just another suggestion for the rules:
from time to time we do "team-cups", means team a vs. team b and
we made great experiences with the following:
warm-up-session of 30min, for everyone who´s interested. you do not
have to join there, if you don´t want to. its more like a "coming togehter",
sharing sets etc.
qualy-session: we love the "one lap qualy", which means all drivers have
to do ONE lap and all others will be watching it. this is REALLY cool, as you
see who´s a real "iceman" and who´s just a chicken.
its works best with: 1st driver outlap, when he crossed the line for his
fast lap the 2nd one has to leave the pits and so on.
we choose the driver order by name.
believe me, thats a great feeling, but need some organisation, for sure.
ok, then the sprint race (qualy order) of about 1/3 of the main race.
for the main race we decided to reverse the whole field! sprint winner
will start from last place and so on. this makes the race itself much more
fun, but works just with good skilled drivers.
we do a mandantory pitstop and what is very important: choose a pit-window for it! every pit before or after it (because of damage) will NOT
count as a pit.
and the last escapade: flying start... the leader (last one from sprint)
has the right to choose the speed for the first lap and can pull the gas
whenever he wants. but its not allowed to overtake before you cross
the start-finish line.
yeah, thats how we like it