Can action be taken against users who fake a server?
Hey all,
This is really a message for the devs.
To cut to the chase: There's a fake Caribbean Cruise server. It uses patch W and hasn't got CLIS (CLC's In-Sim app) running. An admin there banned me quite quickly after joining and I have an idea of who it is.
What action can/cannot be taken against this server/person and does anyone know of a good way to be sure who's behind it?


Chris P
Well, This is what we were told when we ( [TC] ) had a fake server

The devs cannot do anything and it is a problem to sort between us and the people that host the server.

Which i suppose is fair, they cannot spend hours a day making sure that there is no fake servers. So, unless you have the name CLC Caribbean Cruise copyrighted, i dont think there is anything you can do.

Quote from spiderbait90 :
Which i suppose is fair, they cannot spend hours a day making sure that there is no fake servers. So, unless you have the name CLC Caribbean Cruise copyrighted, i dont think there is anything you can do.

True, but it's none the less lame and immature to do so - to fake a server I mean.
Quote from spiderbait90 :So, unless you have the name CLC Caribbean Cruise copyrighted,

Trademarked, you mean. And I doubt that.
If you really want to know what action can be taken, nothing can be.
The most you can do however is tell an admin, or tell the official CLC forum admins that such a server is running, and they will have to deal with it however it is possible to deal with, but the devs can't do anything.
Quote from XCNuse :If you really want to know what action can be taken, nothing can be.
The most you can do however is tell an admin, or tell the official CLC forum admins that such a server is running, and they will have to deal with it however it is possible to deal with, but the devs can't do anything.

Chris P is the admin of CLC

I havent seen this fake server tbh. And yeah, only way to take it off is to contact the fake one's admins
I was in the server last night, and called them out on the copy. It's not a fake as in faking they are CLC, but a copy nearly exactly of the mod CLC runs. Unfortunately, many folks that use to frequent the CLC servers were in there and they said it was better. Just seemed like the same monkey business that went on in the CLC server during off-peak times. People racing around and crashing.
Quote from mrodgers :I was in the server last night, and called them out on the copy. It's not a fake as in faking they are CLC, but a copy nearly exactly of the mod CLC runs. Unfortunately, many folks that use to frequent the CLC servers were in there and they said it was better. Just seemed like the same monkey business that went on in the CLC server during off-peak times. People racing around and crashing.

Ahh. You must have been on the "[LTC] Live To Cruise "server. Is running a similar insim system that counts money earn to buy beter cars etc. The admins have said on that server is that they use the same commands so that new players can easily pick it up and dont have to learn a whole new set of commands. It has some other features in the pipeline, but so does CLC Caribbean Cruise. The similar server and mod is not the problem. It doesn't pretent to be a CLC (CityLifeCrew) server.

The server in question is being annoying because it is named a VERY similar name. The original is called
Caribbean Cruise 1 by CLC
the faked one is called
Caribbean Cruise 2 by CLC
The faked one does not utilise any inSim functions but it still uses the same layout. It seems to be a trap to lure people away from the original Cruise Server. Which after figuring out they have been duped - leave and go look for the real one.
just saw what the name was :s
i got a request for a free server, and the person wanted it for carribean cruise kind of server :s
oops, my bad, trademarked, not copyrighted. But yes, Its inmature copying someone elses thing, even if its not exactly.
Quote from wikipedia :Intellectual rights (from the French "droits intellectuels") is a term sometimes used to refer to the legal protection afforded to owners of intellectual capital. This notion is more commonly referred to as "intellectual property", though "intellectual rights" more aptly describes the nature of the protections afforded by most nations.
Both terms were used in Europe during the 19th century as a means of distinguishing between two different views of intellectual protection. "Intellectual property" was generally used to advocate a belief that copyrights and patents should provide rights akin to physical property rights. The term "intellectual rights" was used by those who felt that such protection should take the form of temporary, limited grants.
Although most modern copyright systems do not treat copyrighted or patented materials in the same way as real property, the term "intellectual property" has gained prominence. For more on this subject, see "intellectual property".
Also, at least three different kinds of capital and rights are involved:
  • creativity (individual capital) which implies rights to benefit from one's free expression
  • invention (instructional capital) which implies rights to benefit from having created some more efficient device or process
  • reputation (social capital) which implies rights not to have one's name or specific distinguishing tagline or ethic sullied by imitators or rivals
All three capital terms predate the term intellectual capital, which appears to be a 19th century artifact of early, now-discredited, economic theory.
In 20th century Europe also originated another more modern approach, intended to sweep away the differences between the historical "Intellectual Property" and "Intellectual Rights" camps, allowing every creator both perpetual and temporary rights:Note that this is one of the chief differences between U.S. and EU approach towards IPR up till the early 21st century, in that the crystallisation of this modern approach (the Berne Convention for the Prote ... terary and Artistic Works) is still only partially put in practice in the U.S., and, where applied, this is done largely outside the legislation regarding IP.

I reckon that just about covers it
Immature it may be, but...
Quote from Oscar Wilde :Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

ooh iv been in the fake one. didnt even realise it was fake, i thought it was just there to ease the strain. not that i go in either anymore, but it is very sneaky how theyv done tat. and immature.
Well this makes it confusing- but there use to be 2 servers running in the past CC 1 and CC 2. This was over one month ago and 2 working servers were running quite often. The CC project has just only been using 1 server the last few weeks and it was only in the last few days the FAKE one appeared. So if you were in the CC 2 server more than one week ago - it was the real one.
Not that big of a deal....