The online racing simulator
TEST Patch W32 (now W33)
(119 posts, closed, started )
TEST Patch W32 (now W33)


Hello Racers.

Here is a new test patch W33. Please see the list of changes below.

Here is some information about the major changes in this series of test patches :

- The number of cars that can join a race has been increased to 32
- False starts are now possible (LFS does not hold you at the start line)
- Skin improvements including high resolution premium skin download service
- Global class balancing system (currently applied to GTR and TBO classes)
- A new version of InSim including many improvements and a button interface

There are various improvements related to skins including the option to download high resolution skins while online, for a small charge of £1 for 2000 downloads. The low resolution downloads are still free. We have to charge for the downloading of high resolution skins because of the increased bandwidth and the need to buy and maintain more internet servers for LFS online usage which is always increasing. Please note, we are not selling skins. The skins remain the property of their owners. Your copy is a high resolution compressed version of the original. This is a charge purely for the downloading service which allows you to see other cars' skins in higher resolution.

Downloaded skins are now always saved and shown in compressed form. The original jpg is not saved on other computers. This allows the best use of memory and the quickest load from disk.

To use your own jpg skins, or to view skins that you manually download, save them into your skins folder - you will then find them selectable in game, just as before. You can see your manually downloaded skins compressed or not compressed according to the option for local skins. There are now 4 skins folders but you can ignore them all, just forget about them and just use the skins folder as usual.

skins : you save jpg skins that you want to select in game
skins_dds : lfs uses this to store dds (compressed) versions of your local skins
skins_x : lfs stores automatically downloaded low res skins
skins_y : lfs stores automatically downloaded high res skins

If you want to use this service, you can make a payment at or at the main site

To deal with the increased memory usage, there is also a skin purging system which removes unneeded skins from your graphics card memory, some time after they were last used. You can see the list of skins in use in the Misc Options screen. White means the skin is actually in use. Black means it was recently used and is hanging around a while in case it is used again (to avoid a disc access). In the past, LFS just left all skins in memory until you changed track or weather.

Changes in TEST PATCH W33 :

Practice sessions now start from pits (like qualifying)
First lap time of qualifying or practice is not displayed
Removed inset button from escape menu shortcut keys text
Improved connection - less likely to fail to join a host
Can now save MPR from dedicated host (auto or manual)

FIX : /end command in single player did not exit correctly

InSim : ISS_VISIBLE no longer changes due to text entry dialog box
InSim : IS_PEN packets now sent on autox false start or wrong route
InSim : Total time penalty is now included in IS_RES (compatible)

Changes in TEST PATCH W32 :

Command line command /player (start LFS with specified player name)
Startup skin conversion now shows progress and skin being converted
New command /wait (like /exec but LFS hangs until the program exits)
New InSim buttons system allowing better interface in InSim programs
Various other InSim updates - nearly all compatible with W26 InSim

FIX : Helmet jpg skins didn't appear in list in uncompressed skins mode
FIX : Damaged AI drivers could get stuck if two nearby wanted to reset
FIX : Single Player Replay of qualifying session did not work
FIX : Replay OOS error when using a voluntary handicap

Changes from W to W26 :

Multiplayer :

Up to 47 guests can connect to a host
Max cars in multiplayer race increased to 32
In demo still only 12 racing but up to 15 can connect
Car is no longer held at start line - false starts possible
Start lights time between red and green is changed each race
Avoided most of the "Can't x - a player is connecting" messages
Implemented a new "canreset" option while leaving hotlaps valid
Automatic spectate if you drive out of bounds when reset not allowed
Global handicaps for class balancing (set by master server)
Remote car's handicap shown in F11 menu, tyres in F12 menu
Grid reordering is now done on end race as well as restart
Kick and ban votes are held open a little longer

Racing :

Start and pit fuel loads range from 1% to 100%
Qualifying sessions now start from the pit lane
Qualifying out lap is no longer counted as a valid lap
Single player now allows up to 20 ai cars (powerful pc)
Pit instructions and live settings work in single player
SHIFT+G gear shift selection no longer stops SP recording
New voluntary handicap system in pits (part of setup)
Added preload setting to clutch pack differentials

Display :

Small map colours can be changed : Options-Display-Interface
Small map cars more than one lap ahead are a different colour
Automatic show results - leaves small map visible when driving
Hide / show results removed from options - now available on CTRL+TAB
Timing info is show in yellow after winner crosses line or time over
Yellow finished message is no longer duplicated in central text
Connection bars are not drawn if they would obscure tyre info
Qualifying cars on out lap are drawn orange (others yellow)
Qualifying position is shown in yellow like race position
Added text on screen showing the reason for a penalty
Display option : Virtual steering gauge
Display option : Rotate small map

Interface :

Added button to spectate directly from pits
Supporting TrackIR with 6 degrees of freedom
Scroll though autocross results with PgUp / PgDn
SHIFT+P now enters garage from game setup screen
SHIFT+O now enters options when watching a SP replay
New keys SHIFT+S (spectate) and SHIFT+P (go to pits)
Button look is now added to the yaw output of TrackIR
Automatic unpause when starting or restarting a replay
Ignition key "I" is now assignable to any key or button
Removed the sound effect of a racer pitting or spectating
Pit instructions fuel load can now be adjusted in 1% steps
Escape menu improvements : can use keys (listed on screen)
Race control message now has priority over wrong way message
Wider FOV and more view pitch available (for extreme settings)
Filter added to list of games to avoid hosts which allow reset
Place objects is now switched off when entering race or qualifying
FIX : Start restriction countdown was missing from OK button in pits
FIX : Q / X / ESC / ENTER keys did not exit from pits if player in race

Skins :

Replay skins download screen new "always" and "never" options
High res premium skin download system (£1 for 2000 downloads)
System to purge skins from graphics card memory when not used
Skin download and preload during connection after loading track
Improved the "new colours" system - combined with skin selection
Skins in skins folder are not converted to dds if using full skins

InSim :

New version of InSim allows up to eight TCP or UDP connections
More race tracking info and many packets added (see InSim.txt)
More commands now work on AI drivers : /spec /pitlane /p_xxx
More commands work even if player joining e.g. /spec /laps
New /i command to send a message to a race control program
Race penalty can now be removed with /p_clear command
Send all players to their pits with /pit_all command
Admins can now use the IS_REO (race reorder) packet
New packet IS_MSX - allows typing of longer messages
New packet IS_MSL - output a message on local computer

System :

Removed the option not to use HVS if it is available
Better messages showing the reason for disconnection
Admins can now edit and /axsave layouts while online
Admin ban dialog now asks for a number of days to ban
Admins can now see other admins in list of connections
Added short track name to SPR, MPR and RAF file formats
Added handicap mass and restriction to hotlap file header
Increased maximum physics objects due to more cars on track
Start grid remains when track or config changes (if possible)
FIX : Removed the need to pass a split after receiving admin penalty
FIX : The TAB key did not work with /press /ctrl and /shift commands
FIX : Autocross checkpoints in line could cause rapid lap count bug
FIX : Path followers were reset when an object was added or removed
FIX : Path follower reset caused a glitch or an out of bounds reset
FIX : Some objects were not drawn after exiting pits while paused
FIX : Start lights were not shown in some of the training lessons
FIX : Autocross layout number of laps sometimes did not load
FIX : Message "NETWORK FATAL : NOTSOCK" when joining a host
FIX : Find user in S2 mode looking for racer on S1 host
FIX : Occasional crash when exiting from List of Games


PATCH (Version W must already be installed) :

ZIP VERSION (If you prefer a zip file) :

DEDICATED HOST (for hosting only) :
Thanks Scawen, the AI reset deadlock fix works like a charm. The way the AI attempts to maneuver away from multi-car pile-ups is much more believable now. I even saw one do a three-point turn to get out of a particularly tangled jumble of cars. Nice!
Thankyou for this!

Dare I ask...

When's patch X?

the earliest date i've seen scawen say was around june 1st. the best answer is "when its ready".
When in single player (I was testing the AI) - I paused pressing P. - then went into the options to change my FOV.

The options menu showed - Resume - ESC

Escape just dropped the menu - but didnt resume the game - I still had to press P to unpause.

When I read "resume" I expected the game to unpause and restart.

Is that the intended outcome for Resume?

PS - AI working great - First race out - no crashes (very rare) - next race out nearly every one crashed - with no major issues - I Like the new AI Stopping for repairs text. The AI do seem to carry on with some damage now or at least try to. Good prgoress.
In single player when clearing the list of AI's from the lobby using the /clear command, there is no Garage or Track button after ending a single player race.

Also in single player, if using the /cars= command. Trying to select a car that is disallowed results in a "this host does not allow this car" message... in single player mode..

Reproducible here.


Otherwise great.. And a question, will the "retired" message be documented in X ?

Quote from mkinnov8 :In single player when clearing the list of AI's from the lobby using the /clear command, there is no Garage or Track button after ending a single player race.

This seems to be the case only if you exit from the race with the /end command. Another way to see that same bug is that if you exit with /end, then delete any player with the minus button, the race will start. Someone mentioned this recently - anyway it's on my list to fix.

Quote from mkinnov8 :Also in single player, if using the /cars= command. Trying to select a car that is disallowed results in a "this host does not allow this car" message... in single player mode..

OK, I'm not too worried about that, if someone uses /cars in single player, doesn't seem much of a problem - let me know if this cause any issues.

Quote from mkinnov8 :Otherwise great.. And a question, will the "retired" message be documented in X ?

What about it? When do you see it? I thought that message only appeared if a car drives out of bounds and can't reset for a while (until it's safe to auto-reset). What sort of documentation were you thinking of?
Here's a little toy to test the new button interface.

Put this exe into main LFS directory, then type into LFS commands:
/insim 29999
/exec names
/exec names localhost 29999 <password>
if you have admin password set.

Now when switching view to other cars with TAB key, player name is shown on top of screen.
Attached files - 25.3 KB - 399 views
Quote from Scawen :This seems to be the case only if you exit from the race with the /end command. Another way to see that same bug is that if you exit with /end, then delete any player with the minus button, the race will start. Someone mentioned this recently - anyway it's on my list to fix.

Sorry, seen no mention of it.

Quote from Scawen : OK, I'm not too worried about that, if someone uses /cars in single player, doesn't seem much of a problem - let me know if this cause any issues.

No issues whatsoever, just didnt expect it as I wasnt on a host.

Quote from Scawen : What about it? When do you see it? I thought that message only appeared if a car drives out of bounds and can't reset for a while (until it's safe to auto-reset). What sort of documentation were you thinking of?

Yes exactly, when a car drives out of bounds it freezes the screen, with the word "retired" in the centre of the screen where the RCM messages are displayed.

I just wondered about it, documentation - I mean as in mentioned as one of your ADD: lines in the test patch posts.. I hadn't seen it mentioned before, surprised me when a car went out of bounds. I thought I read that a car was sent to spectate, but that might have been a dream.

Quote :Changes from W to W26 :

Multiplayer :

Automatic spectate if you drive out of bounds when reset not allowed...

That it possibly?

Apologies, I simply dont have the time to read everything here, but I do like to keep up to date with the test patch forums.

thanks for the reply
Quote from Scawen :
Removed the option not to use HVS if it is available

Can I ask why its being removed? It would be okay if it was put back when patch X is released, but I must ask why it is removed

Since when I use my GFX card, it creates some horrid effects all over the place (see screenshots), and I use the HVS options to stop it, but since you removed this option, I cannot stop the effects.

I know its not worth adding/removing something for 1 person, but its worth a try
Attached images
Quote from VTiRoj :Since when I use my GFX card, it creates some horrid effects all over the place (see screenshots), and I use the HVS options to stop it, but since you removed this option, I cannot stop the effects.

Looks like a faulty card. If you remove HVS it doesn't use the card so that's why you don't see artifacts then.
Yeah I know its faulty, thats why I'd like the option to remove HVS again if its not too much trouble
I've got errors in the new skin naming system!

it says: could not find lisned texture: (car name and skin here. EX: XRR_skin1) then LFS froze
I had to shut down the computer and restart! firts time ever in my 6 months of playing LFS!
Quote from VTiRoj :Yeah I know its faulty, thats why I'd like the option to remove HVS again if its not too much trouble

So, let me get this straight. You want Scawen to change something in LFS just because you'r to lazy to get a working card?
Quote from Lautsprecher[NOR] :So, let me get this straight. You want Scawen to change something in LFS just because you'r to lazy to get a working card?

If anything, it'll increase compatibility. I too have a faulty card but that's because i have an old desktop replacement, and to replace the card I'd have to buy a whole new computer $$$.
Surely by the looks of those graphics VTiRoj, 16 or 24 HVS settings should work just fine for you. Your card cannot be THAT old. If you run games and they have these effects, your card is probably pretty bad. But I'd put money on that being a driver issue. Experiment.
As you can see, it only took 7 laps for the AI to completely get stuck... is there any way to turn off the new way of resetting in single player and put it back like it was? I find it annoying when an AI car plows into me, sideways, at 120 mph and flips me over on the grass and I can't reset because I *might* cause a yellow flag. Or, as the attached pic shows, can't reset because I'm next to another car which can't reset, which is next to another car which can't reset... I looked through the options list and didn't see how to turn this off. I only play single player because of the wacky internet I have. When I can't even do 10 laps without the AI screwing everything up EVERY TIME now, I don't see any point in playing anymore.
Attached images
A red flag would be cool in that kind of a situation
How on earth did you manage to do that?
Quote from mkinnov8 :Sorry, seen no mention of it.

No need to say sorry, it's good to have another way to reproduce the same bug.

Quote from mkinnov8 :Yes exactly, when a car drives out of bounds it freezes the screen, with the word "retired" in the centre of the screen where the RCM messages are displayed.

I just wondered about it, documentation - I mean as in mentioned as one of your ADD: lines in the test patch posts.. I hadn't seen it mentioned before, surprised me when a car went out of bounds. I thought I read that a car was sent to spectate, but that might have been a dream.

Yes, if reset is not allowed, you are automatically spectated if you drive out of bounds. But if reset is allowed, it freezes you car in "retired" mode until it's safe to reset.

Quote from VTiRoj :Yeah I know its faulty, thats why I'd like the option to remove HVS again if its not too much trouble

Have you tried updating your graphics drivers? As Tweak said, that really looks more like a software error. Allowing HVS to be switched off isn't really a good idea, we've had dozens of posts over time from people saying "I've turned everything down, and my frame rate is terrible". It takes quite a long time then to work out they have switched off HVS and that's why their frame rate is so bad.

Quote from Zachary Zoomy :I've got errors in the new skin naming system!

it says: could not find lisned texture: (car name and skin here. EX: XRR_skin1) then LFS froze
I had to shut down the computer and restart! firts time ever in my 6 months of playing LFS!

Thank you but... please can you describe what happened? Is this when you first started LFS? Or were you in the pits, selecting a car skin? We really need to know exactly what buttons you clicked, exactly what you were trying to do. Did this happen only once, or can you make it happen again? Is it only when you select one particular skin, or all skins? If it is only one skin, please can you check if the skin is corrupted (look in your skins folder and open it). It's very important to fix that bug - it sounds bad - but we need a good description - thanks!

Quote from bw_krupp :... is there any way to turn off the new way of resetting in single player and put it back like it was? I find it annoying when an AI car plows into me, sideways, at 120 mph and flips me over on the grass and I can't reset because I *might* cause a yellow flag. Or, as the attached pic shows, can't reset because I'm next to another car which can't reset, which is next to another car which can't reset...

Well, AI is next thing to be worked on after patch X is released. It will take some weeks, I can't really do anything very quickly. However, W32 was supposed to make it that any AI who can't reset, do try to drive away without resetting. I'm interested in situations where that is not working.

Quote from ZolArT :Download skins in local host (dedi)
Please, add to dedicate server possibility download skins from folder dedi-server\data\skins_x for local server

No off topic requests in this section please. This section is only for discussing issues related to the test patch.
Quote from Scawen :However, W32 was supposed to make it that any AI who can't reset, do try to drive away without resetting. I'm interested in situations where that is not working.

it seems some cars are flipped over in his screenshot. when a number of cars are in that position maybe they could get stuck.
For me most stable TEST version is last few weeks.
Good work Scawen

I have 1 comment thought.
Wouldnt be better to draw the track minimap somehow differently in the track selection menu.
If you run without any AA applied it makes a lot of edges on the minimap picture(pls see attachment).Looks to me a bit unpolished/unbalanced when the rest of the menu looks smooth.
Attached images
dont know if this has been mentioned before, theres a bug(?) in the chat where not the hole text will be displayed. In the picture you can see i have typed 3 times a-z and my mate Blaster showed what he can see.
Attached images
chat bug.jpg
Quote from Scawen :

Yes, if reset is not allowed, you are automatically spectated if you drive out of bounds. But if reset is allowed, it freezes you car in "retired" mode until it's safe to reset.

Thanks Cheers for the answer, thanks for the time.
I think its an improvement that AI not automatically repair and make best of car. Within the limits of current AI they solve most pileups (although it take time). Problems arise if they flip over it seems.

This does not mean i would not like to see them go a bit faster (compared to online players), use a pitstop strategy (also for repairs), and be a little more aware of environment (although i think they mostly are carefull).
This thread is closed

TEST Patch W32 (now W33)
(119 posts, closed, started )