The online racing simulator
Connection-List Changes
(24 posts, started )
Connection-List Changes
Sort Ability
All the time i use LFS i didnt find out after whichsoever criterion will the connections-list be sorted. Sometimes i thought the longest connected player is always on top, but later i saw that new connected players jump until 3 min in the middle of the list and no other player connected in this time. (sorry for bad english)

If 48 players connected is it difficult to find out the wanted player.
A sort-ability should help to find the wanted player a lot faster.

Other players about:
Quote from duke_toaster :The conns list should be sorted by licence name in alphabetical order.

Quote from AndroidXP :A grouping in "Spectator" and "In Race" might not be that bad, either.

More informations about the Player in Connection List
Very important needed is:
car | ping
By the spectators should be no car shown, also if they already was in race with a car, so is the status-column not needed, because if a car shown is the player in race and if no car shown, the player spectate. Then u need just sort the list by car and have all spectators in a group.

Other players about:
Quote from Lotesdelere :Good idea, but the network bars still must match with the connections list order because it's a very usefull and fast way for admins to spot on the people who are lagging.

See also: Connection List Highlighting
It will be nice if the player which i do watching is highlighted in the connections-list.
If u in the connections-list click in the right column, u can jump between players which are on track and spectate them immediately while you are self on track with a car and in the spectate-mode. Thats really nice, but highlighting will be a very great additional. Already is the spectated only in the position-list highlighted by an arrow, in practice mode or qualifying are no position list available. Furthermore is it better when all informations be shown in the connection list, then must the spectator not jump between connection list and position list. (sorry for bad english)

See also:
Connections-List Highlighting
I suggest that it will be nice if the player which i do watching is highlighted in the connections-list.

If u in the connections-list click in the right column, u can jump between players which are on track and spectate them immediately while you are self on track with a car and in the spectate-mode. Thats really nice, but highlighting will be a very great additional.
Connections-List should show the player-status and the player-car
Then is it possible to sort the list for player-status or for car and all spectators are grouped. A long time i wonna see the car of each other player without to make a logfile-analyse or without spectate all players by knowing all cars.
see also
Quote from matze54564 :A sort-ability should help to find the wanted player a lot faster.

Good idea, but the network bars still must match with the connections list order because it's a very usefull and fast way for admins to spot on the people who are lagging.
In that case, the ping bars should be horizontal next to or under each driver's name in the connection list, and it disappears with the N key.
Connection list order
Hi ho,

with patch X comming and the possibility to have +40 connections on a server the connection list becomes a bit messy (long and small). So far I've not found out the system lfs orders the list.

So here is my suggestion: make the list alphabetical by ingame name. That would make searching specific people (to send setups for example) way easier.

If there is already some kind of order in that list, can someone explain it to me?

EDIT: d'oh.... someone merge this please... double thread....(
A grouping in "Spectator" and "In Race" might not be that bad, either.
Should be grouped to on track, in pits and spectating.
The conns list should be sorted by licence name in alphabetical order.
and the players car should be shown and ping, and the one which you spectating should be highlighted like in the arrow in position list.
i´ve the first posting updated
#16 - mr_x
Quote from three_jump :
So here is my suggestion: make the list alphabetical by ingame name. That would make searching specific people (to send setups for example) way easier.

That's just what I was thinking earlier... +10000000

I don't think sorting by LFSW name wouldn't work for sending setups to people. In-game name would be the way to go.

Quote from Burnzoire :In that case, the ping bars should be horizontal next to or under each driver's name in the connection list, and it disappears with the N key.

Good idea, IMO.
I'm bumping this thread because I don't want to create another one.

Although my improvement was probably suggested before, I'll post this here.

In the connection list there can be the host name (I'm looking for it often) and maybe the current track. See my attachment.
Attached images
Quote from Flame CZE :I'm bumping this thread because I don't want to create another one.

Although my improvement was probably suggested before, I'll post this here.

In the connection list there can be the host name (I'm looking for it often) and maybe the current track. See my attachment.

Hey, i want that! looks good, i sometimes forget what server i am in xD
Quote from Flame CZE :I'm bumping this thread because I don't want to create another one.

Although my improvement was probably suggested before, I'll post this here.

In the connection list there can be the host name (I'm looking for it often) and maybe the current track. See my attachment.

As a temporary solution: when I'm on a server that's not running Lapper or Airio I will hit Shift+F7 to see my PB and it'll also tell you the track. Can't help you with the server bit.
Quote from pik_d :Can't help you with the server bit.

Get the username of someone on the server and type "/find (the according username)". Not sure if it works with your own name as well.
Quote from zeugnimod :Get the username of someone on the server and type "/find (the according username)". Not sure if it works with your own name as well.

It does, though if you're on a hidden host it tell you "user is online on a hidden host". Also thanks, I never knew that command and I've been playing for years. I wonder what other commands I don't know about.
Quote from zeugnimod :Get the username of someone on the server and type "/find (the according username)". Not sure if it works with your own name as well.

But thats would be more comfortable
I've put together a simple little app that'll tell you the current server you're on, and the current track. Setup the ini file to your liking, join a server, and type "/i info". It's only a small little thing, but it's an improvement. If I get time I'll add proper buttons, to look like Flame's screenshot
Attached files
Server_Info.rar - 32.2 KB - 480 views

Connection-List Changes
(24 posts, started )