The online racing simulator
Have not read the entire thread, but have someone informed the bloke who wro that article that the teams in some series has started to run on E85 (ethanol) fuel? Two teams in STCC (Volvo and BMW) have successfully run on E85 fuel this season.
Quote from Shotglass :solar panels require more energy in production than they produce in their mean lifetime

Actually not entirely true. There was some program on TV about use of solar panels, and on our latitudes up here in north it takes about 12-15 years to make it carbon neutral because the low amount of sun. Well, you could say that is a long time, but it was said the lifetime for the panel was at least 25-30 years or even more because nobody has been able to test how long they last for real. So it's not really that bad, especially if you are living in a sunny place like Australia.
Quote from MAGGOT :Uh, BBman, plants help cut CO2. They use the carbon for their photosynthesis process and 'exhaust' oxygen.

But animals produce a lot of CO2. So do vulcanoes. As the Dutch say : "It's like a drop of water on a glowing plate". What people produce is nothing compared to what nature does.
Plain stupid.

Motor sport is not ruining the Earth LOL. War is ruining the Earth!!!

The only valid point he has is about bio-fuel. It's a CRIME to raise crop fields to make fuel while there are people starving, I just can't stand it. Fuel alternatives must be found, and there are plenty of viable future options that should be developed, but bio-fuel is not an option.
Plants convert CO2 and sunlight (and nutrients in the soil etc) into energy and Oxygen during the day. They can't photosynthesise during the night. At night they convert O2 into CO2.

The net effect is a reduction of CO2, as they need the carbon to grow (being carbon based).

However, when they die and rot, all that carbon is reacted with oxygen by enzymes and bacteria.

It's called 'The Carbon Cycle'. Humans are just part of it. I don't believe that the human race is more than 1% responsible (if that) for 'Global Warming'. Besides, people like warmer weather
Personally i think one of the most ridiculous ideas is the Honda Earth Dream, for Christs sakes how does Honda make ppl swallow that load of shite, be more worried about the caning the atmosphere gets building bloody cars than running them.
Dirty old coal fired electricity plants used to power everything is way way worse than the effects of the entire racing on the planet ( assumption no real testing)

Always laugh at hybrid or electric cars where and how is the power generated to charge them up , yes folks thats right dirty old mega polluting coal or at the very best enviro killing hydro electric plants...

Guys like that author should pull his head out of his arse and take a better look at things...

/end rant
Quote from tristancliffe :
It's called 'The Carbon Cycle'. Humans are just part of it. I don't believe that the human race is more than 1% responsible (if that) for 'Global Warming'. Besides, people like warmer weather

you're right, mankind only takes up to 2% (and cars like 0,0001%) . And the newest scientific researches state that everything will be less dramatic than everyone thought like 5 years before. So it's impossible that the gulf stream stops (like shown in "Day after tomorow"), unless you stop the earth rotating .
#83 - CSU1
Quote from ACCAkut :you're right, mankind only takes up to 2% (and cars like 0,0001%) . And the newest scientific researches state that everything will be less dramatic than everyone thought like 5 years before. So it's impossible that the gulf stream stops (like shown in "Day after tomorow"), unless you stop the earth rotating .

Probably ot, but did that movie(enjoyed it a lot ) not show that it is in every way possible for the Gulf Stream to stop if a large volume of ice-cap water dilutes the salt the sea in the Atlantic Ocean?
#84 - JJ72
Quote from tristancliffe :Plants convert CO2 and sunlight (and nutrients in the soil etc) into energy and Oxygen during the day. They can't photosynthesise during the night. At night they convert O2 into CO2.

The net effect is a reduction of CO2, as they need the carbon to grow (being carbon based).

However, when they die and rot, all that carbon is reacted with oxygen by enzymes and bacteria.

It's called 'The Carbon Cycle'. Humans are just part of it. I don't believe that the human race is more than 1% responsible (if that) for 'Global Warming'. Besides, people like warmer weather

Thank you, for you are the first one to get it right... Self-pwnage? Think again...

With such a misinformed general public, is it a surprise a threatening headliner as global warming has so much success?
#86 - JJ72
I don't think it matters whether we are the cause of global warming of not actually...when there's human, natural phenomena becomes disasters. Like when there's no human settlement, a earthquake is just another day in plate tectonics. But when there's human it become a big deal, even though we are not responsible for that, we still have to do something about it to protect our own livelihood. So even if global warming isn't caused by us, we should still do something to maintain a sustainable environment for ourselves ain't it?
Quote from bbman :Thank you, for you are the first one to get it right... Self-pwnage? Think again...

With such a misinformed general public, is it a surprise a threatening headliner as global warming has so much success?

youre still wrong because bottom line is plants consume more co2 than they exhaust just like nature does as a whole to regulate temperatures on earth
Quote :Max Mosley, the president of the FIA (and son of British Fascist leader Sir Oswald, but that has nothing to do with this subject . . . probably)

This comment was so unnecessary. In my opinion you can rate and forget this whole article only because of this comment altough I have to agree in some points. But this comment...just stupid!
Quote from CSU1 :Probably ot, but did that movie(enjoyed it a lot ) not show that it is in every way possible for the Gulf Stream to stop if a large volume of ice-cap water dilutes the salt the sea in the Atlantic Ocean?

not really, because its the earth rotation and the atlantic winds that keep the gulf stream alive, even if the water is more diluted by the melting caps.
You have to stop the earths rotation or the winds, or both, to stop the gulf stream.
Only if you add up the numbers for all plants... There are some who aren't binding more CO2 than they put out... But that's not really the point... Fact is, plants are not the ne plus ultra "fighting" CO2...

Are you willing to kill yourself? That would relieve mother nature from one more CO2-polluting creature...

People act like in the killer game-discussion... One makes a theory, which might even come close to what really happens, but then others oversimplify it to fit their own agenda and feed it in small bits to the general public, using more and more horrifying prospects... The general public then acts like a paniced flock and demands immediate action, gladly paying everything to save whatever is under threat...
Well whichever way you butter your bread, photosynthesis is the primary source of oxygen within our atmosphere. To suggest that there would be more oxygen, or less CO2 without the plant life of the world (as you did in your earlier post) is absurd.

I don't know about the global warming thing, but I do care about what we're doing to the planet. The massive scale deforestation is appalling to me, as are the theories on the forthcoming (sooner or later) oil shortage, and our total lack of preparation for that. Motorsport is insignificant.
#92 - J.B.
Some data.

worldwide co2 emission per year:
vegetation, animals, microbes(rotting): 440 Gt (gigatons)
oceans (plankton): 330 Gt
humans: 24.4 Gt

So are all the guys that say that human created CO2 is insignificant right? Of course not. The emission numbers are totally irrelevant without any information about how much of the emitted CO2 is reabsorbed by nature. If for instance plants are absorbing 440 + 330 Gt of CO2 per year then all of the 24.4 Gt that humans create are contibuting to an increase of CO2 levels. And that's what we're interested in, CO2 levels in the atmosphere, not just emission, simple as that.

This was actually the first question that was adressed in the guide I linked to earlier. But I guess people rather watch half-assed TV "infotainment" programs than doing some reading.
#93 - Gunn
Quote : Motorsport is the most wasteful, harmful, pointless leisure pursuit on the planet.

This guy's never heard of Cricket.
This guy has obviously taken no time at all to properly research and understand the history of motorsport, or what it is really all about. If he had done he would realise its not a bloody leisure activity. Its about pushing the boundries of technology and human ability, something he is clearly alien to since any half brained monkey could have written that article. If it were not for motorsport, we would all be driving around in fuel tanks that do 1 mile per gallon and explode when we run over a leaf.

He should support F1s apparent move to green technology, even if it is just greenwashing. Why? Well how long have Greenpeace been around and done **** all to highlight their cause? A bunch of hippies with no jobs chaining themselfs to trees will not win public attention, and does not appeal to young people. F1 and motorsport is cool...end of, no discussion needed on that. So if there is anything that will inspire younger generations to see saving the enviroment as cool, its motorsport.

Of course you have to question why they keep saying 'save the planet'. The planet will be fine, it will just trigger a new ice age and solve the problem. We however will be ever so slightly ****ed, so saving the enviroment is infact about saving our own skins by further manipulation our planet.
Quote from Gunn :This guy's never heard of Cricket.

Or golf.... They may be called 'greens', but the amount of pesticide used to keep golf courses verdant has serious side effects on the local habitat, poisoning water courses and diminishing the variety of both plant and animal species. Not to mention the excessive amounts of water that such complexes consume.
Quote from nihil :Or golf.... They may be called 'greens', but the amount of pesticide used to keep golf courses verdant has serious side effects on the local habitat, poisoning water courses and diminishing the variety of both plant and animal species. Not to mention the excessive amounts of water that such complexes consume.

Your forgetting the wasted resources used to make those stupid trousers too
Actually... waiting for technology to solve the problem means it won't be solved. It'll arrive one day, but probably too late. The most gains are going to be achieve by ordinary people like you, being more efficient in your power use. That means, changing globes over to low energy ones (in my house, if I put on every light in the house, with ordinary 75W globes, I use 1200watts, but I changed over to low energy 8W globes and now total usage is only 128 watts and the globes give off the same light as a normal globe. Turn of lights when u leave the room, and turn off stuff on standby... so you have to walk up to it to turn it on... it'll still remember ur stuff... little things like that.. help alot...if we all did it.

If you don't believe in greenhouse, and alot of silly ppl with their heads in the sand who like to believe consipiracies... then I guess you'll find out too late when the shit hits the fan.

Venus - there's another thing... (n why i have this name), the planet Venus is a run away greenhouse effect... closest thing to hell in the solar system... almost seems like it was put there as a warning sometimes.
Is Jupiter a reminder that you can fart too much?
#99 - SamH
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Is Jupiter a reminder that you can fart too much?

You can't fart too much! I can't fart ENOUGH! I LOVE farting!!

For people who think scientists can't be wrong, I can confidently point at the other recent fad in scientific endeavour that turned a handsome profit for the venerable scientific community.. DIETS. The last 20-25 years has proven to me, absolutely beyond doubt, that scientists will tell you whatever they want/can make money from, and will crank out the "facts" and "statistics" to prove it. Whatever it is. And then they'll be disproven by an entirely new set of "scientific facts" that will then be subsequently disproven with a new set.

And they're STILL at it. At least the ones who haven't dropped "diet" for the new, more popular and much more profitable "global warming" studies.

Cynical? You bet your ass I am!
I think that global warming is being caused by the sun. My belief for this, is that the sun does not burn at a constant rate. Right now, the sun is just burning a little faster then it was 5000 years ago. Also, the polar ice caps on mars, which interestingly enough are made of CO2, are melting.