in LFS, thanks, before this thread has to disappear too.

I suppose that answers the op and why they get removed....because anything relating to the topic just does'nt look good sitting on the forum.


Quote from garph :Both users were banned, rightly, but also their threads were deleted. I can understand why but it also means there is nothing left to explain to others or an example set and shown as to what happens.

Quote from CSU1 :Do you really think these idiots are going todo a search of the forum first?

Quote from garph :No. It's was more for others who have seen the post.

I dont understand?, to remind forum members? What is the point of having a "Cracked accounts not welcome" thread/forum?

If people are dumb enough to ask on the official forum for help then they simply must just not understand what they are doing is wrong and are probably too young too understand.

As pointed out in many other threads on this topic garph, there ain't a whole lot we as a community can do to stop the spread of it because of different law's in different parts of the world. A number of forum members in the past have sent the dev's lists of hosts in hope to have them removed. the response was "What can we do?".
I'll quote the Moose It's just the way of internet life.

Anyway I'm taking a very, very wild guess at what happened with those two demo racers you mentioned garph. I would imagine the poeple in question searched for a couple of words and alas! what does Google return? Yep> goto< another reason for deleting the threads, they just smell.

Banned users and deleted threads?
(17 posts, started )