Anyone that knows me knows I'm not fast. Middle of the field usually. I admire the guys that ARE fast. Most of them are gentlemen too, they know when to pass a slower chap. Unfortunately there are some who are fast and I can only say, ungentlemanly. They'll pass you in the most inappropriate places, i.e. in the middle of a chicane or on the outside of a tight corner. If they get away with it all well and good but more often than not a collision occurs. Wouldn't you know it's always the slower guy that comes to grief! Off they charge into the distance with a dismissive 'soz'. I understand this subject has been raised many many times in these forums but the problem still persists. It happened to me tonight and I'm angry. What it comes down to, in my humble opinion, is a lack of respect for fellow races of all capabilities. You know who you are so shape up! You'll not only be fast, you'll also get the respect of everyone you're on track with.
As we say on Dead Men Racing "Racing is a non-contact sport"
Rant over.
As we say on Dead Men Racing "Racing is a non-contact sport"
Rant over.