The online racing simulator
yeah and i tough images are not allowed
not everyone has the chance to get dsl6000 or so, FOX ,-)
was a bit lazy to upload, just a repost of the Challenge entry sry
Seconed try to make a drift skin.
4 versions in each zip archive.
Master Skinnerz
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(GloryJ) DELETED by GloryJ
Nice one teazr-R, I like it! Simple colour scheme but with really slick graphics
here is my georgius new skin for myself ( Says Smurfen on the hood)

Quote from GloryJ :Seconed try to make a drift skin.
4 versions in each zip archive.
Master Skinnerz

hum... on these skins r the big text on the right side of the car are in the wrong direction.
u only see it right trough a mirror
That is the drift style. The new fad.

Nice skins guys
well, here's mine..

what do u think?
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XRR_RALLY copy.jpg

that's my skinnerz challenge entry. i'd really appreciate comments and critiscism as i'd like to improve my skins.

thanks a lot


ps: i added a 2nd color option just for fun.
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Nice work you two, very cool skins
Why do you guys ask for "demo skins".
Skins are skins S2 they can be uploaded for other users
to see them, Demo only you can see them, unless you wanna
send it to all the demo users they wont see it so why would
you want a skin if no 1 can see it?
Quote from Sir. Sniper :Can we have one for the turbo for the demo racers!!!! D/l link t00!!!!!

Umm... that one was for the Turbo =/
Smurfen Skin Production Presents:
The XRR flame eagle

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Thats a really nice skin their! Simple, clean looking. Me likes
Very cool Papa Smurf!
thanks guys..
Smirnoff Ice Black XRR - main sponsor is Smirnoff, secondary sponsor is Alpine. Many thanks to Bunta and the Master Skinnerz forum for the template/mask. Uploaded to LFS World, download the full (1024×1024) file HERE. Any c&c welcome.
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My New Skin Feedback please
hey i just made this new skin it was a quick one though so dont expect it to be great but some feed back would be nice
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Not sure about the blue, maybe darken it a bit or use another colour (Like the gold bit on the LFS logo) But it's a very neat and tidy skin, well done.
yeah maybe darken the blue a little... i nearly got a headache
lol yeh everyones said that about the skin

i'v made another new 1 which only took me about half an hour feedback about this 1 it was just a quick one and i made it in paint
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Pretty nice, but it really is like an template, it`s good for team or something.
wel i was only posting the main bit of the car i havent put any vinyls or decals on it yet but if anyone wants to use it as a template then they are welcome to just pm me and i'l send you it

XR Skins (All)
(7350 posts, started )