Grand theft auto vice city
(71 posts, started )
Quote from [RCG]Boosted :didnt directly grew up in the 80's but i like GTS:SA more anyway (i dont really count 1-8 years to grown up )

I was born in 87, and I liked SA better. I guess I 'grew up' more in the 90s, though, anyways. I liked SA more because there was just.. more. More places to go, more cars to drive, more planes to fly, more people to shoot... lol

Quote from wheel4hummer :It's called sarcasm...

Unless you were the one who posted that on the Aprilia forums, then you don't know.

Quite frankly, I think the poster was serious. I know several people who pack heat in the states; and not just wannabe gangstas or wife beaters, these are good respectable people for the most part. It's just an american thing I suppose.
Seems to me (in either country) the thing you most need protection from is your armed neighbour - not King George, Osama or a rampaging moose
I can honestly say, I do not know one single Canadian (outside of the military) who owns a gun. Just because we have our own NRA doesn't mean we're gun toting maniacs... not that Americans are, either... for the most part.

My point was that it is a bigger issue in the states.
Quote from Hankstar :Seems to me (in either country) the thing you most need protection from is your armed neighbour - not King George, Osama or a rampaging moose

Again... the stereotype that Americans are gun-toting hillbillies?

I just think that people like to use lots of stereotypes about americans, such as:
Americans are worse drivers then everywhere else in the world.
Americans all own guns and are right-wing war mongers.
Americans have no sense of foreign culture.
Americans don't go to other countries.
Americans are fat.
Americans are all Zionist pigs.
Americans think they are better then everyone else.
Not all Americans. Just the ones that carry 9s in their tankbags and think background checks at gun shops are un-American
Quote from Hankstar :Just the ones that carry 9s in their tankbags and think background checks at gun shops are un-American

Who says background checks are un-american? I haven't heard anyone say that yet. And by the way, that Virginia Tech shooting, the terrorist wouldn't have been able to get a gun if the FBI did a better background check. I have heard NO-ONE say that background checks at gun shops are un-american, but maybe I just wasn't listening to the news very carefully or something. It's because a majority of gun owners are not criminals and are perfectly fine people.
Speaking Of Vice City, I got Vice City Stories a couple of weeks ago. I'm stuck on this one mission.... @#$#@!!! I dunno. I like the free roaming, mindless violence of the GTA series. It makes for great stress relief. I think
that both the Vice City games and San Andreas did a pretty good job in making those games fit in the time periods they are supposed to be set in.
Quote from Racer Y :I think that both the Vice City games and San Andreas did a pretty good job in making those games fit in the time periods they are supposed to be set in.

I like Vice City better then San Andreas. I don't know why, but there is just something Vice City has that San Andreas doesn't (to me at least). I think I just enjoy the missions more in Vice City. But the best organized crime game IMO is mafia. Too bad I scractched the disk somehow!
Quote from wheel4hummer :Who says background checks are un-american? I haven't heard anyone say that yet. And by the way, that Virginia Tech shooting, the terrorist wouldn't have been able to get a gun if the FBI did a better background check. I have heard NO-ONE say that background checks at gun shops are un-american, but maybe I just wasn't listening to the news very carefully or something. It's because a majority of gun owners are not criminals and are perfectly fine people.

I've heard a couple people say that, actually. Something about going against one of the amendments (Right to bare arms?).
Quote from MAGGOT :Right to bare arms?

There's no amendment about bare arms. But if you are talking about the right to bear arms, then you don't know the amendment. Here is the 2nd amendment:

Quote :A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Now, I wan't you to note the part that says "being necessary to the security of a free State." That means that back-ground checks *do not* violate the second ammendment. Since giving a gun to a person ruled mentally unstable by a court is not necassary to the security of a free state, then you can deny them a gun. That terrorist at Virginia Tech should have been denied a gun since he was ruled mentally unstable by a court in 2005. Unfortunately, the Virginia State police and the FBI somehow failed to find the court ruling that the guy was mentally unstable.

If anyone you know thinks that the 2nd amendment means that everyone can have a gun, then I sincerly disagree with them.

But, the second ammendment is really just a suggestion. The supreme court has not ruled that the second ammendment applies to different states. So, a state can have any gun law it wants.
Everyone kinda knows it's much easier to get a gun in your hands in the US then in Europe. All the school shooting it proof of that, you don't hear that kinda stuff that much in Europe. There is only 1 person I know that has a gun, and he's a cop.
#38 - Jakg
Switzerland has a higher gun-owner ration than the US, and there are less shootings there than in any other European country (maybe - Andora etc)
Quote from wheel4hummer :But, the second ammendment is really just a suggestion. The supreme court has not ruled that the second ammendment applies to different states. So, a state can have any gun law it wants.

To add on to this, the Bill of Rights is completely different from the amendments of the Constitution. While the amendments (all amendments after 10) constitute what the government has control over and what they can do, the Bill of Rights are the rights of the people, the government has no say over the Bill of Rights.

Other states however can create laws that can limit people's Bill of Rights, but not void the rights of the people.
Quote from sgt.flippy : All the school shooting it proof of that, you don't hear that kinda stuff that much in Europe.

According to BBC, between the years 1996-2002 the US was tied with Germany. Now, you say that you have proof, but you just blindly state that there are rarely school shootings in europe. I however actually have proof.
What you decided to advertise OMG!
hmmm... I like gun control as long as I'm the one in control of the gun.
You know, it's only a matter of time before the laws of supply and demand catch up to the crime rates in Europe. Soon you are going to have crime rates that rival that of the USA. Don't believe me? hide and watch. right now guns are $$$ in Europe simply because the demand for them isn't there yet. but it will be. No, I didn't even consider anti-gun legislation in place in those countries. That's just not going to matter. The US gov't made harsh sentences for cocaine dealing. the price of coke went DOWN as much as 50% AFTER they did that. With the exception of sentencing for gun related crime, every anti gun law that will get passed from here on out, will more likely hurt the public as opposed to help them.
But that's y'alls call on that. I don't live there. The only measures I can see European nations taking that would almost control this rise in crime I'm predicting would be Orwellian in nature. and that still wouldn't be of much good.

I read some where where here in the US that some federal court, I don't know if it was the Supreme court or a regular circuit court, declared Washington DC's gun laws as unconstitutional. this came about by residents RESIDENTS filing suit that the laws were oppressive and prevented them from adequately defending themselves. Washington has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation. But with budget limitations, it's next to impossible to enforce those laws as well as do much of anything to stop crime. It was pretty obvious that the only persons affected by the gun laws there were the law abiding citizens. And that was by preventing them access to suitable defense from the non law abiding citizens.

I'm not saying that the EU should start handing out pistols and hope for good clean shots, Actually I don't have any suggestions or ideas. I just think that the gun laws in place there, while having some sort of deterring effect on crime over there now will soon do a 180 and work against you.
I also predict this rise in crime will be blamed on America in many circles by some sort of twisted logic. More likely as a political rallying point to gloss over and to deny accountability for failed policies.
Any kind of control over guns and things of that nature has to be Orwellian in nature. There is no other way that it could work; obviously the honour system doesn't work.

As always, the problem is not with the regulations, it's with the people. Humanity is a fatal flaw.
Quote from wheel4hummer :According to BBC, between the years 1996-2002 the US was tied with Germany. Now, you say that you have proof, but you just blindly state that there are rarely school shootings in europe. I however actually have proof.

Germany: former pupil, former pupil, stabbed, ...
USA: 13, 11, 14 year old boy...
there are enough sick bastards out there, no matter which nationality.
Quote from Biohazard :there are enough sick bastards out there, no matter which nationality.

True. Also, this is a Vice City thread, all of this is way OT. Let's talk about crimerates and legal gun-use in a thread of its own, if we must.

I myself played GTA to GTA:SA but the true novelty was in Vice City. The bikes, the Dodo, the helicopters, the missions, property acquisition, everything.

GTA:SA was an even better version of Vice City, being so huge and having major increments in gameplay. But the novelty for me wasn't there, in effect there wasn't really that much difference, it wasn't a breakthrough compared to Vice City.

Though if I feel like playing GTA, I'd play San Andreas nonetheless. I've only finished that twice, I've finished Vice City 5 times, haha.
I can't find my SA disc anymore
I love the big poster, what i got with SA original game.
the missions are hard without cheats I GOT POSTER!, ill sell it to you for 2p lol, while im at it i think ill post a link to the ebay auction aswell, LOL!
Quote from harjun :the missions are hard without cheats

We're talking about one of the console versions, right? Else, I don't know what you're talking about, they were dead easy...

Grand theft auto vice city
(71 posts, started )