The online racing simulator
sorry, but i don't think lfs should cater to mouse users. Its nice that you're supported by lfs, but what you've got now is above and beyond what i'd consider generous in terms of allowing mouse to be competitive (and beyond) to the wheel user.
Quote from srdsprinter :

OK, Aston, Kyoto or Westhill are good. But Blackwood? Too short imo. And it's still only 3 track complexs, this isn't enough.
Just in case there are folks who haven't seen it:

I think the SR8 would be more than enough for me. And the version in this vid was in road-legal spec!!!!! Michael Vergers reckoned that slicks would have been 30sec faster!


PS. srdsprinter - what fps do you get with that setup?
Lol... 3 track complexes, with over 10 configurations, and this isn't enough?

You just want more tracks my friend.

Look at 90% of the public servers, pre-STCC era, were on probably 3 different configs, BW, ASTON Club and the other pop. AS.

LFS has PLeeenty to offer a prototype.
Quote from Hammerdown :Just in case there are folks who haven't seen it:

I think the SR8 would be more than enough for me. And the version in this vid was in road-legal spec!!!!! Michael Vergers reckoned that slicks would have been 30sec faster!


PS. srdsprinter - what fps do you get with that setup?

Yes, the SR8 is the sick nasty. It really looks alot like a scaled down 333sp in fact. I think it'd be quite fun, probably pretty tough to drive fast though. Faster than the GTRs, pretty surely. Used to check their site every day!

This type of car, trackday/clubman/racer, or a prototype would do a lot to fill in a gap currently in LFS.

My rig handles LFS pretty well. Max 6xAA and 12xAF I believe via omega drivers, I just leave vsync on so I'm @ 60FPS unless its the start of a race with more than 6 AI or ~15 Online (starting last). With max 19 AI me starting last I'm down into the 30's if they start wrecking. Can't hold a candle to a newer Core 2 Duo rig...

I was thinking bout downsizing it to a mATX board and making it a HTPC, then getting new Penrynn when it's released. Who knows...
#56 - wark
Quote from Hammerdown :Just in case there are folks who haven't seen it:

I think the SR8 would be more than enough for me. And the version in this vid was in road-legal spec!!!!! Michael Vergers reckoned that slicks would have been 30sec faster!


PS. srdsprinter - what fps do you get with that setup?

Man, I would love to drive that thing around town (Beverly Hills)!
Quote from srdsprinter :The DP cars don't really resemble road cars at all. They aren't exactly slow either, they were lapping the GT (911 GTR RSR race cars alot of em) cars within a matter of 3 laps IIRC from sitting at the infield.

RSRs are the LeMans GT2 variants. The Rolex Series runs the GT3 variant IIRC. I know it is not the RSR model, as their GT class is closer to the SPEED World Challenge GT series, maybe a notch quicker. The GT2 class for LMES/ALMS/LeMans is much MUCH quicker than the Rolex Series' GT class. I think the DPs are closer to the 2007 GT1 cars. Maybe in between GT1 and GT2.

Quote from duke_toaster :I have no issue per se with a proto with a roof, but I personally like a clear distinction. LMPs* should outperform GT1s which should outperform GT2s.

So you don't want GTP cars then? I don't see a GTP as a GT car, I see it as a prototype. The GT-1 cars of the late 90s were prototypes, despite the GT tag. I think GTP cars and open-toped LMP cars should be classed together (as with the 01-03 Bentleys). And, coming 2010 IIRC all LMP1 cars will be closed topped cars. Can't wait for that

Quote from Kid222 :Yep.

I second that. Not new layouts, either. I want new locales.
+1,000,000 for me. I've been wanting to suggest prototypes for about 2 months just hadn't gotten around to it. If I can't drive a F1 car this is the other type I'd want to drive. I think we have enough tracks for them, if we can race FO8's and BF1's on a track we can race these.
that would be awesome if they put an lmp in
I too have been wanting some protos for LFS. The American Lemans style of multi-class racing is exactly the kind of thing LFS can run with. LMP1 + LMP2 + GT1 + GT2. At the moment we have GT2 (FZR), but we really need a GT1 class, and of course at least one LMP class.

Check out this PDF, it explains the American LeMans Classes, and it really demonstrates exactly why it'd be so perfect for LFS
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classesofcompetition.pdf - 1.2 MB - 437 views
+1 add daytona prototypes to the list

muscle cars
daytona prototypes
fat slicked drag car for 1/4 mile runs
keep dreaming guys, it'll never happen, at least not within the next 5 years.
i think lmp cars should be added in two classes.... one diesel and one normal unleaded fuel lmp car

+1 on DP's and LMP's
+1 for a GT1 class
great ideia!

+1 from me
One car I would really love to see would be a historic Group C car, but I have a feeling that it would bever happen 962C'S versus the mighty Jaguar, and the sensational Aston Martin retiring every time somebody sets the race time to 24 hours - even though it won everything else and never broke down elsewhere. A great era of motorsports, sadly lost now simply because some left wing liberal tree hugging lesbian said "they're getting a bit fast now lads".
Lol... 250+MPH down the Mulsanne not quick enough for you Becky? Le Mans didn't want a repeat of the 1929(am i even close?) Benz killing 80+ people, and for that i don't blame them.

A ~600HP protype would be really nice. I fear a 800-1000+HP beast just wouldn't work for multi-class racing. On the other hand, if a Real damage model was introduced, and people didn't hotlap every lap, there might be a place for such a car. If you really had to balance speed vs risk, it would be a great thing.

Imagine, if you will, in the recent 24h race we had. The amount of torn fenders was ridiculous. Instead of ~25 seconds to fix anything, image if it took 25 minutes to replace those fenders... That would change how you approach the race.
It's not so much the speed or outright lunacy of the cars, it was the golden era of Le Mans for me - maybe because they where the cars that were racing Le Mans when I was growing up and became fascinated by the race, but for me at least, Group C cars are a bit special and i'd love to have one in LFS. The current prototypes just dont look the part to me.
i would hope, if we got a classic type (80-90's) prototype, it could be a pair of them. Part of what made group C (proto in general) is the diversity, think Jag's, Benz, Nissan, Mazda, Porsche...

I couldn't really picture a full grid of the Jag. Maybe a combo of two, one closed group C cars and a Ferrari 333sp clone would be interesting
The XJR15 and the 962C is what i've got in my head as I let out a gentle sigh of reminiscence.
Replace the XJR15 with the XJR9 and you've got a winner Becky. I grew up right at the end of the era; I remember seeing the beautiful Nissan P35 at Mosport in '93. That was the very instant, at the age of 6, that I fell in love with racing (and cars in general). Sometimes I wish I was just a spec older so that I could have witnessed them while I was a little more mature and understood what was happening... Of course, then I also wish I had lived through the late 70s so that I could watch some of the F1 racing and the Can-Am stuff of the day. Then I wish I was around in the late 60s so I could have watched some F1 (1967 at Mosport would have been a dream. First Canadian GP ever, and it piss-poured rain ).

Ah... the memories.. uh.. that I could have had
my vision of a new car class
Attached images
Quote from Urban_Eagle1 :Personally i think this 24h car would be good, but desiel and Unleaded does it matter? LFS uses the same gas for all cars, and for this to happen Night needs to be introduced and circut lighting and working car lights and ect. But still i agree that they should be implemented once the time for them has come.

diesel has much more torque on low revs = difficult to drive out of corners (and lower top speed)
ulead fuel cars has more torque on higher revs = easier to drive but much more fuel consumption (and higher top speed)

the diesel has the advantage that is has a better powerfactor.... but see what audi had to do before launch the R10... gearbox of R8 (tested... 100km and gearbox broken...)
tyres were too small and too weak so they had spinning wheels all the time... just made a low sense gaspedal and special tyres by michelin...

these were just a few piont for diesel and unleaded fuel cars comparisation ^^

24h Le Mans special car for LFS
(161 posts, started )