I am kind of limited in time, but I can give it a shot...
a short (2 mins of pure action approx)team promo sounds nice, something I havent done yet...
plus I need some practice for my next movie (Project:the next big thing that nobody has tried yet, and after my movie is out everyone will like it, and nobody will doubt my skills afterwards... (Short, consised and catchy

now, what I need is you to get a pair of good replays (twin, tripple, figure drifting (dancing for example) and a replay where all the cars are driving slow on a track, no fancy stuff, just drive close, slow, no drifts, no wheelspins, no nothing...that will do.
afterwards, I need the team name, nicknames of all who are in the team, team logo if you have one, your motto if you have one, and basicaly, you leave the rest to me.
If you dont like anything (like some music artists for example - write in advance, since it's hard to change the music when it's already syncronised with video effects, and video scenes)
what you should know is that I will take rights to air it on my website, and I will air it on my Youtube account (permanently so you can air it on your site from there without worries that it will be taken off)

plus it will say "squids vids in the end of the credits"
if still interested - PM me through this forum, and I will give you my E-mail adress, for you to send me replays
