OK I've got a LG GSA-H30N drive here, reads DVDs, doesn't read CDs.
Firmware version 1.01, found an update to 1.02 but the readme states "This firmware update is for drives with original firmware versions below 1.01" (my emphasis). The drive is only a couple of weeks old.
It certainly did read at least one CD, the weekend I installed the drive (I copied across some backed-up files using it) but now it doesn't. It won't even read that particular CD that I know it has read in the past.
Should I just assume this thing is hosed and return it? I'd prefer to get it behaving if I can, rather than go through all the hassle of an RMA.
Firmware version 1.01, found an update to 1.02 but the readme states "This firmware update is for drives with original firmware versions below 1.01" (my emphasis). The drive is only a couple of weeks old.
It certainly did read at least one CD, the weekend I installed the drive (I copied across some backed-up files using it) but now it doesn't. It won't even read that particular CD that I know it has read in the past.
Should I just assume this thing is hosed and return it? I'd prefer to get it behaving if I can, rather than go through all the hassle of an RMA.