GPUs support non-interactive Physics.
Exemple :
- A particle emitters with particles subjects to a physical environment. They are subject to gravity, they bounces, the follow the wind, ... The GPU know the properties of the particles, it compute the physic then render them directly.
- Or : you blew up something, it throw lil' polygon all over the screen, thoses lil' polygon are subjects to physics, but they have ABSOLUTLY nothing to do with the gameplay and they will not interact with other object, players, or npc, ...
In fact, the cpu never know the result of the physical computation made by the GPU. Because it don't need it. It's physics computing for direct rendering.
In LFS, as you all know, there is a lot of physic computation. Steering, acceleration, aerodynamic, ...A lot of computation of little things interacting eachothers to make our car running... The GPU is 100% useless for that. The CPU need to know the result of all the physic computation ... that's something a GPU can't do (or if it can, it's very ineficient).
The physX can do that, it's made for that. The CPU send something to compute to the PPU (joints, motors, vectors, gravity, collision, ...), it does something else while waiting for the result, the PPU send the result to the CPU and it can act accordingly.
The bad news with the PhysX is that it's not an open standard.
To use the PhysX you have to use a specific physic engine, won't work with any other engine. So LFS should be rewritten to use the physX.
Imagine a GFX card that ONLY work with the CryTech Engine (used in Crysis), or only the unreal engine... that's the problem of the physX.
Anyone remember 3Dfx ?