Quote from Krane :Sensual I said.

The Cheeky Girls - The Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum)
Quote from thisnameistaken :The Cheeky Girls - The Cheeky Song (Touch My Bum)

More candles and roses, less silicone and artificiality
The Supremes - Touch

I guess it's definitely not MC Hammer - Can't touch this *sing*
alison krauss - in the palm of your hand?
jimmy buffet - lone palm?

god knows what the actual answer is. that record piscture has stumpt me.
Quote from Polaxis :The Supremes - Touch

Not quite so sensual, bit more rock'iness. Nor is it that old.

Quote from Captain Slow :god knows what the actual answer is. that record piscture has stumpt me.

Once you get that, it's easy
Vinyl - things i could do?
Quote from Krane :Not so obvious... Take a harder look on it.

Heh that song title certainly wasn't an obvious guess.

Very tough.
LP, Vinyl, Album, single, record? Any of those figure in this thing?
Maybe something about B-side?
And I take it the "pic" on the right is of the back of a hand, not the palm, since the finger nails are visible.
Quote from sinbad :Heh that song title certainly wasn't an obvious guess.

Very tough.
LP, Vinyl, Album, single, record? Any of those figure in this thing?
Maybe something about B-side?
And I take it the "pic" on the right is of the back of a hand, not the palm, since the finger nails are visible.

Vinyl does very much so.
Palm and finger only by relation to the topic. Not in the song title. But their orientation does relate to the song title.
Shellac - A rude gesture / The Bird is the Most Popular Finger
Ah... Divinyls - I Touch Myself!

And here's me thinking I don't know that many songs about wanking.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh im guna have a heart attack soon. lmao. im stuk. i know theres a band calld vinyl and a band or watever called lp. tats al i can think of. is the record pic to do with artist or in song name or about song??

EDIT: oh i fink someone just got it. never mind
Quote from thisnameistaken :Ah... Divinyls - I Touch Myself!

And here's me thinking I don't know that many songs about wanking.

OK, here's one I prepared earlier.

And as an attachment for the work-bound internet impoverished.
Attached images
Cool, my domain is blocked somewhere!

Added attachment link for you, if that helps.
Perhaps you have any offensive material on your page
Btw: Nice drawing of the plants!
Janis Joplin – Mary-Jane :banana_ra

And yes the plants are of course beautifully drawn, I don't mean to brag but I am quite an excellent drawist, as can be seen from my other superior contributions in this thread.
Borrowed Time -John Lennon?
As I thought, it was a shot in the dark. I really don't know what the chap on the right's shirt is symbolising
It's more a case of whether you recognise him.
salt n pepa - the showstopper

The MS-Paint Music Quiz
(961 posts, started )