I dont agree with being made to pay for skin downloads. If i play for 6 hours, On a busy server such as CLC or LTC, i may download 2~10 skins. The majority of skins out there are in my Skins_x folder. And also, why pay for a public convience. I paid my £24 for S2, why now have to pay an Extra £1 whenever it feels like downloading the same skin which some idiot has renamed to something else.
And, @Harjun, copying skins_x into Skins is a bad idea. Lots of skins are team skins, for example the Moo Racing FXR skin. Thats not for use for public people, same for many teams I'm sure. Also, skins made by individulas, rather than teams, are for the use by them unless said otherwise, which is why I only use either Moo Team Skins, Skins i have made, and skins from the Skins section on the forum, which say they are allowed for use by public