The online racing simulator
TEST Patch W48 (final test)
(71 posts, started )
If that so...why do i already see some patch X server while connecting to w48?
Where is it?
Please explain me this
Quote from indie :If that so...why do i already see some patch X server while connecting to w48?
Where is it?
Please explain me this

Its online coz dedi of x is already shared... but ONLY DEDI. Client isnt released yet, and I think this dedi of X be changed soon too, after fix this last crash few posts ago

Remember, isnt rlsed yet.
There won´t be to much surprise coming with this patch I highly guess so keep cool
Quote from CLRS530 :There won´t be to much surprise coming with this patch I highly guess so keep cool

Thats to be expected yeah

A question tho regarding the dedi, if its shared, where is it?

This Sim rocks
Quote from Misko :Since I got the crash too....

Well, I was also on demo server first, and I remember one XFG with red default skin (only 4 XFGs in race). Then I went to S2 Bug test server 2 (TBO) and it crashed after loading skins. Actually LFS was out of focus when it crashed, skin loading took a while so I was reading something else.

I tried that joining demo then S2 few more times, and everything was alright every time, with or without focus.

Only other odd thing I could remember was that that was during the first run of W48, and that it started full screen, but then I turned off auto switching to windowed on connecting, and everything was in the window till crash. Shouldn't be relevant but who knows.

I'm also using compressed skins.

Thanks for that - And Flo had a great idea at one point and we've managed to reproduce it. I've fixed it now so started uploading things. That will take a while...
WOW Scawen.
You did miracle.the SHIFT+U now work almost as before the 32/47 update.Very smooth now.
Before it was easy to get like 5FPS even just watching at the road from top and no car visible.Now it didnt drop below 30FPS.

I guess there could be done more but its more then enough for now.
Really excelent work .I am just curious what has changed that it work fine again.Maybe a small visit to your programming kitchen.

Go that way with DX9 3D engine and LFS will be even better.Looking for more servers with patch X and I hope for great racing tonight.

Just a small question .The graphic test bad you mentioned earlier was DX9?
Shoot me for my question if you want but at least its not request for LFS changes
#58 - hda
hmm....BUG test server 2 just freezed for like 5 sec.
There was restart voted and counter started but freeze for 5 sec at "restart 1" .then the race was restarted but at least it didnt crashed and nobody got disconnected.Really weird bug and never saw it before.
A player connected in this moment if I don't remember badly.

after the race (bugtestserver2) i go to pit, and when i left the pit the car was set up to another player that was staning in the pit.

perhaps to less pits here? when yes forget it at the moment.
Attached files
pit blgp.mpr - 1.6 MB - 343 views
#62 - hda
auto-downloading X patch
1. got a car onto my roof in the pits on bugserver2 after joining the race.
2. its very hard to get into the pits when a lot of player joins. pressing ESC on time too often lets me leave the pits instantly after I finally got into the pits and I have to try again SHIFT+P
..and so Scawen finished next etape leading to his fame.
missed update from 48 to X
Im searching for the update W48 to X but didnt find, the autoupdate will load 26 MB - 2.2 MB are needed, this is wasting of traffic and bandwith i guess.
Yes, but doesn't the official release of X include extra stuff things like high-res default skins? Files that were never released with the test patches.
Hi, lfs crashed 2x with:

Problemereignisname: APPCRASH
Anwendungsname: LFS.exe
Anwendungszeitstempel: 4669ac4e
Fehlermodulname: d3d8.dll
Fehlermodulversion: 6.0.6000.16386
Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 4549bcbf
Ausnahmecode: c0000005
Ausnahmeoffset: 0004c902
Betriebsystemversion: 6.0.6000.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusatzinformation 1: fb23
Zusatzinformation 2: 7adaeebaa15f503f14b7db365138009a
Zusatzinformation 3: 48b6
Zusatzinformation 4: 2a8112e8163f6a88d1183f0ea67d4403

On Vista home prem 32bit, nv 7300go, driver
this should be relatet to a bug in vistas directx

EDIT: On X I'm getting an extrem framerate drop, when at the end of race the positions are sortet (e.g. when the first 3 cross the finish line in order, then places 5-15 come in and then when the 4th finishes it stutters)
Why is there no "best lap" and "last lap" displayed anymore? I used to check my competitors and asses their skill from their best lap during the race when I joined a server.
Quote from kurent :Why is there no "best lap" and "last lap" displayed anymore? I used to check my competitors and asses their skill from their best lap during the race when I joined a server.

good question, i was looking for that either
SHIFT+CTRL is the solution

TEST Patch W48 (final test)
(71 posts, started )