is it because you race on servers with FO8's and for a fast setup most people have a high nose? hmm...
although i do also believe that some high nose FO8's appear to be starting to look at world domination... that bunny is staring at me trying to make me use him.. WHAT DO I DO!!!!!
Probably someone who believes he is sooo much faster than you and
decided he couldn't take it anymore seeing you struggle to keep up ?
Were you faster than them or not ?
Funny thing is, i made my high-nose setup at about the time the 'secret'
came out about the bug exploit, yet i couldn't keep up until last week
i asked for setups and shaved 1 full second off my lap time, so there
seems to be yet more room for faster setups.
It's a case of join or be obliterated. As in drag races, if you chose not
to use the exploits, you will surely lose time and time again.
Dude, It's because those F08 users are so damned arrogant... looking down their noses at you and self righteously determining that the rest of us are pathetic inferiors....
I mean sure you can "sell out" and turn your nose in the air like those self serving elitists, but when the truly righteous come to call in their
LX's, what would you say then? Would you repent of your sins to the server?
They lift their noses to look for a sign, but there are no signs, for they are a wicked generation.
You don't believe me, read the Bible. It's one of the prophesies of Daniel...
uhhh seriously, I imagine they were just trying to be helpful
Actually, i just want to race, if using their 'sold out' setup means
we all have equal cars and much closer races, then how is that not
in the spirit of "Online Racing Simulation". I had a LOT of fun drafting
over 10-15 laps in ANY setup. As long as we are all on a level ground.
Of course, i'd like these exploits to be corrected Until then, i'd be
hard pressed to punish myself by using an inadequate setup. Might
as well just go into another server then.
Actually... the whole point in the post was supposed to be goofy.
In this case the racer dropped the setup second he/she hit the server. I had a lap on the board, but was using a high wing setup at We_Int. I have two setups, one is neutral at most tracks, the other oversteers. Both have a lot of wing. When I hit a track, I try both and see which one suits the track then start working off wing, gearing, balance...
Said driver left before putting in a time. No idea who was quicker. But if I was miserably off the pace, a setup is not going to be the primary issue. In most cases.
Lemme ask you something about that. A... would the way the other ppl are racing also be a determining factor in wing angle and downforce or whatever?
I mean have you ever taken into consideration of the main attitude of the other people using the same track?
Like say you have a setup that's really fast. would you adjust the stuff accordingly to anticpate sudden braking with a big field of people?
I'm still just learning about making set ups and your post made me wonder
if taking a set up that's dialed into to racing a particular track and races well with 5 or 6 cars and adjusting the wings for all the unexpected obstacles that a field of 15 or 16 cars usually has be efficient enough to bother messing with.
Me personally, I look or ask for top speed at the track. Gives me an idea of what an 'optimum' aero/gearing setting is, and allows me to move with the flow of traffic. Speed differential in corners and straights can be a headache for everyone.
I think LFS is very cool in that, even though I've heard the aero needs work, there really is an optimum. As I've heard it is IRL. It's going to be a balance of straight speed vs. corner grip individual to each track. More and more, when I set an aero car for a track offline, I show up online and am closer and closer to the pace.
You can really feel when there is not enough wing, and when it's too much. Even by a single click. I don't know if I'm doing it right, but as would seem to be obvious, if I'm driving through every corner flat with road to spare, then it's too much. Too little is slightly harder to feel. But the car get's nervous under braking at 'common' markers, and again at 'common' exit speeds. (In corners that are fast enough to be influenced by aero.)
Now that I am going approximately the same speed as the pack, I make my racing decisions by what's in front of me. I do have a habit of braking early in packs and have pissed a few people off by doing so. On the other hand, it is rare that I hit or even have to dodge someone who is braking earlier than me. So temperment, regardless of set, I guess.
In league races I watch what my opponents are doing in practice. I look for weaknesses in the drivers I intend to be racing directly, then set my aero to take advantage of that. I may go with more straight line speed in one race, more cornering in another. The adjusment may mean a compromise in balance or lap time, but allow me to get a position advantage. The strategy has to be set for the goals of the day.
Yeah, i've only realised this recently myself, i also have 2 setups, one with
high downforce, and one with no downforce, but i make a version of both for
each track. What i was doing wrong was using top speed as an indicator of
improved performance instead of laptime. More and more, i find that a little
downforce is generally faster (laptime) than with none at all, EVEN on the oval.
A 2 or 3 mph increase in top speed is absorbed by the lost speed through the
turns. Depending, the 1-2 seconds you can maintain that top speed can be
overcome by the combined time spend at constant speeds in a turn, which is
ultimately lowered (the speed) which also means you spend MORE time going slower than you spend going faster.
This is the balance you talk about and yes, it is a big factor in LFS's
shelf life. You just can't 'finish the game in a week'. LFS takes years to
On the 0.5s quicker lap his first splint was 12.37 - the current WR's first sector (after hammer it deleted his) is 13.30. thats almost a second in the first sector which is... HOW?!??!?!
I know of an exploit from nr2002 that could be in use here.
There were loads that could be used on the superspeedways.
the ride height trick (highnose)
max tire psi
perfect gear
max left side trackbar
full positive wedge
I know the last two cannot be used in lfs (yet) but they prevented the car from slowing down as much when turning.
The idea of max tire psi was to reduce rolling resistance and give a higher stright line speed. Also warming your tires would help this as tire psi increases with heat. This could be the new exploit in lfs. I think the dev's said the rr was fixed though.
I also thought about over cambering the tires, to reduce the contact patch and lower rolling resistance.
The perfect gear is just what you think it is, giving max power for as long as possible.
what else can you do in lfs? raise the ride height and go for a very soft springs?
I think it has to do with top speed - look at the first sector time. The only way you could do that is by absolutely flying along the straights (T1 isn't really that much of a challenge). He seems to loose some time in the second sector which has the only difficult-to-maintain-speed-through corner on the track.
Those two aren't exploits IMO, rather setup optimisation. Higher pressure should reduce rolling resistance (although I'd imagine the effect would be small). Getting the gearing "perfect" is obvious, you want to be right at peak power at the fastest point on the track (for an oval anyway).