Since patch X is imminent I thought I'd post these enhancement requests for Patch Y.
1) Please consider getting rid of the 'Player trying to connect' messages, unless there's actually a reason that people racing need to know this. (I can't think of any, but there might be). Same thing if a player fails to connect; do we really need to be told this? (But of course it is nice to know when a new player has successfully connected and what their name is, so no change to this.)
2) When you finish a race and the final position list is displayed, please consider also putting a 'R' next to their name if the player has voted to restart for the next race.
3) The player list on large servers is very long, and finding someone's name in this list can be quite a job. Please consider highlighting someone's name if they have addressed you by clicking on your name. People might ask you a question ("can i have your set please?", "what is your first split time"), and it'd be nice to easily pick out their name to respond to them.
4) I'd like some simple stats for each set I have. eg: how many miles on each course (and in total) I have done with a named set, what my best time was with it and when I last used it. Often I get into a particular combo and get a good set for it, then don't race that combo again for months. When I come back to it i have all these sets and I can't for the life of me remember what set I used to use. If I had some simple stats I would be able to see what set I'd used the most for a combo, or what set I got a good time with, and so know what set I should use. Also, a way to enter some notes about a set would be grand too.
5) When you are speccing a full race, there is no 'join' button on the menu screen. But if you go into your garage, there's a join button there (even tho clicking it won't do anything). Please consider having both buttons always present, but simply greyed out if the host is full and no space for you to join a race. And of course as soon as there is a space, both buttons would be ungreyed out and clickable.
6) There's no mention of potatoes anywhere in lfs. Please rectify this shameful omission
edit: 7) Please sort the connection list (pressing N twice) into two parts.. people racing and people spectating.
edit edit: 8) A way to have LFS automatically remove skins that haven't been _accessed_ in the last 'X' months. I go through my skins directory semi-regularly, and any skin that hasn't been accessed in the last 3 months or so I delete, which saves me lots of HD space. It would be nice if LFS did this housekeeping automagically for me.
9) <csimpok> a way to let people take your set without having to ask you for it, and you having to send it to them.
10) <Electrik Kar> In spectator mode- would be good if there was another button alongside the players name you could click, and the camera would tab to them.
Keep up the great work fella!
1) Please consider getting rid of the 'Player trying to connect' messages, unless there's actually a reason that people racing need to know this. (I can't think of any, but there might be). Same thing if a player fails to connect; do we really need to be told this? (But of course it is nice to know when a new player has successfully connected and what their name is, so no change to this.)
2) When you finish a race and the final position list is displayed, please consider also putting a 'R' next to their name if the player has voted to restart for the next race.
3) The player list on large servers is very long, and finding someone's name in this list can be quite a job. Please consider highlighting someone's name if they have addressed you by clicking on your name. People might ask you a question ("can i have your set please?", "what is your first split time"), and it'd be nice to easily pick out their name to respond to them.
4) I'd like some simple stats for each set I have. eg: how many miles on each course (and in total) I have done with a named set, what my best time was with it and when I last used it. Often I get into a particular combo and get a good set for it, then don't race that combo again for months. When I come back to it i have all these sets and I can't for the life of me remember what set I used to use. If I had some simple stats I would be able to see what set I'd used the most for a combo, or what set I got a good time with, and so know what set I should use. Also, a way to enter some notes about a set would be grand too.
5) When you are speccing a full race, there is no 'join' button on the menu screen. But if you go into your garage, there's a join button there (even tho clicking it won't do anything). Please consider having both buttons always present, but simply greyed out if the host is full and no space for you to join a race. And of course as soon as there is a space, both buttons would be ungreyed out and clickable.
6) There's no mention of potatoes anywhere in lfs. Please rectify this shameful omission

edit: 7) Please sort the connection list (pressing N twice) into two parts.. people racing and people spectating.
edit edit: 8) A way to have LFS automatically remove skins that haven't been _accessed_ in the last 'X' months. I go through my skins directory semi-regularly, and any skin that hasn't been accessed in the last 3 months or so I delete, which saves me lots of HD space. It would be nice if LFS did this housekeeping automagically for me.
9) <csimpok> a way to let people take your set without having to ask you for it, and you having to send it to them.
10) <Electrik Kar> In spectator mode- would be good if there was another button alongside the players name you could click, and the camera would tab to them.
Keep up the great work fella!