Yesterday i´ve downloaded the GT Legends demo and the game looks pretty cool...But before buying the game i would like to ear some opnions of someone who has the full game to see if it is really worth the money. Thanks in advance for any replys!
Steering Help="0"
Steering Help Functionality="1" // 0 = new help, 1 = new help + grip, 2 = original, 3 = original + grip
Throttle Control="0"
Brake Help="0"
Antilock Brakes="0"
Spin Recovery="0"
Opposite Lock="0"
Stability Control="0"
No AI Control="0" // AI never has control over car (except autopit)
Pitcrew Push="1" // When out of fuel in pitlane, allows pitcrew to push car (use throttle and gear selection to direct)
Corner Markers="0" // Show corner marker icons to indicate corner severity and suggested gear
Pit Direction Indicator="0" // Show arrow icon to indicate direction of pit exit
Pit Spot Marker="1" // Show marker to indicate corner pit spot location
Auto Clutch="1"
Auto Lift="0" // Whether to automatically lift with manual shifting but auto-clutch (non-semiautomatic trans only)
Auto Blip="0" // Whether to automatically blip with manual shifting but auto-clutch (non-semiautomatic trans only)
Shift Mode="0"