The online racing simulator
Next Event??
(14 posts, started )
Next Event??
Just wondered if there was any idea when the next event will be or what plans there are for the near future?? I miss having these rally's to look forward to as an alternative from the usual racing!
Well, I'll be spending the next two weeks in Ireland. I've been working on organizing some stuff for the upcoming championship, but I'll probably have a couple of events prior to get interested drivers 'caught up' on how the events run (I'm not allowing inexperienced drivers into the championship events). I may have a set of events the weekend of the 26th/27th. I go to a lot of real road rallies too during the year, which is why I haven't had many events lately! Just hang tight, hopefully it'll be worth the wait!

If anyone else is interested in organizing events, contact me by email ([email protected]) or on MSN ([email protected]). I'd also like to start doing bi-monthly rallycross events once I get back from overseas!
In case you missed it the other time I posted it (I forget which thread it was in actually), the tentative championship schedule is as follows:

Round 1 - June 16th
Round 2 - June 30th
Round 3 - July 7th
Round 4 - July 28th
Round 5 - August 11th
Round 6 - August 25th
Round 7 - September 8th
Round 8 - September 22nd

(All Saturdays @ 17:00 GMT/UTC)
Sounds kool I'll look forward to the Championship then!
I'm back! I'll be hosting a pair of events this weekend just to get back into the swing of things.

17:00 (GMT) @ [SimRS] Stage Rally

Now that I'm done with the hustle and bustle of school for a few weeks I can really get all the loose ends tied up for the championship!
Brilliant! I can't make the first round of the championship as i'll be at le mans 24hrs but hopefully i can make the others... i say hopefully as saturdays are a bit difficult for me :-/
Pair of events this weekend? Is that saturday and sunday?

There are no scheduled events for this weekend (www or portal), but there are events anyway?
Quote from Aquilifer :Pair of events this weekend? Is that saturday and sunday?

There are no scheduled events for this weekend (www or portal), but there are events anyway?

Yes, and yes. They'll be very casual events, just for fun.
Results from this afternoon's event. One more tommorrow, it might be the last one until Round 1!

Cool! thanks for the organistation Wolf , was very enjoyable. I look forward to the next event
ill be racin today
Results from today's event:

Thanks again to everyone who raced!
soz i didnt make it
Was fun again, but maybe you could put the stage tracks too (BL1R, FE5 and lap counts maybe) in the table next time. I have hard time remember what the tracks were.

Next Event??
(14 posts, started )