The online racing simulator
S2 voucher contest
(155 posts, started )
Quote from Pixel T. :Hey man, I was wondering if all of my questions were correct and did u like the skin?

Dude I think we have to wait...
yes, Indeed we will wait!
So what are your guys' average times in XRT on Blackwood?
Quote from LoganC :yes, Indeed we will wait!
So what are your guys' average times in XRT on Blackwood?

In XFG best time: 1:33:77 not to good but it's ok for me now!
1) What is the current WR for Blackwood GP in the XFG?

2) The XRT is mainly used for.... (500 words or less please. Answers judged on humour)
The XRT is mainly used for the transport of illegal 'cracks' throughout the demo world. These 'cracks' are then used to annoy the crap out of the devs.

3) Name the first thing you would do in S2
Click the Multiplayer Button

4) Which was the first PC game to have Mondello Park in it as a standard track?

5) Name, and spell correctly, three variations of the Porsche 917
Kurzheck 4.5L, 917/20, 917/30
(They are all just lil tuna-cans rolling around to me)

6) I want an S2 license because... (same as #2 words wise. Answers judged on how well you write)

I probably won't get the voucher but:

I have been in LFS for over a year now, and I have learned about teams, drifting, racing and just contributing to the community over time. I made my fair share of mistakes and I am young and I will learn from them .

After making a team which I consider successful since we all like to practice and have fun, and help other teams, I learned that Live For Speed is not just great racing, but also a great community.

I planned on buying s2 within the next 2 weeks but I am still trying to convince my parents to buy it for me. I don't know if I ever will, but I still try, and if not, I will still go throughout the demo world, and be a productive member of community, always teaching and learning.

7) Name four famous IRISH racing drivers
O'Connor, O'Neal, and O'Bryant (STEREOTYPES ROCK!)

8) I want to race with... (Again, creative answers. LFS-centric ones get more points )

9) Make anagrams of the following well known LFS racers:
a) lfsn00b

Sn0b Fl0

b) Bob Smith

Shit Bomb

c) Leprekaun

Lake Prune

10) Who would you give an S2 voucher to and why?

5 more:

11) Write me an LFS-based story, minimum of 100 words, maximum of 500. I'm looking at it from an examiner's angle (No. I'm not marking it )

One day I won an s2 license. I was so excited I went down into the city and did something wild. Something crazy. Something I thought I would never do. I used a public bathroom.

As I was walking back home, I was so excited that I told my friends about s2, but very little about it, and I barely told them. I woke up 4 days later.

I finally got LFS S2! Yes! Finally I got the game!

S3 was released 2 days later. Following that I was banned from 45 S2 servers, which soon disappeared for s3.


12) Make the most Irish skin you can

Hm. Well I cut some skin off myself. But what does irish skin look like?

13) Beat a time of 2:12 around blackwood reverse, on keyboard, with the XFG on rallyX tyres. With one eye closed

14) Another writing one: Take a song, and fit LFS lyrics around it. Humour will go a long way towards getting you the S2 license

Bone Thugs N Harmony - I Try [Ft. Akon] Lyrics

is this it....


Bone Thugs Akon yeah
You know though nothin' come easy, you gotta try real, real hard
I tried hard, but I guess I gotta try harder.

I tried so hard, can't seem to get away from XRT,
Man I tried so hard, but always be a victim of these blackwood streets,
It Ain't my fault cause I, try to get away but noobs follow me,
And still I try so hard, hopin one day they'll come and rescue me,

But until then, I'll be posted up right here going slow. (hail snow)
But until then, I'll be posted up right here with my heat cookin dough


15) If you got banned, what was the most stupid thing you got banned for? (No. I don't want this to turn into one of those 'I got banned' whinefests...Best answer this one by PMs, me thinks)

I got banned for winning races multiple times and beating the admin twice. He blamed it on lag and then banned me and my team

Yeah I know the prize was won but I wanted to do something funny
I resent everyone turning my name into Shit Bomb.
You hate 62.9% of the community?! :o

Lol. Sorry we just can't resist.

Awesome signature btw.
Holy shit! Now we've got the entire familly of spammer
Now we need to convince Victor on April Fools Day to Change Bob's name to Shit Bomb
2 more vouchers to....LoganC and <insert name here>.

Keep them answers coming in folks. Oh, and try to come up with some more creative anagrams for 'Bob Smith'... (I have a few, but won't post 'em here...)
dam you didnt give it to Irish Man
(Irish Man) DELETED by Irish Man
man I couldnt even give my S2 licence away, so i dunno if u will get participants good luck tho
So, I didint win... Cg's LoganC Be good racer in S2... GL!

Quote from [TDRT] Solaris PL :So, I didint win... Cg's LoganC Be good racer in S2... GL!


Thank you! And good luck to you!

Also, A VERY big thanks to DieKolkrabe! So here it is:
Now, I am dieing to do what I have wanted to for a while now. Give that ol' BMW a spin!
See you on the track!
Thx... Wink
1) 1:32.94 by PartyboyU

2) People that can't afford/can't get their parent to buy them S2 Also, drifting FTW!

3) I would go to my S2 teams server and take the F1 out for a ride.

4) GT Legends :ambulance

5) 917/20, 917/30, Kurzheck 4.5L

6) I want an S2 license because my whole demo team (except one person thats inactive) have either bought/won S2. I really want the S2 also to start making skins and setups on new cars and actually have the chance to test my skins.

7) Eoin Murray, Niall Quinn, Robert Cregan, Daniel Regan

8) I would REALLY like to race with Santa, a Leprechaun, and Niall Quinn. But since I know that I won't be able to, I'd like to race with my team and of course I can't forget someone called .... umm .... this is a tough one,


lol you know i love you in a non homosexual way for giving out the vouchers lol

a) Soon BFL. (Biffle )
b) Tomb Bish
c) Rape n' Luke

10) If I had a LFS voucher, I would give it to someone that I know wouldn't waste the money and quit after a couple days playing.

11) Once upon a time, there was an Irish kid named DieKolkrabe. He loved going to the races at the local racetrack where some of his favorite racers took part in the compatition. One day, he was going to an arcade right in the middle of the raceway when one of his favorite racers pulled up and asked if he wanted to "test drive" the car. After AieKolkrabe took it out around the track, he fell in love. But the car cost too much for him to buy. So he went around the track and noticed that people were giving out Free cars! Wow what an oportunity for him. He tryed many times but he was never picked. So one day, he met a very generous driver. He decided to give him the car for free. It was like a dream come true. So he took the car and loved it as if it was his kid ever since. The End.

12) Attached

13) Attached

14) Well instead of a song, I wrote a poem, I hope thats fine

- DieKolkrabe -

DieKolkrabe is the best,
Maybe he's on a quest,
To help out demo a racer to get S2,
And let him roll with his crew!

He's already given out two vouchers,
And I'm waiting to get the third,
But's thats like spotting rare birds.
You may never know unless it occurs!

So as I'm writing this,
I hope that such chance exists,
But I just may be dismissed!

- Pixel T.

15) I would never get banned because I am nice and friendly and ready to help anyone out!
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Quote from Zaeka :Done All day work.

btw no AA and AF my crapy comp ...

WOW! thanks so much Zaeka and other folks that have gone to the effort of doing me a skin.....darn it you guys make me feel soooo guilty....acht Zaeka I will get you a voucher, because a) you did not PM me, and b) you have been a demo user for a long time.

Could do with skins for other cars hint..hint LOL.

This is the last voucher I am giving out btw (4 in less than a week) please no more grovelling PM's from people....jees there are people dieing of starvation ffs...not having S2 is not the end of the world.

Nice one Zaeka, code will be PM'd to you shortly. Welcome to S2 at last
S2 Plz :)
1) 1:32.94
2) Drifting, because the engine is similar to a drift machine. Drifting is the motorsport et FOR THE LFS KIDS arround. real man like grip racing...
3) Test all cars and get away from XFG and BF1.
4) GTL
5) 917/20, 917/30, Kurzheck 4.5L
6) Because i want to find a sim racing community, and i found that LFS has the best physics around. Also i want to join some leagues.
7) Niall Quinn, Eoin Murray, Derek Higgins and Eddie Jordan.
8) With friends from my team ....
9) Make anagrams of the following well known LFS racers:
a) 0n0sbfl
b) ShitBomb
c) Lunarkeep
10)To all of the kids and wifes of my TDRT team... then we could race in peace, I´d hope

(in polish becouse my english is bad...)
Całkiem niedawno, sam nie wiem kiedy, powstała gra nosząca nazwę LFS (Live for speed)... Kiedy kolega powiedział mi o tej grze nie wierzyłem mu, że jest, aż tak realistyczna... Ale jednak. Kiedy zagrałem w nią po raz pierwszy byłem pod wrażeniem. Dziś kiedy poznałem tylu ludzi ze społeczności lfs jestem pod jeszcze wiekszym wrazeniem. Gram w tą grę prawie codziennie po kilkanaście godzin. Niby jezdze tylko na jednym torze ale konkurencja jest tak duza ze nawet to, ze jest tylko jeden tor nie przeszkadza chyba nikomu. Nie jest to kolejna beznadziejna gra... Polecam ją wszystkim!



14) (Translated by Teammate)

I believe the LFS children are our are future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beautyful cars it possess inside
Give them a sense of speed to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be
Everybody searching for a Irish racer
People need someone to look up to
Demo never gave me all my needs
A lonely place to be
So I learned to depend on you

I decided just right now, never to walk in anyone's shadows
If I fail, if I succeed
At least I'll race as I believe
No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my XRG
Because the greatest love of all
Is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all
Hitting Blackwood walls
The greatest love of all
Is easy to achieve
Learning to control the cars
It is the greatest love of all

I believe the Irish are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty red hairs can make
Please give them a sense of times
So the LFS-kids don´t just laught at them.


And if by chance, a special thanks
To the three developers
They are likely at a lonely place
Finding their strength every day.

15) I wasn't baned.

All in one!

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kl szutrowe.spr - 58.2 KB - 217 views
1) What is the current WR for Blackwood GP in the XFG?

2) The XRT is mainly used for.... (500 words or less please. Answers judged on humour)

People that are on crack and smoke weed behind their PC.Tryng to push that damned car to the damn limit ...usually Drifting

3) Name the first thing you would do in S2

Test all tracks and Cars!!!111!ONE1!!..

4) Which was the first PC game to have Mondello Park in it as a standard track?

Toca race driver (TRD)

5) Name, and spell correctly, three variations of the Porsche 917

Kurzheck 4.5L ,917/20, 917/30

6) I want an S2 license because... (same as #2 words wise. Answers judged on how well you write)

I wanted to know how it feels by racing (REAL) and not like having crasher behind u..

I am 16 years in Netherland we may not touch the steerwheel of an real car till your 18th(like most countries)

Those old days are still in my mind( Times when Lfs s1G )

I really want an Simulation Racing car game on my PC... And lfs is and will be the only one.

7) Name four famous IRISH racing drivers

Jackie Cochrane ,Stephen Colbert , Niall Quinn , Eddie Jordan

8) I want to race with... (Again, creative answers. LFS-centric ones get more points )

9) Make anagrams of the following well known LFS racers:
a) lfsn00b = S0bnsl0f
b) Bob Smith = Tomb Bish
c) Leprekaun = Peek Narul

10) Who would you give an S2 voucher to and why?

My uncle, He plays Lfs demo almost everyday...

5 more:

11) Write me an LFS-based story, minimum of 100 words, maximum of 500. I'm looking at it from an examiner's angle (No. I'm not marking it )

I woke up. First thing that i did was pressing the start button of my PC..Then i started Lfs and was playing it.

Till a guy joined my fav server called "Lfs the chosen one"

This guys was so strange and he was driving the XFG, but his car was faster than any other cars in lfs.

When the race begun and on the first corner i came in first place..People liked my Passing's manouvre Till the LFS Chosen one came behind me and i flew in the air. I know that he did something
even the admin's cant ban/kick him.

If you see him..Disconnect from the server ASAP.. Otherwise ure in a big "lfsproblem"

Some say that he is still on lfs and make some %#$^&# problems on lfs..

12) Make the most Irish skin you can


13) Beat a time of 2:12 around blackwood reverse, on keyboard, with the XFG on rallyX tyres. With one eye closed.


14) Another writing one: Take a song, and fit LFS lyrics around it. Humour will go a long way towards getting you the S2 license

Linkin Park With Crawling

Racing on blackwood ,
These n00bs wont keep up with me,
Fear is how I crash,
Confusing what is loosing

There’s someone behind me tryng to pass me,
Consuming, Drifting,
This lack of car control I feel is never ending,
I can’t seem
To find myself again behind the Xrt,
My tires are almost dead,
Without a sense of confidence,
I’m convinced that it's just to much pressure to take,
I’ve felt never that i loosed,
So insecure

Crawling in my Car,
These fools will never pass me,
Fear is how I loose,
Confusing what is winning,

Discomfort endlessly has pulled itself upon me,
Distracting, Drifting,

Against my will I stand beside my own car reflections,
It’s haunting,
How I can’t seem,

15) If you got banned, what was the most stupid thing you got banned for? (No. I don't want this to turn into one of those 'I got banned' whinefests...Best answer this one by PMs, me thinks)

Drifting in a race server

If i will win i will burn up myself!!!!!
I was bored and made this crappy skin, it's kind of horrible
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Quote from RiGun :I was bored and made this crappy skin, it's kind of horrible

well better than anything i would make - i cant skin at all.
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :well better than anything i would make - i cant skin at all.

If i could.....

But i wish you guys succes!! (inclusive ME :tilt

It's very kind of u guys.. just giving people a free voucher
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :well better than anything i would make - i cant skin at all.

Same like me... I can't skin...
Quote from AlienT. :WOW! thanks so much Zaeka and other folks that have gone to the effort of doing me a skin.....darn it you guys make me feel soooo guilty....acht Zaeka I will get you a voucher, because a) you did not PM me, and b) you have been a demo user for a long time.

Could do with skins for other cars hint..hint LOL.

This is the last voucher I am giving out btw (4 in less than a week) please no more grovelling PM's from people....jees there are people dieing of starvation ffs...not having S2 is not the end of the world.

Nice one Zaeka, code will be PM'd to you shortly. Welcome to S2 at last

tnx look at yours PM`s .The skin is there
Cg's Yordanov! GL in S2!

Greetz for all!
Good luck everyone
(Irish Man) DELETED by Irish Man

S2 voucher contest
(155 posts, started )