The online racing simulator
im getting better
(24 posts, closed, started )
im getting better
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AU2_1R.mpr - 52.8 KB - 163 views
Well why aren't you using Lfs W patch? Can't watch the replay sorry...
thanks for f***ing sarcasm guys really
funnybone I scored a really great goal in Pro Evolution Soccer today, do you want me to PM the replay to you?
Fraps it.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :funnybone I scored a really great goal in Pro Evolution Soccer today, do you want me to PM the replay to you?

I'll take it. What patch are you using?
another great thread i just stubbed my toe practicing sprawls
Can I be as cool as you plz!??!
Quote from Hankstar :I'll take it. What patch are you using?

Your joking right? Konami don't even know what patch means. All the problems with the game will be fixed in PES7, and all the PES7 bugs will be fixed in PES8...continue until they go bust or get bored.

If anyone wants to look at my lovely pes6 videos just click the livevideo link in my signature. No sarcastic comments please, I'm fishing for compliments.
I was joking actually ... but you RUINED IT *sob*
Damn You Atc Guys! Ruining All Zee Jokez!
Hey, we invented the joke back in 385bc (before comedy) it took them 385 years to catch onto the idea though. I believe the first joke envolved poultry crossing a road of some sort, and flipping onto its back just before it got all the way across...which is an ancient ritual of all ATC members.
Aw come on just help the poor guy out . .. .

He just wanted input :P
yea!!! gosh ima bout to go on a ****ing cuss fest
What do you want us to say?

"Yes your getting better, congratulations."

All your doing with this thread is fishing for compliments, if you asked for help you would most likely get some constructive comments. But alas you have not asked for anything, so don't expect much.
i want help to see what to improve on
Well if you had put that in your first post you wouldn't have got the sarcastic replies

Unfortunately its past my bedtime, and I'm a crap teacher, so I will leave it up to someone in a better position to help you.
A video of you drifting in a circle on the skidpad... right.

I guess it's not bad considering your using keyboard steer.

What yo improve on - Get a wheel
Quote from thisnameistaken :Might not be relevant, but: If you're taking a lot of recreational drugs, stop. That goes for drinking, too.

"...relevant, but[colon incorrect] if you're..."

Quote from thisnameistaken :Yeah, ignore the rubbish, make up your own mind, about the great sim...

I suppose that means: It's double plus good.

"...mind[comma incorrect] about the great sim..."
"...means[colon incorrect] it's..."

Quote from thisnameistaken :It seems so sloppy, I worry about what it looks like on the inside.

"...sloppy; I worry..." (extra points here for the humour this quote takes on when read out of context)

Quote from thisnameistaken :Most of my mates in York work in the theatres here so there's usually a bunch of actors hanging around in the pub, but we never get Keira Knightley.

" there are (or there're)..."
I think this is losing the point here guys. You have had some fun. Now its all off topic and wierd.
This thread is closed

im getting better
(24 posts, closed, started )