The online racing simulator
S2 voucher contest
(155 posts, started )
I don't get it? Because I could just copy and paste what Razza wrote, and just change some of the "personal" answers to my own. Like this.

1) 1:32.94 By PartyboyU.
2) Well, if you are judging on humour, the XRT is used for beating the BMW in a sprint. And the XRT would feel all nice about itself, and confident, until the mean little XFG came up and chased the XRT. He caught him VERY easily and beat the XRT up! He called him names and said he couldn't drive good. Then he said that all of the cool cars are front wheel drive, and the XRT went wahh, wahh, wahh, all the way home. The End.
3) Give that ol' BMW a spin! When I say spin, I mean Spin-out! lol
4) GT Legends
5) 917/20, 917/30, Kürzeck 4.5L
6) I would like to be able to create new content for other S2 drivers, like autocross tracks, and textures for the other cars...ect. Plus, I might actually be able to try and improve without someone ramming me every 50 seconds!
7) Niall Quinn, Eoin Murray, Derek Higgins and Eddie Jordan.
8) Well, Diekolkrabe, because I need someone I can beat! j/k
9) Make anagrams of the following well known LFS racers:
a) b0fl0ns
b) tomb shib
c) Arkeneulp
10) Everyone! Because not only would everyone love it, it would help out the devs a lot!

BTW, I don't think you should be giving out this many S2 vouchers if indeed you are. Unless it's for my #10) question reason. But either way, you are very kind to give out 1!!
@Mikkel Peterson: Thanks for the missed 5 questions

also, in #4, I meant in the standard, out of the box config, no mods/addons.

@LoganC: I'm not sure if this is OT or not, but I think of Dark Angel every time I see your name. I added 5 questions up at the top. Can you complete those as well? You got 10/15

Questions in the previous post. I tried to make 11-15 hard.


1) What is the current WR for Blackwood GP in the XFG?
2) The XRT is mainly used for.... (500 words or less please. Answers judged on humour)
3) Name the first thing you would do in S2
4) Which was the first PC game to have Mondello Park in it as a standard track?
5) Name, and spell correctly, three variations of the Porsche 917
6) I want an S2 license because... (same as #2 words wise. Answers judged on how well you write)
7) Name four famous IRISH racing drivers
8) I want to race with... (Again, creative answers. LFS-centric ones get more points )
9) Make anagrams of the following well known LFS racers:
a) lfsn00b
b) Bob Smith
c) Leprekaun
10) Who would you give an S2 voucher to and why?

5 more:

11) Write me an LFS-based story, minimum of 100 words, maximum of 500. I'm looking at it from an examiner's angle (No. I'm not marking it )
12) Make the most Irish skin you can
13) Beat a time of 1:41 around blackwood reverse, on keyboard, with the XFG on rallyX tyres. With one eye closed
14) Another writing one: Take a song, and fit LFS lyrics around it. Humour will go a long way towards getting you the S2 license
15) If you got banned, what was the most stupid thing you got banned for? (No. I don't want this to turn into one of those 'I got banned' whinefests...Best answer this one by PMs, me thinks)

1) 1:32.94
2) Drifting, because the engine is similar to a drift machine. Drifting is the motorsport et FOR THE LFS KIDS arround. real man like grip racing...
3) Test all cars and get away from XFG and BF1.
4) GTL
5) 917/20, 917/30, Kurzheck 4.5L
6) Because i want to find a sim racing community, and i found that LFS has the best physics around. Also i want to join some leagues.
7) Niall Quinn, Eoin Murray, Derek Higgins and Eddie Jordan.
8) With friends from my team ....
9) Make anagrams of the following well known LFS racers:
a) 0n0sbfl
b) ShitBomb
c) Lunarkeep
10)To all of the kids and wifes of my TDRT team... then we could race in peace, I´d hope

eh... 5 more... ;/
Quote from DieKolkrabe :@Mikkel Peterson: Thanks for the missed 5 questions

also, in #4, I meant in the standard, out of the box config, no mods/addons.

@LoganC: I'm not sure if this is OT or not, but I think of Dark Angel every time I see your name. I added 5 questions up at the top. Can you complete those as well? You got 10/15


Well, I sure can! lol You just give me a little while and I'll have some great stories and answers for you! I'm mostly going to focus on the story because it could turn out to be a good LFS novel! based on the XRT and XFG! lol
You can write it in whatever language you want. You can do it, Just sit down and write something, I don't mind if it's in Polish, I speak/read it fluently
Quote from DieKolkrabe :You can write it in whatever language you want. You can do it, Just sit down and write something, I don't mind if it's in Polish, I speak/read it fluently

Dude really respect for you... You want give someone that licence... That really nice..

"Beat a time of 2:12 around blackwood reverse, on keyboard, with the XFG on rallyX tyres. With one eye closed" You want mpr??
SPR/MPR, I don't really mind.

In a weird way, my 'friend' has made me realise who I am. Thanks Shan

#36 - DeKo
Even better than an irish skin, a car after its been in the hands of an irish guy for 3 seconds

LOL! Good one. I guess that's the car that (used to belong to) the whiskey tester.
Here's Question #1)
Well, this picks up after the XRT was sent home crying after the XRT beat the BMW in a sprint. but the XFG came up and chased the XRT, caught him, then started calling him names because the XFG is a bully.
Well, the XRT was furious about this bully but didn't know what to do. So he went to talk to his little brother XRG, and tell him to stay away from the XFG. But when he went to his PIT, he wasn't there! XRT didn't know what to do, so he raced out of the PIT to go look for him. Well, that was a mistake! He went so fast that he received, a stop-go penalty, AND a Drive-Through penalty! The XRT was even more furious right now, and he was fast! He was 3 times as fast and furious as he was before that he suddenly wanted to go drifting in an above ground car park! But everyone there had XR GTR's, so the XRT didn't stand a chance! After leaving, and rounding a corner near the town of blackwood, he saw his little brother just sitting there, amongst the barriers, but XRG was sobbing. "What happened?" XRT asked? XFG chased me, and when he caught me, he called me names for not being as fast as him or you. Names like, TurNo!, and rear wheel nothin'! So the XRG and XRT joining forces, and speed down the straight away after the XFG. By careful drafting and perfect redline shifting, they caught the XFG and gave him a flat tire, and a leaky fuel tank! The End. And the moral of the story is that no matter how fast, how good, or how tough you are, the XFG sucks and it is nearly impossible to get 1:41 around blackwood reverse, on keyboard, with the XFG on rallyX tyres with one eye closed!

The rest of the answers are on their way!
PM Sent if there is anything wrong, please tell me
You have to close it.

And thanks for the screenie. I like it

(in polish becouse my english is bad...)
Całkiem niedawno, sam nie wiem kiedy, powstała gra nosząca nazwę LFS (Live for speed)... Kiedy kolega powiedział mi o tej grze nie wierzyłem mu, że jest aż tak realistyczna... Ale jednak. Kiedy zagrałem w nią po raz pierwszy byłem pod wrażeniem. Dziś kiedy poznałem tylu ludzi ze społeczności lfs jestem pod jeszcze wiekszym wrazeniem... Boze jak to jakiś polak przeczyta to niech sie nie smieje bo to przegięcie jest...

14) I believe the LFS children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beautyful cars it possess inside
Give them a sense of speed to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a Irish racer
People need someone to look up to
Demo never gave me all my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on you

I decided just right now, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll race as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my XRG
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Hitting Blackwood walls
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to control the cars
It is the greatest love of all

I believe the Irish are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty red hairs can make
Please give them a sense of times
So the LFS-kids don´t just laught at them.


And if by chance, a special thanks
To the three developers
They are likely at a lonely place
Finding their strength every day.

15) I wasn't baned.
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kl szutrowe.spr - 58.2 KB - 192 views
I like your song. Brought tears to my eyes...want to record it

Quote from DieKolkrabe :I like your song. Brought tears to my eyes...want to record it



Song is the best I think...but we will see
Heres my skin and vid

I really hope i get this

The skin was just made and it actually looks pretty nice in the game
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Free S2 Plz.spr - 47.1 KB - 191 views
Here's my Song.
It goes to the tune of "jingle Bells." I don't know if you know the tune or not, but it's a famous Christmas song.
And the rhyming was harder than I expected!

Sprinting down track,
In the famous XRT.
While eating a snack,
OH! I have to pee!
Being passed by "noobs,"
I will have dropped to about last.
Watching them drive their cubes,
being all but fast!

Oh, Live for Speed, Live for Speed
Racing down the road.
Oh what fun, it is to draft,
and passed them as they slowed!
Oh, Live for Speed, Live for Speed
Racing down the road.
Oh what fun, it is to draft,
and passed them as they slowed!

All i have left is the "Banned" question and the Replay.
ROFL @ LoganC: That's an AWESOME song!
Haha I'm glad you liked it! I myself like the story. I could make a series, called Chronicles of Live for Speed!
Really great song!
Ok now we only have to wait...


S2 voucher contest
(155 posts, started )