oooooooooooooooooooooooh thank you. hehe. i think il end up killing mine soon. argh its not fair i want x now. lol. btw when it does get relesed where to we download it from? the forum or the lfs website?
You had problems with them also? This [FM]Crazy Harry dude was ramming almost everyone, inclusing me 3 times. At that point, I took matters into my own hands (bad, I know) and made sure he ended up in the gravel .. which was met with a big cheer fomr lots of people
He knows only how to turn left. He used to drive a lot on BL in the FOX (long time ago). He just was nothing more than a wrecker. No matter what he says now about people bashing oval players and about how unjustified it all is.
I think nearly only you. Please remember that FWD and RWD cars using different lines in corners and if your are not alone on a track you have to deal with this and not drive only best line. Maybe a lil oval practice would help to drive side by side in corners.
But sorry anyway. Even imho crashing on purpose after a race accident isn´t really necessary.
lol that's just bullshit, I would like to suggest you look at yourself first. I know some of these FM guys and some of them can actually race very good, so don't judge like that.
I was in the server with you guys, im interested as to where these cheers came from, all i heard were two people whining about him being an oval racer, then you crashing him out. Oh and i didnt see him ra anyone, for the record.
As for fireball and weegie, i only spotted 4 FMs on the server, and im pretty sure they didnt even start the pretty sure that any racing team would vote to ban you with the tirade of abuse coming from your keyboard.