For some reason when I try to hook up my steering wheel to my computer and run LFS, my pedels didnt seem to work. Both of the pedels acted as a brake. Can anyone help me? Is is something inside the steering wheel? Cuz right now I have a Nascar Pro Digital 2.
EDIT: Also., my clutch is always on and my brake is always on unless i pres the pedal
EDIT: when i push one pedel, it goes about less then half way then when i push the other one at the same time it goes all the way. Why isnt my gas working?
EDIT: Also., my clutch is always on and my brake is always on unless i pres the pedal
EDIT: when i push one pedel, it goes about less then half way then when i push the other one at the same time it goes all the way. Why isnt my gas working?