The online racing simulator
CTD when pressing shift+tab [fixed-P9]
So, i had that one sometimes, but now i had the chance to grab the deb.log file.
I sat in the pits and changed through the drivers and watched them a little bit with the tab key.Suddenly it wouldnt respond and change views,then i tryed to press the shift+tab combination to go back one car wich resulted in a crash to desktop.
The whole thing happend online.
Heres what my deb.log said after that:

Quote :LFS : 0.5P2
timer resolution 1 ms
read config
get command line
preinit d3d
number of adapters : 1
adapter 0 - valid modes : 198
load bans
load font
max texture size 4096
can do shadows
can use 2x tex
can do multi tex
can use dynamic tex
can use compressed tex
create english file
load language
human system
init sound
init controllers
default light map
load objects
start intro
end of initialisation
xxx xxx geht an die Box
xxx xxx nimmt am Rennen teil
xxx xxx verlässt die Box (FOX)
Boxengasse betreten
Can't load anim : data\move\steer_.ban

I xxx-ed the names, they were reported normal.
I had that twice today, and am trying to find out if i can reproduce it again.
Great work, seems to be gone now.