We don't use test patches for the league, we're going to use patch x as soon as it's released.
We are not going to add any handycaps or restrictions though, we're upgrading only to keep compatibility, so you don't have to keep one W-version to play the league and one X to connect to pickup-race-servers.
Sorry guys but I'm going to have to withdraw from this league.
I just cant find the time to properly spend practising and working on setups that i need to for full enjoyment of this league.
I've overcommitted myself unfortunately, and simply cant put max effort into everything I'm involved in at the moment so something had to go.
Hopefully there are plenty of racers waiting in the wings to take my place.
shut up and don't be daft, i just hope that the time you did spend with us was enjoyable
You'll be missed mate, but thanks for taking part
I have real life issues that need sorting......my washing and ironings not been done since i started running this thing..... heck there is only 2 weeks left, i can endue the smell a little longer...