Here's a shiny new video from the Bug Test Server on one of those days where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong over four races of clean racing and easily avoidable crashes: 
The video was edited in Sony Vegas 7. All feedback, opinions and comments are very welcome!
The YouTube quality is awful as usual, it pretty much destroyed the glow and colour balancing in the first couple of scenes...
Clicky here to watch the 30Mb WMV
Clicky here to watch it on YouTube
Also on my YouTube profile are FWDrifting and FOX Hunts GTR- two videos that have been up for a while but I haven't posted here, so feel free to offer a comment/opinion on those too.

- See what happens when you shift into reverse at 120mph
- Wonder how two RB4s manage to spin out at the same corner at the same time and end up in the same wall
- Learn not to slipstream too closely as the guy in front may slam on his brakes at any time...
The video was edited in Sony Vegas 7. All feedback, opinions and comments are very welcome!

Clicky here to watch the 30Mb WMV
Clicky here to watch it on YouTube
Also on my YouTube profile are FWDrifting and FOX Hunts GTR- two videos that have been up for a while but I haven't posted here, so feel free to offer a comment/opinion on those too.