You remind me so exactly of myself, almost everything you've written about, I've done (Minus the drug and alcohol experiences and the Toyota Supra, damn.) I think you're perfectly normal, but then again, you sound exactly like me, so I'm not exactly the best judge...
From the way you write, I'd honestly look into a career in automotive journalism, you seem to have the right sense of imagery that car magazines seem to demand. I found your post quite enjoyable to read, and it's really refreshing to see a high school student who actually takes care to spell and use words correctly.
As for not fitting in at school, do your best to seek out other car enthusiasts, no matter how much or how little they know about cars, what kind of cars they like, or whatever, just hang out with them. I was extremely lucky, as my neighbor less than two blocks away is as much of a car nut as I am, so there's always someone to talk cars with. I'm doubly lucky to have met a girl who also likes cars, and not because they're "cute" or "pretty," she actually likes cars as cars.
By the way, I don't consider it weird to be hanging around forums for games, and actually feeling you know the people on the forum. The internet is a big place, and I can't really think of any better way to find people that share your interests.
So, have fun, and see you on the track

P.S. Get S2!!!