TEST Patch W41
(299 posts, closed, started )
I was 26 in queue, then got "did not receive OK", Then Host Not Found On Master Server
Looks like we just killed test server 2.

We all disconnected and reconnected at once, I got the queue counting down, then "OK not recieved", then host not found. Now it's not on the server list.

EDIT: oops, I meant server 1
Same, queued, then the host vanished...
Quote from J.B. :Looks like we just killed test server 2.

Server one went down too. Maybe another ill-timed network outage? Some coincidence if it is though.
Quote from traxxion :You'd think that


About the crash ... Android that was server 1.

Most people left and were rejoining - then half way through that I did /reinit - and server died.

Server 2 is still running fine.
Lol. You'd think the FM team would be good at the BF1 by now
Quote from traxxion :You'd think that

ive got an even better one with some cp guy wrecking him ... gotta fraps that soon

other than the reinit serverkiller ive had no problems thus far tonight
highest queue slot war ~16 so sry for not being able to give any valuable input at this time

just had an error during connect

Lost connection to host
Can't remove - Unknown!

didnt have shift-f8 on at the time
Major disconnect
The Test Bug 2 Server just took a dump on some drivers. Just before the dump, the lag meter seem to grow quite a bit. Don't know what else to add, see the pic below, maybe it can tell you more.

Attached images
Quote from niall09 :I done it to Vic on the first night of the stress testing

I would keep that to your self.
Question about the patches: I want to install the latest patch. But I'm concerned about whether the I'll still be able to join all the same servers using 0.5W. Someone know the answer to this? Also, does the latest patch include all the previous ones?

1. No, W and W41 are not compatible.
2. Yes, download W41 and your away (i would fancy downloading W41 + the other 24 patches just to play!)
Quote from Venus :Question about the patches: I want to install the latest patch. But I'm concerned about whether the I'll still be able to join all the same servers using 0.5W. Someone know the answer to this? Also, does the latest patch include all the previous ones?


Make a copy of the LFS folder and patch the copy to W41. Then you can go back to W whenever you want.
I think these Test patches are a VERY good demonstration on how an officially supported race schedule could work.

How about officially hosted events by the dev's each week, the server would EASILY fill within minutes and some great racing would be there.

This would really bring the community together and stop people complaining about the cruise servers taking away racers. - I know this is kinda O/T, but I think I shuold make this point rather than not.
Pit lane speed limit bug
Sorry if this has been found and mentioned before, but:

If you start a practice or qual (i.e. from pits) and get on the gas right away in a faster car, with the limiter off, you can break the speed limit with no penalty--even upon reentering the pit lane--the speed limit is effectively removed for the remainder of the session.

I've been able to reproduce this in the last few versions, on any track, but it only happens if you accelerate past the speed limit in the first couple seconds of play (most of the cars aren't even fast enough).

This only works in practice/qual.
Quote from Milanche :Hi Scawen few of my friends and me were racing today on AutoPlus S2 server. And all the sadden everybody disappeared I could only some my self and also they couldn't see me and I couldn't see them no one could see no one by them self xD.

is this a bug or what????

Now I can't even log onto the server it says "Did not receive guest info Lost connection to the host".

edit: patch was w39

That had probably something to do with Wine, server PC is totally new and maybe something wasn't configured right in Linux yet. Dedi host is actually W40, and its been running for about 18 hours before that problem happened. One restart fixed it. We don't think it's about test patches.
Quote from alxf1 :Scawen, can you please check the attached mpr, got this problem when joining the race on "bug test server". when joining into the race, the car was just thrown into the wall just because it was joining in the garage of another player.

PS. something more, when watching a replay, if you press pause button and then press F3, "paused" message will blink faster

Thing is, that shouldn't happen. Two drivers should not start in the same pit square. It is possible to happen if the other driver drives into your pit box and parks there, then you can spawn intersecting that car. That's easy to reproduce and not actually a bug, it's just a situation that LFS doesn't yet deal with. I don't know what happened in that replay, did he park there before you joined (not a bug) or did he spawn there (bug). If it's reproducable then I can fix it, if we don't know how it happened then I can't really look into it.

Quote from Milanche :Hi Scawen few of my friends and me were racing today on AutoPlus S2 server. And all the sadden everybody disappeared I could only some my self and also they couldn't see me and I couldn't see them no one could see no one by them self xD.

is this a bug or what????

Now I can't even log onto the server it says "Did not receive guest info Lost connection to the host".

I'll keep u informed!



10 minutes after still can't connect

edit: patch was w39

Quote from Misko :That had probably something to do with Wine, server PC is totally new and maybe something wasn't configured right in Linux yet. Dedi host is actually W40, and its been running for about 18 hours before that problem happened. One restart fixed it. We don't think it's about test patches.

Yes that is a typical Wine issue, and it's something to do with UDP packets, I think the host stops receiving UDP packets. I've heard it can be fixed by using a different version of Wine. Better discuss in technical assistance if you want to know more. That's all I know, I don't know Wine so cannot help.
Hi Scawen,

I was yesturday and the day before at the bugtest server which was Blackwood running. I noticed there that the green light came EVERYTIME (10-15 races) in the same rhythm.

I did a bit testing. Went on a empty server. Had NO WIND. Blackwood.
Everytime there was the same as at Bugtest server. Same rhythm. No variation in greenlight delay. After 3 seconds first red light and after six seconds green light.

Then I turned on wind (low). Now I had a variation in the greenlight delay.
Time to first redlight varied. Sometimes 1 or 2 lights where already on after shift+R.

Another guy in the german forum noticed this lack of variation on the bugtest server too.


Maybe that's for the benefit of the "if there's wind I'm outta here", "pfft, no resetting?" and "Bah, no predictable start lights" brigade. I'm sometimes tempted to enable strong wind but I fear that would cause an uproar! Ho hell with it I WILL enable /wind 2 just to see what happens.
I guess the random start light generator is powered by the rotating wind power stations, explaining the lack of randomness on "no wind" servers
Well I have noticed some pattern in startlights ^^
- no ai, no wind: the time between no lights and red and between the last res and the green is always the same
- with ai, no wind: the time between no lights and the first red is a bit longer; the time between the last red and the green a bit shorter but still everytime the same ^^
- with wind: random

But I would suggest to make the time when the first red switches on a fixed time and to just vary the time between red and green. As atm it's always the same time between "showing the lights" and "green".
The delay before the red light comes on increases as the number of cars on the grid increases. If I'm not mistaken this system is intended to minimize the risk of accidents when a race is starting. Especially when starting from the lobby.

As a matter of fact this is partly why lag laps were invented. The delay between leaving the lobby and green lights was minimal back in the day.

Imho, lag laps are no longer needed.
Quote from ksa_land :Hi Scawen,

I was yesturday and the day before at the bugtest server which was Blackwood running. I noticed there that the green light came EVERYTIME (10-15 races) in the same rhythm.

I did a bit testing. Went on a empty server. Had NO WIND. Blackwood.
Everytime there was the same as at Bugtest server. Same rhythm. No variation in greenlight delay. After 3 seconds first red light and after six seconds green light.

Then I turned on wind (low). Now I had a variation in the greenlight delay.
Time to first redlight varied. Sometimes 1 or 2 lights where already on after shift+R.

Great bug reproduction!

That's good news - I've fixed it in my version now.

For so long there were these reports of unchanging start lights interval and conflicting reports that it worked fine, and me never able to find a problem. Now it's fixed!
lemme guess ... you use the same code to create a uniform radom variable for the wind direction as you do for the staring lights and the code section was disabled whenever the wind was off ?
Something like that yes.

As it's random, it needs to be initialised by a random number that is created on the server. As this is very like the wind randomisation, I simply shared that piece of code. Only I did not realise that if there was no wind that code was never run and there was no wind packet sent in the multiplayer case.
This thread is closed

TEST Patch W41
(299 posts, closed, started )