LFSCAR is running its stuff on a server called: "[FM]360° Event!". This server runs under patch W17. i was on that server almost the whole evening. and i've not kicked, banned or seen you there.
so probably you've been on another server. if so, i would be glad if you could delete your post or correct it.
Edit: I've just seen you were on a server called: "[360-R] Nascar Racing"
THIS SERVER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LFSCAR. They are just a bunch of 12 year old children trying to abuse our good name and reputation.
Sounds like you have your wires crossed, Ive only the upmost respect for The LFSCAR Team and am in my second season. And I think I m right in saying that all of the organisers are WAY OVER 12....lol
looks like I won't either me or weegie will be involved in this afterall - your lovely teammates have banned us and still waiting on a reply to find out what for!
I dont need reason! I know i was banned for defending myself against racism in that server. Yet the admin allows this type of behaviour in that server. Better off away from that sort of type.
And thanks for the efforts and time Fischfix for the testing of the courses for future events. I trully enjoyed that. I hope your event is a great success.
Anyone else i would offer this tip and avoid any FM servers due to the lack of respect towards users and also how they claim to be a "community" but they remove posts from their forums if its not to their taste(Control Freaks).