looking to join a team.
(43 posts, started )
looking to join a team.
i need to join a s2 team.
Quote from mutt107 :i need to join a s2 team.

Give shaun ago Could be a key part of the team there!

Quote from shaun463 :Team Zoom http://www.teamzoom.co.nr

Shaun, instead of just saying that, sell the team a bit more!

Tell them what you have to offer and so on, try and get in contact with them over PM or MSN and so on.
instead of starting another thread...if you dont mind, ill post here

I would also like to join an S2 team, im a good driver, having nearly 3 years of experience under my young age. I am 13 on Monday (hope i have a good b-day ), however...im not like the chav kid 13 year old who hangs around shops in his tracksuit bottoms...while they smoke their ciggies, i turn my wheel ...so feel free to look over my stats, i can say im very lucky to have S2 at my age, i am very grateful

So i hope you dont mind me posting here
harjun, if I were you m8, I'd just take it easy for a while to gather information and to look at the different teams. You don't want to join a team where most of them are a bunch of w*nkers. Look around and see who seem to be a good team.
ok thanks Lepreakaun...you are a good guy, the guy who actually seems to understand about things
Thanks again sir
Thought you was in .WAV?
no i wassn't, i told Mike that our time zones and stuff....it wasnt going to work
Im trying to look for a team with people my age
Im not very good with teams, but im a good driver
#10 - Jakg
Quote from harjun :Im not very good with teams, but im a good driver

then why do you need to be in a team? perhaps my advice in another thread might help...
Quote from Jakg :Call me sad, but i really do worry about the state of teams in LFS - when i first started i was a BIG n00b (with autogears, brake help etc ), and i joined MG - i had some good racing there but i never actually talked that much to any of the team members and it got to a point where i was only actually in it for the skins and i'd got to a point where i felt i was fast enough to apply to another team (but i couldn't be bothered, those MG skins rocked!). Thanks to the STCC i met UKCT (well, i met Sam (and Tristan, Kev, Karl etc) before on a certain "UKCT Beginners" server, but he wrecked me :P) via TeamSpeak and realised what a cracking bunch of guys they are (well, Mike, Sam, John, Dan, Dustin, Gizmo, Ade, Nick & the 26 Chris's - Dave sucks ), and i spent 10x more time talking to them than i ever did with MG - i left MG due to actions by other members, and that put me in the UKCT TeamSpeak server with no team - they asked if i wanted in and i jumped at the chance. Sure, MG (or DR as they are now) will probably get in more leagues than UKCT will (UKCT motto - "Great Team, Crap Drivers"), but i don't care, i have a whale of a time.

The point of my crazy ramblings? from my experience the teams with the people you think are a great bunch of guys (+ 1 LFS'ing girl :tilt is a LOT more fun that the MG (just using them as an example here) style team where the onus is on leagues etc. The whole idea of the so-called "Forum Teams" which start, recruit and break up withing a month or so is just rediculous imo though.

Do you REALLY have to be in a team that badly? if your not in it for the friends (which your blatenently not seeing as the amount of team swapping your doing) then what the hell are you in it for? if you want to become a high profile LFS'er, joining a team to compete in leagues may be one way to do it, but first you need above ordinary skill...

Sorry for the crazy ravings of Jakg, it's just this whole team thing is just rediculous atm - everyone HAS to be in a team, and if no-one will let them in they just make their own - just what LFS needs...

Mr "RacerHero" - LFSn00b got a bad reputation for continually team swapping (although now he's cleaned up his act, team wise at least...) and thats all that you will get if your going to do the same, because imo from here it looks like you want to move up the "LFS Social Ladder" and become one of the well respected names in LFS (aka the drivers from Ocrana (SK now), Mercury etc). If i'm wrong then sorry, these are just the words of a caffeine hyped, internet deprived, overly tired (yay, 4 hours of sleep last night!) forum whore.

Off Topic now - i was checking your stats (out of interest) and was quite suprised to find out that we've done a VERY similare milage (as i post, i've got just 69 more under my belt), yet when i compare my times vs yours, you've got very little amount of times on most tracks - where the hell did you rack up that mileage?!

Quote from Jakg :then why do you need to be in a team? perhaps my advice in another thread might help...

me?...i race a lot man, im good, but no one seems to see it, i also wanna be in a team, cause i like making websites, and i'd like to make a website for a team
#12 - Jakg
Quote from harjun :...im good, but no one seems to see it...

i'm nothing amazing driving wise, but from your LFSW stats i can't see any amazing times - care to enlighten me?
#13 - llew
Quote from harjun :me?...i race a lot man, im good, but no one seems to see it, i also wanna be in a team, cause i like making websites, and i'd like to make a website for a team

Sounds like you should start your own team then.

Quote from Jakg :i'm nothing amazing driving wise, but from your LFSW stats i can't see any amazing times - care to enlighten me?

i dont race multiplayer much, i only do hotlaps
Quote from harjun :me?...i race a lot man, im good, but no one seems to see it, i also wanna be in a team, cause i like making websites, and i'd like to make a website for a team

Then why did you leave subsonic harjun ?
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :Gold CTRA in Sig

Off topic but I just noticed you have Gold CTRA!
I did not know you could get them from oval racing
Quote from jamesrowe :Off topic but I just noticed you have Gold CTRA!
I did not know you could get them from oval racing

Quote from harjun :me?...i race a lot man, im good, but no one seems to see it, i also wanna be in a team, cause i like making websites, and i'd like to make a website for a team

He is a good racer but he has the tendancy to spin out or make a small mistake which costs him dearly. For example in the TE league he was first in all 3 races but he made small mistakes in each of them costing him the race.

Please dont flame him about "why did ya leave subsonic" everytime he posts many people say why did you leave. He is just trying to find a team.
thanks, i appreciate it, and as for the league...well lol
i lost it
Quote from harjun :i dont race multiplayer much, i only do hotlaps

harjun, I have to say, with that kind of talk, no team will want you. Being fast is good, however, it is only 1 aspect of becoming a good driver, its not even important. There are 3 things which make a great driver, speed, consistency and clever racecraft. If you're good in all 3, then you're getting somewhere, then after you're good, you just improve and get better. I'm not the man for no mistakes in a race, I sometimes do a bad mistake here or there but the point is, you have to learn when to push and when to hold back.

Its all very complicated but at the end of the day, what I'm saying is, speed is has very little importance compared to the other 2.

Oh and btw, have you decided to ignore my advice on observing different teams?
i observed (however the hell you speed it) some teams, i got one, offered to make a website for them asweel! its called [got race], something like that, and there are different sections in the team, 5 infact, so it might be pretty bit
#22 - Jakg
Quote from harjun :i dont race multiplayer much, i only do hotlaps

...you haven't uploaded a single hotlap according to LFSW - with mediocre times online, a low mileage and no hotlaps how would anyone know your true speed
thats the point....im...Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN! lol
also...shadow rider, i just....come out of the mist and kick....BUTT?
Quote from harjun :i observed (however the hell you speed it) some teams, i got one, offered to make a website for them asweel! its called [got race], something like that, and there are different sections in the team, 5 infact, so it might be pretty bit

Quote from harjun :thats the point....im...Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na BATMAN! lol
also...shadow rider, i just....come out of the mist and kick....BUTT?

I think you've had to many cans of coke!
AHAHAHAH! lol i am being hyper right now, and my dog bit me.,...
i have Red Bull, and it gave me some wings and i flew and overtook all the F1s at Monaco and i came 1st... im too good

looking to join a team.
(43 posts, started )