You must activate a "Ray miror" button to get reflections, and smartly set the specular shader in the material panel.
I projected to create and release a full set of ready scenes, but it would take me too much time; I don't have enough time for myself..
I know that 3D learning is long and frustrating, but for me it sounds like "learning playing an instrument" or "learning to draw", so it requires time, training and experience until you really can realize everything you imagine.
Blender is extremely versatile, you can't know to use all its features, but to use the ones you need, you should read the manuals, perform the concerned tutorials, and experiment by yourself.
But if you think that the difficulty is too hard, it's would be better to directly ask to render your skin in the adequate topic of this forum, the results are excellent in general.
I've just noticed you are 14, I understand many things about you know (lol the same age as my car

). Note that work can't be given to you each time you ask, even if you feel you don't have time to do the same or want it immediately. One of my favourite word is determination. When I want something, firstly I check if I can do it, and then, I do everything possible to accomplish it. And it works, the only problem know is that I'm always working hard on something, I've not time to play, but it's better to have an active and productive life for the world that an passive and useless life...