The online racing simulator
The Workshop
(36 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Infiniti :When the LFS peanut gallery had the karting event in the UK and Scawen showed up in an M3 that he claimed was his.

ask GP4Flo, he had a ride in it, jammy git
Quote from Jakg :Scawen - UK
Victor - Netherlands

Distance between = Channel = Water Body = Hard to cross with Scawens M3 :P

nobody seems to know that Eric is still a part of the team.
Quote from Mikkel Petersen :nobody seems to know that Eric is still a part of the team.

Eric started modeling space ships instead.
Quote from Mikkel Petersen :nobody seems to know that Eric is still a part of the team.

I was going to mention that, but forgot.
#32 - Jakg
Quote from Mikkel Petersen :nobody seems to know that Eric is still a part of the team.

i just don't know where he lives - Eric has a Saxo if i remember rightly though
No, Victor has (had) a Saxo (a nice Blue one iirc). We don't know what Eric drives, but I'd put my money on... a Mini Moke

Mayby Victor still work from bakery .Just kidding.
Scawen could make some "kitchen" progress again
Quote from Jakg :i just don't know where he lives - Eric has a Saxo if i remember rightly though

he lives in england as well as scawen. around london i think, sorry can't remember.
Yep, Eric lives somewhere in London (or at least used to, we've no idea where he went when he moved house), Scawen in Twickenham and Vic in Rotterdam. Hopefully that satisfies everyone's curiosity.

I think Scawen mentioned they do usually do group conversations by phone, rather than all meeting up. I'm sure they do all get together now and then but I've no idea how regularly.

And another thread that has turned to spam bites the dust.
This thread is closed

The Workshop
(36 posts, closed, started )