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The MS-Paint Music Quiz
(961 posts, started )
I have a reserve one to post if needed.
I don't care if I've won anything or not, I had a moment of inspiration:
Attached images
I reckon the band is Alpha & Omega, not clue at all with the tune though...Guitar & Bass ?

/wanders off mumbling about go stealing lemon haters
Magic string - Alpha & Omega?
Band- Music VS Physics (local Melb band)

Well you've got the track name (that was the easy bit).

You'll probably need to be a bit of a metalhead to get the band though.
Tip: the name is a portmanteau

With the number of people from their country on these forums, someone is bound to got it soon.
Damn you MAGGOT, you've probably got it right xD
Nope. I can see why you'd guess that, however that second instrument is not a cello.
#35 - CSU1
Synthisised bass.

artist: Stratovarius - alpha & Omega????


If it aint them , they sound good!
Finnish Rock!!!!!!:headbang:
Quote from CSU1 :artist: Stratovarius - alpha & Omega????


(Instruments were supposed to be Stratocaster guitar and a Stradivarius)
#37 - CSU1
Quote from Bob Smith :Bingo!

(Instruments were supposed to be Stratocaster guitar and a Stradivarius)

YES!!! I though it was a i searches for synthisised bass, at one stage I was searchin for elechello LOL!

meh, I suck at thinking up songs, anywho heres another

Attached images
inert - god knows which song
#39 - CSU1
Chemical Brothers - Out of Control
#41 - CSU1
All wrong
Quote from LFSn00b :Chemical Brothers - ???

<Maybe "Galvanise" (PUSH DAT BUTTON!)

also, why "inert"? some gas?
#43 - CSU1
Quote from Funnycat :<Maybe "Galvanise" (PUSH DAT BUTTON!)

also, why "inert"? some gas?

Wikipedia doesnt describe inert very well, you are all getting mis-lead
Quote from CSU1 :Wikipedia

didn't use it
afaik inert=passive, inactive
this is beginning to look like Ouverture Facile
any hints?
50 cent - Outta control?

(if it's supposed to be money in the jar on the left of the drawing)
#47 - CSU1
Quote from Funnycat :didn't use it
afaik inert=passive, inactive
this is beginning to look like Ouverture Facile

oooops! v.sorry funnycat is just it has cheimicals and gas plastered all over it, I just assumed.


@ Sponge, hints! teeeeheehehehehehehehemuaahahahahahaaaaa!

Id say it's so easy that ppl are leaving it for others to guess
Placebo - Infra-Red.
#49 - CSU1
:doh: never knew what placebo was

The MS-Paint Music Quiz
(961 posts, started )