The online racing simulator
I Am Reporting Abuse On Lfs S2
(31 posts, closed, started )
#26 - col
Quote from Rooble :...

'Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me'

here's an twist:

"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names may cause long lasting psychological damage, oh, and if you call me that again, I'll break your bones!"

now, where ma damn hong kong book of kung fu..
Anyone wanna hear a racist joke? How long does it take for a ...

...what? WHAT? Why is everyone looking at me?
This bullsh*t wreck's the community and only one or two are the cause,sorry to hear about it.hope it comes to an end
Going to go ahead and close this thread, all that needs to be said was said in the first few posts.

All I can say as tough and mean this may sound, you just have to grow up. Not everything in life is pretty and nice, nor is everyone sympathetic, it's just something you have to put up with.
The sort of people that cause this offence are not part of the valuable community that supports LFS and on-line racing. Luckily they are a very small minority but it is inevitable with the www that people will be offended in some way by the actions of the abusive fraction,; immature and insecure people who hide behind the annonymity of the internet.
The devs cannot take responsibility for the quality of on-line play.
I choose not to let my kids play online yet as they are not, in my view, old enough to handle the possibilities of the insults and foul language that exists on the internet, and I choose not to expose them to it, so that is the choice at the end of the day - it is sadly virtually impossible to police thus must be either faced, ignored or avoided by staying offline. Even if they did not know the colour of your skin, there is also the fraction that decide for a laugh to start calling people naz!s if they see a german flag, it's not really a racist or political slur, the sort that come out with these comments really don't understand the true concept of the term, they are just trying to wind people up; provoke a response. The best thing to do is not allow them to provoke a response in you. If they see you are offended then they have won and they move on to try again against someone else.
This thread is closed

I Am Reporting Abuse On Lfs S2
(31 posts, closed, started )