The online racing simulator
#1 - br0nd
Can't connect to Master Server on X [solved]
I just downloaded patch X and when I restarted LFS, and tryed to join online, it says "Connecting to Master Server"

Anyone know why? I know its probobly not the firewall because its off..
#2 - ste_
How did you turn your firewall off? A lot of firewalls work in two pieces, the service and the front-end UI. And if you close the front-end UI, the service still runs and keeps blocking stuff.
#3 - br0nd
but it worked before that patch, so why doesnt it work now?
#4 - troy
because lfs.exe changed with the patch that is enough for most firewalls to put it on the blocked list again
just take lfs out of the allowed connections and in again that should do the trick

edit: ha, i win
#5 - ste_
Because the patch changes the live for speed executable, and so the firewall notes the execuatable has changed (perhaps by a virus attaching itself to the .exe - but in this case by a new patch) and so denies LFS access to the internet until you tell it to.
#6 - br0nd
ok i got it working,

thanks guys