(7 posts, started )
Hello i have a problem, when i open LFS the 55% of the times the game runs good but the other 45% it has some kind of Pauses, like if you were driving and the time stop and in like 0.2s the game runs again and then do the same stop. I dont know if i explain it good lol, if you get it i wish u have an answer.

how high fps do you normally run, and how low do the dips go, if there are any?
Hi the same sort of thing, my game pauses ever second or so and the fps jump from around 56 to 26 its very unstable, im lost with why this is happening,
p4 2.4 1g ram 128 mb nvidia 5200 graphics card, It does not happen all the time last night it was fine but today its playing up.
I have it too since Patch X.

Normally i had it when i switched with Tabulator and returned back. Now i have it from beginning.

I can see from the network connection lines that it is the problem from there, becaue my "connectometer" is going high, stays there for a part of a second and so on. Unplayable.

So at the moment i cannot play with patch X
if you are racing on the servers with like 25-30 people thats pretty normal for your config.Your PC cant cope with so many players on the server.
I have found out that it is in most cases the Rumble(Force Feedback) function.

After i turned it off. i had no lags.

So maybe this info will help someone
I have exactly the same problem, it occurs only in on-line mode.

Looks like it's connection related.
I join a server, see a car, it changes into a (lag xxx) sign, stopped on the track. After 2 secs, boing, it suddenly appears further down the track, moving at race speed. After 5 secs it stops, only to appear further after 2 secs. Rinse and repeat.

(7 posts, started )