The online racing simulator
[Request] See what aids people are using?
Hi, I am running a league called the Vixen Challenge and there is a tool that I need. A few people have said that they don't think brake and throttle help should be allowed, but obviously I need some kind of tool to see if people are using it. I think I have read about this tool somewhere on RSC before so if anyone knows how to get it, or does have it, please may you reply here or PM me.

is it THAT much of an issue? seems to me to be much slower
I've heard that it can be altered to the drivers advantage. Is this true?
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
Geez, I don't think you're any faster with them on. They are really really basic helps, nothing like the old "assisted" keyboard steering uber-h4x. Also I don't know how you could modify them in any way? You'd probably need exe hacking for that.
Quote from AndroidXP :Geez, I don't think you're any faster with them on. They are really really basic helps, nothing like the old "assisted" keyboard steering uber-h4x. Also I don't know how you could modify them in any way? You'd probably need exe hacking for that.

Brake help can be of some assistance in terms of looking after your tyres, particularly when overall grip drops off as temperatures increase, because it's so much easier to lock a tyre or two. It becomes a vicious circle of less-grip, more lock-ups > even less grip, even easier lock-ups and so on.
Stats doesn't show me what aids people are using :S

If I've missed something, I'd very much like to know!
Unzip the attached file into your replay folder then simply drag a replay file onto it to get a tab file. Unfortunately, you'll only be able to figure out the aids after the event's over.
Attached files - 18.1 KB - 291 views
Well, i think there's always a way.

The ideal way would be if LFSWorld would have that info and the
server could retreive it upon request. You would have to ask Victor.
I think he's the one who's already added the controllers because people
kept asking for a way to tell between keyboard/mouse and wheel.

Another way would be using InSim. I doubt this info is accessible from
InSim, but it could be added in LFS eventually. You would have to ask Scawen

Else it could be added in the server setup menu in LFS.
Forcing setups would be at the same place i guess

As for the chance any of us (non-LFSdev) making this happen, we might
be able with InSim. If we can get an app to send/receive messages
between client/server (does InSim do that ?), we can do quite a bit !

I've seen the assist values in the RAM before, so if we can find those,
it's only a matter of making the clients send this info to the server.
Add a cheat protection to force people to activate the app to join
the server and you have a 'forced no assists" server using InSim to
kick clients who don't follow/oblige.

Ok, now stop giving me ideas !
#10 - GerG
Quote from tristancliffe :Stats doesn't show me what aids people are using :S

If I've missed something, I'd very much like to know!

Verison 1.32 has Driving Aids column in the Race Results table
(MonkOnHotTinRoof) DELETED by MonkOnHotTinRoof
Quote from GerG :Verison 1.32 has Driving Aids column in the Race Results table


Josh - I've found the solution, and I've redone the Aston National event's replays with Stats! 1.32... Guess what - no one is using the 'banned' aids (no, not plasters).
I stopped looking for replies after about a week didn't realise there had been any until now. Thanks for your help everyone .