The online racing simulator
FE2 Cutting
(92 posts, started )
I would suggest change it back since the new layout realy just makes more crashes then beffor :/ and kinda ruiens the felling of a race its more or winning a lottery if you get out of that turn alive or not

(btw im back on fox again^^)
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Quote from SamH :...Once a layout is in place on a track, the layout IS the track...

i go with you, but could you please reset the records from this track???

they are made with no layout at all....

if this has already been made, sorry for this post, just ignore it
That's not the right layout either... hmmm I think we've lost it.
why dont ye just leave the layout as the default one, it is much smoother then
#55 - SamH
Records for FE2 are reset (let the points-fest commence).. I'm in search of the correct layout.

[eeeedit] Correct layout found.. uploaded.. ready to use
no niall ppl will jus go straight through if u use defalt
Quote from dj-fluxsa :no niall ppl will jus go straight through if u use defalt

well tbh its better than a big crash at t1
#58 - Jakg
...because you get massive accidents at T1 with the tyres. As i've just found out. In a league race.
Yup, the correct layout is now on and at this moment is active on server 2a Silver & Gold. It's a much better layout, which has a narrower entry to turn 1 to bring speeds down and prevent the daft accidents. After 1 crash you should have it down pat - it's a lot less likely to result in incidents.
#60 - SamH
Yep, we just did an STCC league race with NO layout.. believe me, you want the layout!!!!
Yeah, the layouts (from what I can remember) certainly reduce the danger of that chicane. People might have problems the first time they see it, but in the long run they should make racing there much better.

The problem of the chicane is not so much the cutting itself, as in the time you gain by it, but rather the result of cutting gone wrong. The combination of steep kerbs with tyres can easily result in a barrel roll if you were off by just 5cm. The layout drastically reduces the speed, removes the danger posed by the steep kerbs and discourages stupid overtaking moves. The price to pay is obviously more moveable objects in case something still goes wrong, but at least those tyres have less mass than three cars flying all over the place...
#62 - Jakg
hitting the kerbs along will NOT roll you, but they may put you in the air long enough to land and not have enough to recover and hit the wall - hitting the tyres is what will flip you
I can never make a sensefull post, can i? Anyway, on FE2, atleast with the ;ayout that is there, maybe there should be a bit less tyres and objects?
Quote from Jakg :hitting the kerbs along will NOT roll you, but they may put you in the air long enough to land and not have enough to recover and hit the wall - hitting the tyres is what will flip you

That's why I said 5cm off. 5cm as in 5cm too far left to not hit the tyres
The kerbs just greatly encourage the flipping. Actually just getting the kerb bouncing wrong and crashing into the wall is usually not that catastrophic - sure it might totally wreck the car of the poor sap who did it, but he at least has a chance to keep the car under control and not ruin the races of half the field. If you're rolling over the track, you can't do anything but hope that everybody will be able to avoid you.
#65 - SamH
Quote from niall09 :I can never make a sensefull post, can i? Anyway, on FE2, atleast with the ;ayout that is there, maybe there should be a bit less tyres and objects?

The one that's there now (recently uploaded) is the result of extensive testing.

@Jak, I don't think the tyres are necessarily entirely responsible. I think you can barrel-roll without hitting the tyres, or perhaps just glancing them. I think the problem with the default chicane is a combination of speed, shifted mass and high kerb. Those at LEAST can put you on your side. I think glancing the tyre might put you back on your wheels after a full roll.
#66 - Jakg
you can put it on it's side with a bad line and a LOT of G's, but you certainly wont be the first LFS car in the space race with it
Quote from SamH :The one that's there now (recently uploaded) is the result of extensive testing.

ok, great work mate And thanks for reading my meaningless post
#68 - SamH
Quote from niall09 :ok, great work mate And thanks for reading my meaningless post

Used to it.. I talk to Jak a lot
Well I do believe I've just experienced the new, improved FE2 chicane, and yes, it's better than putting a stack of objects on the exit of the corner.

Quote from Becky :I do believe the tyres where there first, and did not move. They did not CAUSE the accident, you can drop that line for a start! Thats the race circuit its your job as a driver to complete it - not to change the track to suite you.

Quote from Swiss_tony :I was under the impression however that the purpose of additional obstacles was to prohibit corner cutting, not to redesign existing layouts

However I have to disagree completely with Becky here and agree entirely with Swiss Tony. According to Becky's reasoning on track objects, the CTRA could use the red and white barriers to place a chicane in the middle of a straight and expect us to negotiate it, but if I wanted to do autocross, then I'd join an autocross server. Maybe I'm being a bit naive on this, but when I join a public server running (in this case) FE2, I basically expect it to be the FE2 I know. By all means use objects to prohibit corner cutting, but I'm just not keen on the idea of using them to radically transform a corner or chicane.

Still not sure why objects can't be put off the track, in places where you'd only hit them if you were cutting beyond the kerbs anyway.
#70 - SamH
Well, two things here.. firstly, Becky is entirely right. The track is the track. It's up to you to negotiate it. The tyres/barriers were there first and didn't move. As a racing driver, you have to meet the challenge, just as everyone else on track with you must.

Secondly, the purpose of this particular chicane layout (FE2) is to resolve a problem with the structure of the default track. You cannot negotiate that chicane reliably. It is a hazard. The layout we've added to that chicane makes the chicane more predictable. You have to slow down, but so does everyone else, and you have to be more careful, but so does everyone else. All in all, it's better with the layout. The layout stays
I'm with Tony and strobe on this one
If you don't like the track and insist on changing it, why not use a different track if you think its wrong....

As previously said, what your saying is the barriers are not to do with cutting anymore, but changing the track, which I can't agree with.....

But, as is the way of these things, if I don't like it, i don't have to use it, which is what I have done since these were introduced
#72 - SamH
Hmm.. wondering if I just need to type in big bold capital letters. There is a problem with the default track, which this layout resolves.

I don't know if it's a physics coding problem (which I suspect is the case) or if it's simply a combination of different factors - mass, speed and curb - but the default track is a hazard. It's unpredictable and it's dangerous. It would be altered if it were real life because it would be a liability.
#73 - SamH
Quote from jasonmatthews :But, as is the way of these things, if I don't like it, i don't have to use it, which is what I have done since these were introduced

For the sake of clarity, layouts have been a part of the CTRA servers since the first day they were launched as the STCC public server tiered system in December last year. They were there because they were used in the STCC league. If any particular layouts were ever excluded at any given instance in time since then, it was an error that has since been resolved.
I am still against the editing of a track that changes the traditional flow just for the sake of it, but I will concede that this particular chicane has big problems and I'd make an exception. It does seem to have some sort of physics error and can throw you up in the air at random even though it seems the same line is taken each time. I know it has ruined many good races simply because it's impossible to predict. Sounds like I'm doing a u turn here (which I probably am) but I didn't realise that this particular chicane was being discussed (should read the thread again)

Anyhow, I'm still adamant that cones, hay, tyres and prams etc. should be kept off the black and grey stuff in general. I think I saw a lone cone sitting on a rumple strip one night at Blackwood, I couldn't believe it
#75 - SamH
hehe! If I'm giving the impression that we're adding bits to tracks just for grins then that's my error. It really isn't the case. All of the additions we've made to tracks have been specifically for the purposes of either reducing the risk of unpredictable accidents or to prevent cutting. None of what we've added has been for any other reason.

Some of the anti-cutting configs do need attention, to reduce the number of objects required to achieve the "cut block". During the downtime between Patch X and our relaunch, this is one of the things we have on our list to address.

FE2 Cutting
(92 posts, started )