LFS World: #of wins on personal stats doesn't match "Some Online Charts" [fixed]
Not sure if this is a bug or just the after affect of some races not getting recorded due to master server down. My total wins don't match on my personal stats versus the All-Time lists in the "Some Online Charts" area. (See attached)
Yes, I'm pretty sure Victor must use a cron-job or something similar to sync those stats every so often. It would be pretty slow and mean a lot of database activity if every time someone viewed the charts it looked for the top 50 won races, finished races etc. from every single racer in the database.
yes, since the server move i'm still fiddling with settings for everything. You can see the gaps in the lfsworld graph - those i was trying to fix and have taken some heavy cronjobs out to see if that was the problem.
I think all's fine again now though and the cronjob is back in action. It runs every 30 minutes.
But races not being recorded I don't know - they should. There was, afaik, only the pb-recording problem on the dragstrip, but that's solved too.