I've had a bad experience with all HP hardware I use, from printers to even computers, I just don't really like HP that much. Be aware though, they do load up their computers with junk software. Also they seem to have not very good deals, well, the prices are good, but the prices don't give much for its power. A while back I got a desktop, probably around $500, it was I believe 2.5 GHz, 256mb ram, and no AGP slot (which, as far as I knew I've never heard of a non-AGP graphics card), after uninstalling about 30 programs and testing LFS, no matter what I did the integrated graphics would only get around 10 FPS at best. Got this dell 4600 system, somewhere around the same $500 range, and it's 2.8 GHz, came with 512mb ram (back in those days it 1gb was almost unheard of), and it came with a graphics card, I don't remember what it was but I got a better one right away. Noadays its not so great anymore, upgraded to 1.5GB of ram, and a once-was fast graphics card.
I guess my next computer (and everyone else's next computer) is going to make the computers of today look like car phones (if anyone remembers what those are.)