The online racing simulator
Oh and another thing, I am now certain my Brother and Dad were going much faster than they thought. They were in the high revs of the 3rd gear, which is around 50MPH on the demo cars, so they were obviously going much too fast without knowing it, because it doesn't really look that fast. I was driving out the pits, down that narrow road, and I was doing about 40MPH, which seemed quite fast, with the barriers moving relatively fast beside me, but then when I got onto the open track and did around 40/50, it seemed really slow. Obviously my Dad and Brother didn't realise how fast they were really doing.

I'll tell them to keep a closer eye on the speedometer and let them have another go, because when going at the right speeds, the car grips fine

Edit: Thanks Jakq, I'll give them a go now.

Edit 2: Where do I put these files???
#77 - troy
in your lfs /data/settings folder after you can chose them in the setupscreen ingame

always worth a read

edit: maybe have a look also on these are world record sets and will work only for 1 or 2 fast laps but should provide more grip for the streetcars (low tire pressure so they heat up quite fast)
Next time you're out in the real world try this:

When travelling 50mph; focus on the area of your vision that corresponds with the AREA of what you seein the game - or set your LFS to 30 degree FOV. FOV makes a HUGE difference, if you focus IRL on the size of a 17" monitor and try to ignore the information peripheral to it; RL looks like you're barely moving at all! If you want to compare it directly to RL, use Bob's thingy to tell you what your "true to life FOV" should be - it calculates based on the size of your screen and how far away it is. If you set it correctly, and then go in in your car as a passenger and cut hole in some cardboard of the same size, put it the same distance in front of your face and look ONLY through it, your sensation of speed will be identical (save for the 3rd dimension aspect).

If you run lower FOVs in the game; like 60 degrees, the corners look MUCH sharper and give (at least me) a better feel for how fast I am going into the corners; even if the "outright speed" sensation is "less".
Yeah I definately agree with the way it makes it look like you're going slower. I don't think I'll go as far as taking a cardboard cutout with me next time I'm with my Dad lol, but I get the idea. I sometimes look outside the window whilst we're driving and say "Wow this doesn't look like 70MPH, even though it feels like it!"

Edit: Another thing, whilst I was driving around at the airfield in my Mum's (old car, Toyota Yaris lol), I was going really slow, about 20MPH at most, but to me, because it was my first time and I was in control, it felt much faster.
If you ever get a chance (When you start driving), participate in a local autocross. Its a blast and you get to learn your cars limits real well. But whats really weird, is when you ride with someone during one of their runs. It seems like a crazy ride because you're not in control of the car. But then when you get in the driver seat, it doesn't seem like that wild of a ride anymore.
Quote from Bob Smith :Well if you want me to be really anal, that's not quite true. The aero dynamic devices themselves are shared between the three cars but their placement on the cars varies which alters the forces being applied to the wheels. This, coupled with varying mass distributions, gives the need for very different wing angles between the cars (needed to maintain a neutral aero balance).

All true and valid points, and it is this serious mismatch of center of mass with center of aero pressure that has REALLY plagued the GTR class with ridiculous imbalance issues for all this time. Worst case scenario is the FXO, where to get a certain amount of usable (neutrally balanced) downforce it pays a with disproportionately large amount of drag compared to the FZR which incidentally has mass distribution that fits the aero balance perfectly. In simplistic terms, lets say if the FXO wants 5000N of useful downforce at a given speed to match that of an FXR, it pays with disproportionately larger amounts of drag since the front angle needs to be cranked more than the rear, easily placing it outside of the range of maximum L/D ratio. Same for the XXR, only not so serious. The FZR simply does not need to worry of such since it can easily have both front and rear angles set within their optimal L/D region with no penalty in aero balance.

Even if all 3 cars had identical front spoilers and rear wings, the actual downforce, L/D ratio etc will still be very different between 3 cars since air interacts with the aero devices and each cars unique bodywork in all sorts of complex ways. Yet amazingly they all generate the same L/D forces.

To validate my point, just go to the setup screens of all 3 GTR cars and take a look. Lift and drag forces vs. angle for all 3 cars on both front and rear spoilers/wings are practically identical!
Yes, they are identical, hence the shared components. I agree the FVR has aero that is well suited to its mass distribution, whereas the others have big problems in this area. While the wing locations are defined by the 3D model, I'm not sure what method is used to determine the centre of the undertray. If these centres were re-adjusted, it would help balance the class for sure. Atm the FZR can use way more downforce on twistier circuits, as the other two cars are limited by the maximum front wing angle.
Quote from Bob Smith :Yes, they are identical, hence the shared components. I agree the FZR has aero that is well suited to its mass distribution, whereas the others have big problems in this area. While the wing locations are defined by the 3D model, I'm not sure what method is used to determine the centre of the undertray. If these centres were re-adjusted, it would help balance the class for sure. Atm the FZR can use way more downforce on twistier circuits, as the other two cars are limited by the maximum front wing angle.

Not to mention the L/D factor. FZR uses as much downforce as it wants with way LESS penalty than the other 2.
In addition to FOV you might also try changing the "Acceleration shifts viewpoint" values, forward shift to max especially, and set "Look function" to Steer to have the game send you additional signals of the behaviour of the car. I really like to use those features since they make the experience quite a bit "stronger" for me, so to speak.
Quote from SlamDunk :In addition to FOV you might also try changing the "Acceleration shifts viewpoint" values, forward shift to max especially, and set "Look function" to Steer to have the game send you additional signals of the behaviour of the car. I really like to use those features since they make the experience quite a bit "stronger" for me, so to speak.

How do I put that on??
Options > View > Default driver view: in car

Forgot to mention that I have also "Move view with animation" enabled.
Quote from Cue-Ball :

How about three?


I've seen those things go through the corkscrew on so many days I can't count. Up ahead, past the turn nine hairpin, are all the Porches. (That is, if this is a photo of lap one.)

I was there one day when Mark Donahue was tuling around in the Penske 917. guh guh guh guh guh guh guh... He tore some part of the car off every time he went through and he kept going quicker and quicker and quicker.

By comparison to the blue and yellow, them cars in the picture there aint race cars.
it is and it isnt , i cant say that being able to take the bl shacane at 140 in bf1 with no tc is realilistic but its up to your imagination
#91 - DeKo
Quote from theirishnoob :it is and it isnt , i cant say that being able to take the bl shacane at 140 in bf1 with no tc is realilistic but its up to your imagination

TC has nothing to do with actually taking the corner, its the mess that it makes when your out of it.
I think the streetcars are the most realistic UF 1000, XF GTI, XR GT, XR GT TURBO, RB4 GT, FXO TURBO feels natural.

With all the other cars i feel less connected. I don't think the open wheelers are realistic or the GTR's for that matter. But i am not a racer in real life, so i am just speculating. I guess netkar pro is more realistic compared to open wheelers in lfs.
I just went out to the airfield again with my Mum, in her new car (It's a Mini, one of the new ones)

I noticed how much different it is compared to driving with my G25. Firstly, the accelerator is much more sensetive in real life, I hardly put my foot down and the revs were already up high, also changing gears doesn't feel as smooth. I feel I improved a bit since using my G25 though, as I have a deeper understanding of how cars work (at a faster speed, lol).
Ah ha i think its one of the most if not the most realistic racing sim EVER reason being, I have an SX running 320Bhp and it handles just like the one in the game that i think is surpose to be an S13, reason why your bro and dad have an hard time is because they dont look at what speed there doing and there use to shitty arcade games where you can turn at 100mph + around a shakane , my advice is get a mono steering wheel setup correct and it is just like the real thing COME ON PATCH X
chicane, people.
ps im dyslexic sorry about spelling as rovens like to point out :wtf2:
Quote from ramsy66 :I just went out to the airfield again with my Mum, in her new car (It's a Mini, one of the new ones)

I noticed how much different it is compared to driving with my G25. Firstly, the accelerator is much more sensetive in real life, I hardly put my foot down and the revs were already up high, also changing gears doesn't feel as smooth. I feel I improved a bit since using my G25 though, as I have a deeper understanding of how cars work (at a faster speed, lol).

The biggest difference is sensation of speed an accelleration, which will be why your dad crashed so often, and why the Mini's accellerator feels so sensitive.
Quote from ramsy66 :I just went out to the airfield again with my Mum, in her new car (It's a Mini, one of the new ones)

I noticed how much different it is compared to driving with my G25. Firstly, the accelerator is much more sensetive in real life, I hardly put my foot down and the revs were already up high, also changing gears doesn't feel as smooth. I feel I improved a bit since using my G25 though, as I have a deeper understanding of how cars work (at a faster speed, lol).

If by new one you refer to that, the only thing it has in common with the original mini is the name
Quote from EeekiE :The biggest difference is sensation of speed an accelleration, which will be why your dad crashed so often, and why the Mini's accellerator feels so sensitive.

And the gear changing thing might have something to do with there being an actual transmission which is connected to the shifter
It would be if the damage was Realistic.