Hello Racers.
Here is a new test patch W35. It is incompatible with versions earlier than W34, so earlier test patch hosts should upgrade. Thank you!
Please see the list of changes below.
Here is some information about the major changes in this series of test patches :
- Preload added to clutch pack differentials improving handling
- The number of cars that can join a race has been increased to 32
- False starts are now possible (LFS does not hold you at the start line)
- Skin improvements including high resolution premium skin download service
- Global class balancing system (currently applied to GTR and TBO classes)
- A new version of InSim including many improvements and a button interface
There are various improvements related to skins including the option to download high resolution skins while online, for a small charge of £1 for 2000 downloads. The low resolution downloads are still free. We have to charge for the downloading of high resolution skins because of the increased bandwidth and the need to buy and maintain more internet servers for LFS online usage which is always increasing. Please note, we are not selling skins. The skins remain the property of their owners. Your copy is a high resolution compressed version of the original. This is a charge purely for the downloading service which allows you to see other cars' skins in higher resolution.
Downloaded skins are now always saved and shown in compressed form. The original jpg is not saved on other computers. This allows the best use of memory and the quickest load from disk.
To use your own jpg skins, or to view skins that you manually download, save them into your skins folder - you will then find them selectable in game, just as before. You can see your manually downloaded skins compressed or not compressed according to the option for local skins. There are now 4 skins folders but you can ignore them all, just forget about them and just use the skins folder as usual.
skins : you save jpg skins that you want to select in game
skins_dds : lfs uses this to store dds (compressed) versions of your local skins
skins_x : lfs stores automatically downloaded low res skins
skins_y : lfs stores automatically downloaded high res skins
If you want to use this service, you can make a payment at www.lfsworld.net or at the main site http://www.lfs.net/?page=shop
To deal with the increased memory usage, there is also a skin purging system which removes unneeded skins from your graphics card memory, some time after they were last used. You can see the list of skins in use in the Misc Options screen. White means the skin is actually in use. Black means it was recently used and is hanging around a while in case it is used again (to avoid a disc access). In the past, LFS just left all skins in memory until you changed track or weather.
Changes in TEST PATCH W35 :
Admin penalties, pitlane commands and rcm are now recorded in SP Replays
Code page names are now translatable (for switching keyboard layouts)
InSim : Added "always on" option and better control of the clear area
FIX : Dedicated host could stop responding to typed messages and commands
FIX : Occasionally you could not start a race with AI after practicing
FIX : Penalty given during pit stop would make the pit stop never end
FIX : Overtaking lesson could sometimes give an invalid lesson result
FIX : In lesson 81 you needed to park 5 times to complete the lesson
FIX : AI drivers left pit speed limiter on after leaving pit lane
FIX : AI drivers ignored the pit lane speed limit
Changes in TEST PATCH W34 :
Qualifying outlap is no longer added to qualifying table
MPR file format : result times now saved in milliseconds
Removed "unknown finisher" and its stats / insim issues
Command /mprdir to specify mpr folder on dedicated host
FIX : Pit instructions were wrong when taking over a car
FIX : Long messages could sometimes get cut short
FIX : W33 bug - could not play hotlap replays
Changes in TEST PATCH W33 :
Practice sessions now start from pits (like qualifying)
First lap time of qualifying or practice is not displayed
Removed inset button from escape menu shortcut keys text
Improved connection - less likely to fail to join a host
Can now save MPR from dedicated host (auto or manual)
FIX : /end command in single player did not exit correctly
InSim : ISS_VISIBLE no longer changes due to text entry dialog box
InSim : IS_PEN packets now sent on autox false start or wrong route
InSim : Total time penalty is now included in IS_RES (compatible)
Changes in TEST PATCH W32 :
Command line command /player (start LFS with specified player name)
Startup skin conversion now shows progress and skin being converted
New command /wait (like /exec but LFS hangs until the program exits)
New InSim buttons system allowing better interface in InSim programs
Various other InSim updates - nearly all compatible with W26 InSim
FIX : Helmet jpg skins didn't appear in list in uncompressed skins mode
FIX : Damaged AI drivers could get stuck if two nearby wanted to reset
FIX : Single Player Replay of qualifying session did not work
FIX : Replay OOS error when using a voluntary handicap
Changes from W to W26 :
Multiplayer :
Up to 47 guests can connect to a host
Max cars in multiplayer race increased to 32
In demo still only 12 racing but up to 15 can connect
Car is no longer held at start line - false starts possible
Start lights time between red and green is changed each race
Avoided most of the "Can't x - a player is connecting" messages
Implemented a new "canreset" option while leaving hotlaps valid
Automatic spectate if you drive out of bounds when reset not allowed
Global handicaps for class balancing (set by master server)
Remote car's handicap shown in F11 menu, tyres in F12 menu
Grid reordering is now done on end race as well as restart
Kick and ban votes are held open a little longer
Racing :
Start and pit fuel loads range from 1% to 100%
Qualifying sessions now start from the pit lane
Qualifying out lap is no longer counted as a valid lap
Single player now allows up to 20 ai cars (powerful pc)
Pit instructions and live settings work in single player
SHIFT+G gear shift selection no longer stops SP recording
New voluntary handicap system in pits (part of setup)
Added preload setting to clutch pack differentials
Display :
Small map colours can be changed : Options-Display-Interface
Small map cars more than one lap ahead are a different colour
Automatic show results - leaves small map visible when driving
Hide / show results removed from options - now available on CTRL+TAB
Timing info is show in yellow after winner crosses line or time over
Yellow finished message is no longer duplicated in central text
Connection bars are not drawn if they would obscure tyre info
Qualifying cars on out lap are drawn orange (others yellow)
Qualifying position is shown in yellow like race position
Added text on screen showing the reason for a penalty
Display option : Virtual steering gauge
Display option : Rotate small map
Interface :
Added button to spectate directly from pits
Supporting TrackIR with 6 degrees of freedom
Scroll though autocross results with PgUp / PgDn
SHIFT+P now enters garage from game setup screen
SHIFT+O now enters options when watching a SP replay
New keys SHIFT+S (spectate) and SHIFT+P (go to pits)
Button look is now added to the yaw output of TrackIR
Automatic unpause when starting or restarting a replay
Ignition key "I" is now assignable to any key or button
Removed the sound effect of a racer pitting or spectating
Pit instructions fuel load can now be adjusted in 1% steps
Escape menu improvements : can use keys (listed on screen)
Race control message now has priority over wrong way message
Wider FOV and more view pitch available (for extreme settings)
Filter added to list of games to avoid hosts which allow reset
Place objects is now switched off when entering race or qualifying
FIX : Start restriction countdown was missing from OK button in pits
FIX : Q / X / ESC / ENTER keys did not exit from pits if player in race
Skins :
Replay skins download screen new "always" and "never" options
High res premium skin download system (£1 for 2000 downloads)
System to purge skins from graphics card memory when not used
Skin download and preload during connection after loading track
Improved the "new colours" system - combined with skin selection
Skins in skins folder are not converted to dds if using full skins
InSim :
New version of InSim allows up to eight TCP or UDP connections
More race tracking info and many packets added (see InSim.txt)
More commands now work on AI drivers : /spec /pitlane /p_xxx
More commands work even if player joining e.g. /spec /laps
New /i command to send a message to a race control program
Race penalty can now be removed with /p_clear command
Send all players to their pits with /pit_all command
Admins can now use the IS_REO (race reorder) packet
New packet IS_MSX - allows typing of longer messages
New packet IS_MSL - output a message on local computer
System :
Removed the option not to use HVS if it is available
Better messages showing the reason for disconnection
Admins can now edit and /axsave layouts while online
Admin ban dialog now asks for a number of days to ban
Admins can now see other admins in list of connections
Added short track name to SPR, MPR and RAF file formats
Added handicap mass and restriction to hotlap file header
Increased maximum physics objects due to more cars on track
Start grid remains when track or config changes (if possible)
FIX : Removed the need to pass a split after receiving admin penalty
FIX : The TAB key did not work with /press /ctrl and /shift commands
FIX : Autocross checkpoints in line could cause rapid lap count bug
FIX : Path followers were reset when an object was added or removed
FIX : Path follower reset caused a glitch or an out of bounds reset
FIX : Some objects were not drawn after exiting pits while paused
FIX : Start lights were not shown in some of the training lessons
FIX : Autocross layout number of laps sometimes did not load
FIX : Message "NETWORK FATAL : NOTSOCK" when joining a host
FIX : Find user in S2 mode looking for racer on S1 host
FIX : Occasional crash when exiting from List of Games
PATCH (Version W must already be installed) :
ZIP VERSION (If you prefer a zip file) :
DEDICATED HOST (for hosting only) :
Hello Racers.
Here is a new test patch W35. It is incompatible with versions earlier than W34, so earlier test patch hosts should upgrade. Thank you!

Please see the list of changes below.
Here is some information about the major changes in this series of test patches :
- Preload added to clutch pack differentials improving handling
- The number of cars that can join a race has been increased to 32
- False starts are now possible (LFS does not hold you at the start line)
- Skin improvements including high resolution premium skin download service
- Global class balancing system (currently applied to GTR and TBO classes)
- A new version of InSim including many improvements and a button interface
There are various improvements related to skins including the option to download high resolution skins while online, for a small charge of £1 for 2000 downloads. The low resolution downloads are still free. We have to charge for the downloading of high resolution skins because of the increased bandwidth and the need to buy and maintain more internet servers for LFS online usage which is always increasing. Please note, we are not selling skins. The skins remain the property of their owners. Your copy is a high resolution compressed version of the original. This is a charge purely for the downloading service which allows you to see other cars' skins in higher resolution.
Downloaded skins are now always saved and shown in compressed form. The original jpg is not saved on other computers. This allows the best use of memory and the quickest load from disk.
To use your own jpg skins, or to view skins that you manually download, save them into your skins folder - you will then find them selectable in game, just as before. You can see your manually downloaded skins compressed or not compressed according to the option for local skins. There are now 4 skins folders but you can ignore them all, just forget about them and just use the skins folder as usual.
skins : you save jpg skins that you want to select in game
skins_dds : lfs uses this to store dds (compressed) versions of your local skins
skins_x : lfs stores automatically downloaded low res skins
skins_y : lfs stores automatically downloaded high res skins
If you want to use this service, you can make a payment at www.lfsworld.net or at the main site http://www.lfs.net/?page=shop
To deal with the increased memory usage, there is also a skin purging system which removes unneeded skins from your graphics card memory, some time after they were last used. You can see the list of skins in use in the Misc Options screen. White means the skin is actually in use. Black means it was recently used and is hanging around a while in case it is used again (to avoid a disc access). In the past, LFS just left all skins in memory until you changed track or weather.
Changes in TEST PATCH W35 :
Admin penalties, pitlane commands and rcm are now recorded in SP Replays
Code page names are now translatable (for switching keyboard layouts)
InSim : Added "always on" option and better control of the clear area
FIX : Dedicated host could stop responding to typed messages and commands
FIX : Occasionally you could not start a race with AI after practicing
FIX : Penalty given during pit stop would make the pit stop never end
FIX : Overtaking lesson could sometimes give an invalid lesson result
FIX : In lesson 81 you needed to park 5 times to complete the lesson
FIX : AI drivers left pit speed limiter on after leaving pit lane
FIX : AI drivers ignored the pit lane speed limit
Changes in TEST PATCH W34 :
Qualifying outlap is no longer added to qualifying table
MPR file format : result times now saved in milliseconds
Removed "unknown finisher" and its stats / insim issues
Command /mprdir to specify mpr folder on dedicated host
FIX : Pit instructions were wrong when taking over a car
FIX : Long messages could sometimes get cut short
FIX : W33 bug - could not play hotlap replays
Changes in TEST PATCH W33 :
Practice sessions now start from pits (like qualifying)
First lap time of qualifying or practice is not displayed
Removed inset button from escape menu shortcut keys text
Improved connection - less likely to fail to join a host
Can now save MPR from dedicated host (auto or manual)
FIX : /end command in single player did not exit correctly
InSim : ISS_VISIBLE no longer changes due to text entry dialog box
InSim : IS_PEN packets now sent on autox false start or wrong route
InSim : Total time penalty is now included in IS_RES (compatible)
Changes in TEST PATCH W32 :
Command line command /player (start LFS with specified player name)
Startup skin conversion now shows progress and skin being converted
New command /wait (like /exec but LFS hangs until the program exits)
New InSim buttons system allowing better interface in InSim programs
Various other InSim updates - nearly all compatible with W26 InSim
FIX : Helmet jpg skins didn't appear in list in uncompressed skins mode
FIX : Damaged AI drivers could get stuck if two nearby wanted to reset
FIX : Single Player Replay of qualifying session did not work
FIX : Replay OOS error when using a voluntary handicap
Changes from W to W26 :
Multiplayer :
Up to 47 guests can connect to a host
Max cars in multiplayer race increased to 32
In demo still only 12 racing but up to 15 can connect
Car is no longer held at start line - false starts possible
Start lights time between red and green is changed each race
Avoided most of the "Can't x - a player is connecting" messages
Implemented a new "canreset" option while leaving hotlaps valid
Automatic spectate if you drive out of bounds when reset not allowed
Global handicaps for class balancing (set by master server)
Remote car's handicap shown in F11 menu, tyres in F12 menu
Grid reordering is now done on end race as well as restart
Kick and ban votes are held open a little longer
Racing :
Start and pit fuel loads range from 1% to 100%
Qualifying sessions now start from the pit lane
Qualifying out lap is no longer counted as a valid lap
Single player now allows up to 20 ai cars (powerful pc)
Pit instructions and live settings work in single player
SHIFT+G gear shift selection no longer stops SP recording
New voluntary handicap system in pits (part of setup)
Added preload setting to clutch pack differentials
Display :
Small map colours can be changed : Options-Display-Interface
Small map cars more than one lap ahead are a different colour
Automatic show results - leaves small map visible when driving
Hide / show results removed from options - now available on CTRL+TAB
Timing info is show in yellow after winner crosses line or time over
Yellow finished message is no longer duplicated in central text
Connection bars are not drawn if they would obscure tyre info
Qualifying cars on out lap are drawn orange (others yellow)
Qualifying position is shown in yellow like race position
Added text on screen showing the reason for a penalty
Display option : Virtual steering gauge
Display option : Rotate small map
Interface :
Added button to spectate directly from pits
Supporting TrackIR with 6 degrees of freedom
Scroll though autocross results with PgUp / PgDn
SHIFT+P now enters garage from game setup screen
SHIFT+O now enters options when watching a SP replay
New keys SHIFT+S (spectate) and SHIFT+P (go to pits)
Button look is now added to the yaw output of TrackIR
Automatic unpause when starting or restarting a replay
Ignition key "I" is now assignable to any key or button
Removed the sound effect of a racer pitting or spectating
Pit instructions fuel load can now be adjusted in 1% steps
Escape menu improvements : can use keys (listed on screen)
Race control message now has priority over wrong way message
Wider FOV and more view pitch available (for extreme settings)
Filter added to list of games to avoid hosts which allow reset
Place objects is now switched off when entering race or qualifying
FIX : Start restriction countdown was missing from OK button in pits
FIX : Q / X / ESC / ENTER keys did not exit from pits if player in race
Skins :
Replay skins download screen new "always" and "never" options
High res premium skin download system (£1 for 2000 downloads)
System to purge skins from graphics card memory when not used
Skin download and preload during connection after loading track
Improved the "new colours" system - combined with skin selection
Skins in skins folder are not converted to dds if using full skins
InSim :
New version of InSim allows up to eight TCP or UDP connections
More race tracking info and many packets added (see InSim.txt)
More commands now work on AI drivers : /spec /pitlane /p_xxx
More commands work even if player joining e.g. /spec /laps
New /i command to send a message to a race control program
Race penalty can now be removed with /p_clear command
Send all players to their pits with /pit_all command
Admins can now use the IS_REO (race reorder) packet
New packet IS_MSX - allows typing of longer messages
New packet IS_MSL - output a message on local computer
System :
Removed the option not to use HVS if it is available
Better messages showing the reason for disconnection
Admins can now edit and /axsave layouts while online
Admin ban dialog now asks for a number of days to ban
Admins can now see other admins in list of connections
Added short track name to SPR, MPR and RAF file formats
Added handicap mass and restriction to hotlap file header
Increased maximum physics objects due to more cars on track
Start grid remains when track or config changes (if possible)
FIX : Removed the need to pass a split after receiving admin penalty
FIX : The TAB key did not work with /press /ctrl and /shift commands
FIX : Autocross checkpoints in line could cause rapid lap count bug
FIX : Path followers were reset when an object was added or removed
FIX : Path follower reset caused a glitch or an out of bounds reset
FIX : Some objects were not drawn after exiting pits while paused
FIX : Start lights were not shown in some of the training lessons
FIX : Autocross layout number of laps sometimes did not load
FIX : Message "NETWORK FATAL : NOTSOCK" when joining a host
FIX : Find user in S2 mode looking for racer on S1 host
FIX : Occasional crash when exiting from List of Games
PATCH (Version W must already be installed) :
ZIP VERSION (If you prefer a zip file) :
DEDICATED HOST (for hosting only) :